#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Day 12

The conversation grows just as it has gotten stale. Some say we should choose our own home. Others argue that that is a dangerous notion. Giving the overlords the opportunity to standby idly. The infighting has begun.

While it starts small, if left to fester it will consume us all. The silence is pushing everyone to their end. We need now to stand together more than ever. We shouldn’t have to choose our home, it should be given to us without question. In the end we will do what we must.


A new day, a new video Blizz. You made the mistake with BfA as you’ve admitted but it all started with this lie. A young player choosing their faction and they pick alliance over Horde? A kid always takes their mom over their father. That was the beginning of the end Blizz. Nice save with Classic but you know what would be nice?

  1. A new video being honest about what the kid really wanted…a Troll mage.
  2. Give us our RPPVP!

I will just leave you with this little lie…


The journal entries and baby videos are fantastic fellas. Keep up the good work.

P.S. RP-PvP server at launch please Blizz.


I agree with this. Haven’t read the other 1444 posts on the thread but hey.

I never played on a pvp realm in vanilla. Really hate being griefed, so just avoided it with PvE. Not that great at 1-on-1 pvp either.

I would like to play on a pvp server, but would like to feel like, if I get ganked over and over, somebody might come to my rescue instead of just saying “cry more noob”. I figure RPers would be more likely to do that. Maybe somebody should form a “Guardians of Stranglethorn Vale” guild? :slight_smile: And, I’d do the same when hitting 60.

I have several RP characters so fine with that aspect too.


I know RP-PVP servers did not come until 1.8 but they don’t have to follow the same exact timeline for RP-PVP servers as they did 15 years ago. We now know that we want to have an RP-PVP server. It is how we want to play, it is how we want to experience the game in classic this time around. It is how we see ourselves. There is NO other game that offers this to gamers who enjoy the art of RPing in a WPVP setting. I will be so sad and disappointed if we don’t get it. I don’t want to invest time in a server and then they dropped an RP-PVP server and I would have to transfer or create a new toon.

For those who don’t get it, Emerald Dream has been home for me for 3 years now and I moved all my toons over here in time to see the server become JUST an RP server. This was sad. For others who have been here longer or since the creation of the server, this change was heartbreaking. With that said, we still see ourselves as an RP-PVP server. We never will be JUST an RP server. This is home, these folks on both horde and alliance are family. We are invested in each other lives both in the game and sometimes outside of the game. We write stories, we create these RP-PVP events, we do things together, and we celebrate real births, cheer those who achieve a goal inside or outside the game, and cry at our losses which is usually followed up by an in-game funeral for those who pass. There is no other place I would rather be than on an RP-PVP server where the game is more than just pixels and WPVP. That alliance in front of me is a friend, a family member, my sworn enemy and the dance of the duel begins with all those emotions in place. An example of this would the opening scene/trailer of Mist between the Orc and the Human. This is how an RP-PVP server is sometimes. No other place in the game can be more fulfilling than an RP-PVP server.


EU player here. I hope you guys will get your RP-PvP servers. My RP-PvP guild will have to roll on a PvP server…with only 20% the playerbase speaking our language, it will be so much fun organizing RP-PvP events :frowning:


Emerald Dream will be picking a server to do this on if we don’t get one. We will go to a PVP server. We will list it in our discord and maybe we can make a new thread for the RP-PVPers to pick a server to all to go to.


If anyone is going to come, it’s us. I absolutely will.


Let us keep fighting the good fight. Don’t give them an inkling that we will roll over and pick a PvP server.

Emerald Dream has been my home for many expansions (I quit mid Legion), best community I’ve ever found on that server.


Are you acting as spokesperson of an entire server’s population?

Can we please stop giving blizzard an escape route?


Amen. While I would hope that we would manage to come together in the worst case scenario and carve SOMETHING out of this mess for our community, we really, really NEED an RP-PvP server at launch, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Anything less will be just that… lesser. And I feel like it’ll lead to the same thing that Blizzard’s neglect of the RP-PvP community in Retail did, that being the death of it once again.


Not just one realm, two.

One East Coast, One West Coast.

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That would be nice for ease of scheduling, but I think we’re struggling just to get confirmation for one.


I’m willing to take whatever they’ll give us. Given that they think it’s a more niche realm, it may be wiser not to split the community.


Truth be told, I’m really not sure if there is a demand for that. I feel safe in advocating for at least one RP-PvP realm, but splitting the community in twain feels not so good.

As someone on the West Coast who played on the Central Time Zone servers Twisting Nether and then Emerald Dream for ninety-nine percent of my time on WoW, the two hour difference that I had to put up with wasn’t THAT bad of a problem.

I honestly wouldn’t care if they put the single RP-PvP server on the East Coast either. I just want at least one.


While i do agree with this premise, unless folk’s go to Blizzard HQ and mass protest, etc all we can do is find a way to make with what we have now, a Plan B is better then having no plan, and let’s be honest here. Besides the die hards, sympathetic folk don’t make good soldiers. Being angry and screaming about it, would require a much more massive mob then we do now, and which we won’t get this late in the game.

Blizzard will do, what they think is in there best interest, outrage without force behind it will do little to benefit us.

The fact that we are fighting for one server alone speaks volumes. A CST would be the most fair choice given the situation. Since EU may not even get one.

If a community is weak enough to simply shatter because a governmental body does not support it, then maybe the community is unworthy of the valor bestowed upon.


At this point I wouldnt be surprised if we only have one RP realm at launch.


Nah man, that’s a bad take. You’re making the same argument that others have made about why the RP-PvP servers on retail all died off because we ‘abandoned them’, and how we don’t deserve one on Classic because of our own faults.

If Blizzard can’t do the bare minimum to support our community by giving us our server type, then of course that community is going to go play other games. This is our (in most cases very limited) free time that we’re talking about.

Why should we have to fight against an entire server of Straight PvPers to attempt to carve out a place for our community when Blizzard can keep all of that drama from happening by just giving us a single home?


EU found out about their server types before the 13th. I’d imagine we will too. Then from that point on, we could figure out options for our community. But for now, we need to be 100% vocal, telling all our old RP-PvP friends to get in this thread and keep blowing it up, tweet them, do whatever you can. The fact is, there is definitely enough of a RP-PvP community to fill a server, we need to keep throwing that in their face.


We shouldn’t, as to why i’ve made this post. But unless you’re a CEO of this company, you can’t force Blizzard to do things they don’t want to do, i’m not giving them a pass i’m more “Outraged” then anyone else. Hence why i made this entire topic, and searched for the data myself.

I can’t speak for others, and only myself. But no i will not stop playing World of Warcraft classic if there is no RP-PVP server, as others have agreed with me. I will work towards making a community possible. But to quit the game? Eh, Being honest if not for Classic i would most likely quit video games in General myself, i only really play two others.

Personally i’m not sure, the entire PVP Community was killed by Blizzard more then anything else. World pvp is fundamental to Classic more then any other game, and it’s a damn shame. But the RP-PVP community still does breath, some folk moved to WRA or stayed ED and do what they do, but you have to remember they entire gutted PVP servers in general.

To this point, i would like to give you a real life personal example. I’m part Armenian. I don’t blame the current Turkish government for “destroying my community/culture” because In America there are a TON of pro - Armenian events church’s charity’s etc. the Armenian community still lives, and it, like many MANY community’s where persecuted against attempted to be wiped out by other’s etc but because of grit determination and will, against the stacked odds to this day. Those community’s provide a great benefit to our country.

The world isn’t fair nor perfect. Sometimes you gotta work with people you don’t like, and sometimes you get a raw deal. Sometimes mass walk out’s work, sometimes they don’t. I’m not giving blizzard an excuse, nor will i deny the reality before us. But by the same token i don’t have a right do vilify them.

I agree with this 100% Do not misunderstand. But to have 0 back up plan, is a poor plan itself. People should continue to bump this thread, and reach out to everyone and anyone they can. Nothing has changed until we get a server list.

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