#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Can a blue please confirm we will have one at launch? Please? When WoW first launched we had this same rigamarole - blizzard refused to admit the need so we made a website for RPers interested in PvP and unofficially claimed a server.

Original players remember in NA the forums on the site chose Bleeding Hollow. A few weeks later, Blizzard recognized the need and opened up the RPPvP servers and there was a mass Exodus and a fracturing of the community as some chose to keep their progress on Bleeding Hollow and others chose to reroll.

Please, please, do not make us go through that again. Let us know in advance that you recognize the need and that there will be an RP-PvP server at launch.


That’s literally all everyone in this 1,400 post thread has asked, and some how they still haven’t seen the thread, or are just actively choosing to ignore it. This thread has been going on since March mind you. Even a “we’re monitoring the situation to see if its in demand by enough of the community,” would be fantastic.


Now that they’ve denied EU of even having realms for every language, I think it’s safe to assume RP-PvP is not ever going to happen, they seem to be going with the cheapest possible approach :confused:


But does EU have a thread similar to this with its community voicing its request?

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I don’t know about having a thread like this but I believe the petition was started by someone in the EU. Our friends across the pond suffered a big loss today with no RP-PVP and no language specific realms. This is a dark day. Blizzard, why are you doing this? Please, just 1 RP-PVP. It’s all we ask.


I believe there was, as OP mentioned… or at least a petition for RP-PvP servers

Link is in his post at the top of the thread


That’s awfully sad.

Are they expecting Classic to flop over and fizzle?


Two things can happen from this point:

1.) Blizzard is wrong, the community is right and they need to launch dozens more servers after launch.

2.) Blizzard is right, the demand for Classic is much lower than the community thinks and Blizzard launches with several servers in each region that proves to be enough.

Either way, the community is not going to admit to being wrong and they will find some way to blame Blizzard for everything. I’m thinking if number 2 is the case, the community will blame Blizzard for killing Classic with:

A.) Patch 1.12 AV.
B.) No RP-PvP server.
C.) Patch 1.12 difficulty.
D.) Layering.

Or some other excuse as to why there isn’t 500 full realms and 20 million players.


Day 11

The journey is long and tedious. Many days remain until our destination is here. Still no answer from the overlords but our hopes remain high.

At times we question; How can they ignore us? Do we not deserve a home just like the others? We must remain vigilant. In time we will have our answer, and a home will be ours again.


I mean, this thread isnt about A, C, or D. We arent asking for dozens of additional servers at launch. All we’re asking for is a singular server of our preferred type to be playable from Day 1 so we can settle in and have a permanent home for the RP-PvP community.

Your post seems to be missing the point of this thread entirely. For us, its not about having enough servers or not enough servers to accomodate the overall Classic Playerbase at Launch. Its just about getting to play on our preferred server type after a decade plus of watching them neglect, marginalize, and finally outright KILL our preferred server type and gameplay style over on Retail.


Look, I’ve been playing for the last 14 years on an RP-PvP realm. I know just how bad they are but the difference is, I never contributed to their demise; I never left. It’s not Blizzard’s fault that the RP-PvP community abandoned their homes.

Blizzard needs to merge all the former RP-PvP realms together and I’ve been critical of their reluctance to do so but the servers died because the players moved on by their own choice.

I still think Blizzard should implement a single RP-PvP realm that players from all regions can come together to play on. Having players from all over the world come to play on it will make for an interesting community building experience.


I don’t think thats a good idea at all. How many languages do you speak? All you have to do is look at how the EU classic forums are going up in flames at the moment to see how the language barrier would effect things.

All we’re really fighting for here is an RP-PvP Realm on the NA side of things. Thats all we really can focus on. Given the fact that Classic Servers will be divided by region just like Retail is, your idea seems like it would be fat more of a hassle for them to implement then just giving us an NA RP-PvP server.


Lets keep this at the top! Blue post up!


Isn’t it?
Did we ask for LFR? The destruction of the Old World? Destruction of the Talent Trees? TBC? Wrath? Cata? MoP?
Point is, people have been leaving realms for a myriad of reasons that we didn’t enact. The game just changed so much. And for most of us, it changed too much.
I spent some time on* Ravenholt, and it was a decent server. Not as popular as TN or ED, but still healthy. Then anyway.


Blizz I need some good news. I haven’t had any since the announcement of classic.


Yes please!


This post will get emo but idc. Whether Blizzard hear us or not will be the turning point for me. If they keep up with this negligence, then it’ll prove to me there’s little reason to keep playing their games. I literally bought just a month of game time to hype about classic coming soon, and if they’re not making games for us, and instead for their own benefit only, then I’ll brokenheartedly say goodbye to it and never look back.

Tearing up lore apart, changing gameplay so drastically to bring in more people/casuals and make the game easier I could understand, even if the former still bothers me a lot, but becoming a company that is in for the profit only and not for their product, that’s too sad for me to support. I’ve had enough of products and services like that.

I still have hope, though. And I believe there are others inside Blizzard that feel similarly to many of us about RP-PvP realms, so I’ll keep on believing they’ll hear us and do their best!

Just one! One RP-PvP realm! This thread has all the reasons to do it, just listen to us, please!


*one per region please. It’s all well and good to want everyone on the same NA server, but OCE ping on NA servers is horrible. The population is there for it.


Trust rank is a forum thing that measures how much you live on the forums. Most people will be trust 1 or 2. Bad actors will be trust 0. People who have the forums saved as their homepage and religiously check it every 5 mintues will eventually be promoted to trust 3.


Thank you for the gif Lhunannon-Emerald Dream

Blizz, please, we want one RP-PVP server at Classic launch!