#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

I wager that those who do not visit forums (vast majority?) that are coming back and expecting rppvp realms to be available will very much add to the massive outcry. That’s the thing they are overlooking: that this thread only represents the pool of potential rppvp players who actually frequent the wow forum, which is undoubtedly tiny compared to the whole.

Sadly the customer comes a distant second.

Agreed. Adding 2 measly letters to a single PVP server is all that is being asked, in order to be a beacon for those who want that realm type. We are not asking for the realm list to be “less lean”, but rather to have one server that would already exist have those 2 letters added to it.


What we could do if we get a realm list that doesn’t initially include a rppvp server, we could narrow our focus to one specific realm name (PVP) and petition at that point that they add the 2 letters. Not simply settle for that pvp server as-is, but to strongly word the desire to MAKE it a RPPVP server in the list.


That would essentially be trying to steal a realm. Not something I’m a fan of. Plus if they’re not going to add an RP-PvP server on it’s own there’s no way they’d change an existing PvP server.

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The realm would not have been released yet. Stealing it? Really?

It would only “exist” in name only at that point. Really not getting this line of pushback. There would still be the same number of realms in the list. This would (in theory) be well before the name reservations. Perhaps it is a good sign that the EU got their realm numbers and we haven’t yet.


Uh, we sort of did as a collective? Hind sight is a …

But I agree. . this is not about all the other convos going on.

I support RPPVP servers!


Very true, most people never even look at forums. Also there is a sizable amount of people who didn’t even know that RP-PVP servers where a thing in Vanilla. More so on Reddit then anywhere else and Reddit is much more popular then these forums.

Sadly indeed. But being honest this isn’t anything new for corporation’s take the coal mining industry etc, it’s horrible and if i’m being honest from my point of view more stubborn and pigheaded, but telling them “You’re wrong give us what we want” Seldom works, trying to say “Yo, there are folk here more then enough to have a server if not two. Let us prove you’re wrong” Seems to work better but that could just be my personal experience. As i’ve said in other post at best this is just an odd thing, and we ALL took RP-PVP servers for granted.

Not at all, the community there… (Which would be us, and others?) can work together for a mutual agreement. If there is no home for us provided by Blizzard, i see no harm in finding and making our own elsewhere on a PVP server. It’s a house made for all, not just one type of folk.


Which is why we cannot waver, if anything for the sake of those who haven’t a voice in the matter as they do not realize their voice is actually needed. I mean look, a number of months ago it would be considered absurd to suggest that there WOULDN’T be rppvp realms. We thought it was a given, and those people who do not frequent social media likely still think it’s a given.

We need to fight for their sake as well as ours.


I agree, that’s why i am saying we should stay the course. From what Data we have, (I am still waiting for those who are Anti Rp-PVP to provided counter polls.) That RP-Pvp would be more popular then RP and mostly everyone assumed it would be an option, as of now it is it and may not be.

But to utterly say that if there is no RP-PVP server blizzard is evil, and we should throw up our hands and go home afterward, or play another game. Well that ain’t exactly the best back up plan for those who still want to play the game. At least i think.


I’ll say this, I’m still more than willing to give Classic the good college try if we don’t get an RP-PvP server, and I will be keeping an eye out for where you guys all decide to go regarding a PvP server.

I’ll still play, and I’ll get to 60, and I’ll try to be part of the RP-PvP community, where ever it ends up setting roots. Even have a couple of guild ideas I might lead, so I can say I’m at least TRYING to be a part of the solution.

I just don’t think it will work out in the long-run, so it’s hard to be excited about it. I don’t think it will have the longevity that an RP-PvP server at launch would have. And I think portions of the RP-PvP community WILL throw up their hands and go play another game, diminishing our potential community size from the very beginning, and ultimately maiming us from the start.


I agree with you, and as i’ve said 100% mistake on blizzards part the people working on this, seem to atleast want to try. Besides Ion himself but i can’t control what Ion thinks or does. I do think there will be a die-hard base who does stick around on a PVP server and work with and for the RP-pvp Community. But i also think you’re right, that it’ll cripple us beyond repair, and Blizzard should give us a RP-PVP server at the start because that’s not only the most logical, and authentic as well as a good PR move for them. They can always just change it to a PVP server if it doesn’t work out.


If they don’t add an RP-PvP realm I don’t see how begging them to now swap a PvP realm to RP would work.

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Hi, I’m a EU player. Spanish, btw.
First, a little context. I don’t know the state of the #nochanges concept over here, but EU WoW started with 3 regions: English, French and German. Now they offer us international servers, with the following excuse:

It’s part of this OP:

In the Spanish forums we are already trying to plan ahead which servers should we invade (yes, that’s the word), since we don’t have our own I believe it’s the same for French and German, but worse. Anyway.

I wasn’t personally part of it, but in EU a lot of people talk about the Spinebreaker server (aka Spainbreaker). Since we didn’t have Spanish servers on Launch, we invaded it. Apparently, the process wasn’t pretty for either side of the invasion. As a result we (or rather, Blizzard) forced everybody else to transfer away. I don’t see how it could have been any other way.

This applies in the exact same way to RP-PvP realms. An important part of the community wants them, and they’ll take measures in case it isn’t provided as an option, disrupting the gameplay for everybody.

After reason fails, there comes violence.
Luckily, in the case of WoW servers, this violence remains virtual. It’s still needed.
Luckily again, we won’t die if we don’t abide by Blizzard’s rules. First world problems. Still problems. Specially for Blizzard, losing customers and building up a bad reputation. I hope they listen to reason.

Now for something else but not really unrelated.

Doesn’t this apply?

I think you are misunderstanding “weakness”. Or underestimating the power of, well, “power”. I won’t start counting the number of times legitimate, respectable, worthy groups, societies or even countries were smothered by a higher powers, especially “questionable” ones.

Please value yourself and the community. I’m aware that this thread started with you, so I can imagine you are getting burnout. Blizzard’s getting distanced with their community and it’d be a major mistake to ignore your thread.

In any case, thank you very much for everything you are doing here in this thread.

It’s sad enough that we seem to speak as if this whole thread wasn’t also for Activision-Blizzard’s benefit.

Please don’t hurt yourself, Blizzard. Give us RP-PvP servers.


I always value community, ethic’s and well, humanity. So by that token i must give corporation’s the benefit of the doubt, in that blizzard is trying to please shareholders or doing what is in it’s best interest.

Do i agree with it? Of course not, but i can’t just call em evil for it. Immoral, wrong pigheaded, yes. Evil? Not so much, i mean they do give a lot of decent people a living after all.

Blizzard will do what Blizzard will do, and i truly do hope we can provoke a response from them, even as i said before even if it’s a no coming from a blue post.

That’s fair enough, I am from the U.S, where we did have to fight off a super power and a Bloc power, and it is a shame that community’s are completely wiped out from time to time, and we should do our best to preserve culture of other’s, and trust me i’d love to have this debate.

I just wrote up four paragraph’s, but it would get us no where and this is a very poor place to have this debate. Because Blizzard will shut down this topic faster then we can bat an eyelash since it can be very well confrontational. as well as conversational and the last thing i want is to get this thread locked.

As for the Spanish part and EU as a whole it is a shame, and again i don’t agree with it, and it will hurt the community and i can’t picture, nor understand how or why blizzard thought it was a good idea, and i hope we can convince Blizzard to change there mind as it does nothing from my point of view. ( I don’t know maybe they have data we don’t.) But being emotional doesn’t always work.


Its organized griefing in RPPVP. And your faction will rally to the cause. Big Brother/Sister (some of the biggest wpvpers were moms in our guild and by big I mean blood thirsty - especially for paladins). I was in the same boat but took a chance. I started with a rogue on a pvp and then when ED hit I went priest with mind control. Everyone dies but you rally and there are guilds you watch out for and pick them off when not heavily grouped.

RP and RPPvP both had great Wpvp but the latter was always on. So sometimes I went over to the RP to relax. BTW, I don’t RP just love sharing my home with them as they truly enhance my game and I respect what they do.


While I appreciate and respect the wisdom you share with all the personal experiences you had and your reflective point of view, we’re talking about Blizzard adding two letters to the name of a realm… there’s really no huge effort to it. We just need a labeled PvP realm for us FROM THE START, is that really too complex, Blizz?

Which adds to how ridiculous this situation is.


As someone who neither RPs or have much interest in PvP I want to say, please Blizzard, let these people have their realm!


Sure, we’re courting fools here no one is denying that. Adding PVP or RP to the front of a server name should be done in the snap of a figure, and as noted before was expected by the community, only to be told it was not despite the data i provided in the OP.

All i can do is try to add logic and rationalization to there choice which is again at best counter productive. Everyone here is on the same team. So blizzard, please if you happen to one day come down and see this topic that’s about to cap 1.5k reply’s give us a reasonable answer.


Really bummed about this. Had spent the last few days gathering a group of people that were all gonna play good old fashioned WoW together the way we remembered it, and didn’t even consider that there wouldn’t be RP-PvP servers. Seeing this instantly took me from counting down the days to likely not even playing. I haven’t been involved in the WoW community at all in years and years so I can’t say I have any knowledge about why this decision would be made, but just speaking for myself and my buddies… One RP-PvP server vs none is to us the difference between the 5 of us playing the game actively or not playing it at all.


The fight is not over yet. Get the 5 of you in here.

Right here, the people posting… These will be the faces you see on that RPPVP server. We will be your brothers and sisters, or mortal enemies on the field.

We are the very kindlings of that fire that will burn RPPVP into its very existence.

Join us. Join our community. We welcome you.


Let’s pick up the party Blizz. Another day, another baby!