#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

I mean, looking at sites like Realmpopulation (which I don’t know if can be trusted) EU combined should have a higher pop than US… and they denied them having an RP-PvP realm, not even one for all the languages combined.

My hopes and hypes have died



Just do the right thing and have a Blue inform us of a RPPvP server being released day one. If it is PST, I am fine with that.

In the meantime, two of your young rogues were caught sneaking about. I will just leave the evidence here for you to reconsider:


lol. They did everything in their power to kill world PvP, which was a mainstay on my RP-PvP server.

Flying mounts in every zone, cross realm, less reasons to go out into the world, etc. Most people I know just stopped playing in general, because everything they liked about the game was just gone. That’s why the servers are dead and the remaining people left.

It’s like blizzard shut off the water, power and sewage to your house, so you leave, and they reply with, “well, you shouldn’t abandon your home!”


This is amazing :joy:


Then why did regular PvP servers not suffer the same abandonment that RP-PvP servers did? What did Blizzard do that targeted RP-PvP servers in particular?

RP-PvP has been the most dead server type for years.

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The killing of world PvP, as I mentioned in my post. It was literally a mainstay of most RP-PvP servers.


How do you know it was any more important to RP-PvP servers than it was to regular PvP servers?

I’m on an RP-PvP server. The primary focus of my server was raiding and battlegrounds for the entirety of Vanilla. All the RP-PvP servers released after battlegrounds were introduced. I’d say World PvP was probably more important on regular PvP servers as there was no other form of PvP until battlegrounds.

The RP part my dude.

I’ve played on both, and much like you I played on a RP-PvP server for basically 12+ years. It was my first server.

If you look up my servers history, it mostly revolves around battle campaigns from all our major RP-PvP guilds.

Everyone made fun of our servers PvE progress. It was literally an inside joke. I don’t even think we had 1 gladiator on our server come BC either. It was just a community of Horde v Alliance RP-PvP guilds. Guilds who literally camped out in Stromgarde, and used it as their home base. You couldn’t step foot in there unless you wanted to deal with them. Or you could participate in a pre-planned 50v50+ world PvP campaign in pretty much any zone with multiple guilds. I really suggest looking up The Venture Co (US) server on Wowwiki, and read its history. It was a pretty amazing community.

It went well beyond the introduction of BG’s.


Good morning all.

Keep fighting the good fight!


Lol, as if the mindset of an RPer who enjoys being out in the world was the same of that of a PvPer who queues for arena/bg all day


And here’s another good reason why we need RP-PvP and it can’t be anything else.


Exactly - they close off a street blocking it (phasing and x/realm) then use the excuse that fewer people drive down the street to say “little interest”. There used to be vast interest until current gen designers went with their no true server idea.


How long will blizzard ignore us?


We’ll have an answer, one way or another, on August 13th.


Alright, alright, I didn’t want to pull this card, and maybe it’s still a little early to be doing it…

… but August 13th is literally my Birthday. So ya know, Blizzard, feel free to give us just one RP-PvP realm to reserve character names on that day. Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s upsetting to find out the EU won’t get a RP-PVP server at least one in English. But NA one is most likely still be thought about, We have more then enough population to keep one server, and we could also get the EU lads who want this server onto our realm, i doubt anyone would have a problem with that since i have no doubt they all speak English well enough.


Yes it is. My guild and basically all our friends and ennemies left because wPvP was killed by flying mounts.

You can’t add features that destroy the core content for RP-PvP guilds then say it’s a niche playstyle or that it’s the player’s fault.


One would really hope! There’s is definitely a large community wanting it to happen, but then again there was also plenty of threads/outcry on EU’s end too. As OP mentioned in his first post.

edit: YOU ARE OP haha my bad


I agree, give us RP-PvP!


Regional RP-PvP communities demand a post about our most pressing concern: The inclusion of RP-PvP Realm Types in World of Warcraft: Classic

What we are asking for: PvP server with RP ruleset
RP-PvP Server(s) need to be included as they were in Vanilla, back in patch 1.8
RP-PvP Server(s) were demanded by the community in 2005
RP-PvP Server(s) must be added to World of Warcraft: Classic @ LAUNCH
(Failing to do so compromises the already ’too niche’ community)
RP-PvP Server(s) Affords Role-players and mature community members the choice of a contested, immersive world in a community of like-mined characters.
Let’s start a debate and choose an un-official home on an RP or PvP server!