#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Classic was made for RP-PvP.

Just give us one server.


One hundred percent agree. Adding in War Mode in BFA and removing the PvP designation from RP-PvP servers was just the final nail in the coffin after a long, LONG string of decisions on Blizzard’s part that harmed (mostly inadvertently) RP-PvP and WPvP. From the advent of flying to CRZ and phasing and sharding, to the breaking of the WorldDefense channel, all of these things and more caused harm to our preferred way of playing the game over the years.

Classic is a chance to get back to what made RP-PvP so desirable. It’s rolling back the clock to a time where there was none of those things that harmed RP-PvP and WPvP.

It won’t be the same on a straight PvP server. It won’t have the same impact, or the same long lasting joy that roleplaying constant world conflict has on an RP-PvP server, where you know the majority of people are RP-PvPers just like yourself.

Please Blizzard, consider just one RP-PvP server at launch. I think we’ve shown that the US can definitely support one with this thread.


Warmode, not just BFA That changed every server but RP servers into normal.


Mok, correct me if I am wrong, because I don’t remember, but if you turn on warmode arnt you only paired against other RP servers with Warmode on? Would that not be the same thing?

Honestly curious.

Bring on RPPVP servers!!!


Can you imagine such a huge concern among the community left with no answer like RP-PvP realms currently are ?

It’s crazy, because I remember Ghostcrawler received quite a bit of hate back then, but I would literally give my left arm to have him back at this point. He at least was willing to stick his neck out on the forums, and show he cared about the game and its community, whether his decisions were right or wrong. In comparison to the current devs, it seems like constant disconnects with the community. An unwillingness to even comment with concrete answers on such important topics tells it all.

Give us a damn RP-PvP server


So they just listed the types of realms available for EU, no mention of RP-PVP.


I believe this is true, yes. The problem of course is that with phasing and sharding as it is, you’re not prioritized to be paired with people from your own server anymore. BFA practically strips away server identity entirely, leaving every War Mode shard just a collection of random realms (RP realms in this case)

It kills what was already an ailing community all the more assuredly, leaving no real rivalries to be formed. You’ll see one person one moment, and another the next, and they might be from Moon Guard or Wyrmrest Accord rather than Emerald Dream.

EDIT: I also, during the single month that I bothered playing BFA at launch, saw a lot more than just RP servers in my shards. Everything from Kel’Thuzard to Mannoroth showed up on my screen during that time. Now, I don’t know if that was just people using the Group Finder feature to join up across servers and phase into RP realm shards, but it made the whole experience even less social than ever before.

BFA is really just a bunch of people playing a singleplayer game around each other, rather than playing an MMO WITH each other.


No updates on this yet? It’s shocking how tone deaf Blizzard can be at times.


No update yet: Yes, nothing yet.

It’s shocking how tone deaf? Ok? Just because momma did not say “WHAT horrigan” they aren’t listening?

Come on… We all want RPPVP servers

Biting the hand… well… ya know the rest.


Generally, ignoring a thread with 1.3k+ posts is not just ignoring one person, my dude. They’re making an RP server, which will have a significantly lower population than any RP-PvP server would have (as the polls show). So there’s really no logical excuse. EU has confirmed no RP-PvP server, so there’s our update, and it’s not looking good.

Horrigan! Nice to see some familiar names from back in the day.
Ve Co is for fite.


Wrong. But I get your point.

My point is to still wait. We are all holding out hope.


Continue with your reunion.


Look at the first post in the thread my friend. They included a poll with over 15k+ votes taken. RP-PvP was more than double.


That is a poll is not scientific or wide enough. It is taken by a group of people who also believe PVP is the majority mindset. Its not broad enough.

Yes it will be popular. But your statement does not hold up against historical data.



We ALL want an RPPVP server. Just setting some data straight.

I believe they have heard us and I believe they will let us know when its time.


The historical data isn’t very relevant here though. Saying that because there was more interest in PvE and RP in the past so there is now in the present is ignoring some pretty obvious things.

To start with, of course Straight PvE and RP servers were more popular back in Vanilla, BC, Wotlk, and onwards as they made more servers. It makes perfect sense… because that was when the PvE content was current. That was when the PvE content was still being updated every few months, still being added to every few months, still being expanded on with new expansions every year or two.

But that’s not the case with this upcoming Classic Experience that we’re getting. Classic is Set in Stone. The PvE content is 15 years old. The dungeons and raids will be completely by a lot of people who play Classic all the way to Level 60, sure… but they’re not really the endgame content for Classic anymore.

The only thing that will be truly new and exciting in Classic, because it will be player-driven emergent gameplay in a way PvE can never be, is PvP. PvP will be the endgame of modern Classic WoW.

That’s why the vast majority of people who are coming back to Classic are PvPers first and foremost, and why the vast majority of people who stick with Classic even after Naxxramas has been cleared a dozen times will also be PvPers.

And that’s why we want our own RP-PvP server over just an RP server so badly, and why I do actually personally believe there’s a bigger RP-PvP audience for Classic than there is a straight RP audience.

Put bluntly, if regular RPers want to RP in WoW, they can do that on retail without issue. Sharding did some damage to more open world RP events, but it didn’t do nearly as much damage as it did to RP-PvP communities.

A lot more RP-PvPers were chased off of retail by Blizzard’s choices and sheer negligence to our playstyle than RPers were. A lot more WPvPers were chased off of retail by Blizzard’s killing of the medium than straight raiders and PvErs.

That’s why people say that there’s vastly more interested in PvP in the upcoming Classic release than PvE, and why those of us in this thread believe RP-PvP IS more sought after in Classic than just RP.

This post got a little out of hand, so here’s a TL;DR: Historical data doesn’t apply in all cases to modern Classic. Blizzard displaced more RP-PvPers and PvPers over the years from retail than they did RPers and PvErs.


15k is actually a wider selection than most political polls, to be fair.

RP-PvP was also the last server types added, post launch. Not sure there would be reasoning enough to make a significant number of them when players were already established where they were at the time.

I think generally there is a lot more interest in them right now, then there was then. Blizz has done nothing but slowly kill RP-PvP servers since cross realm/sharding/LFR/LFG. So they’re all ghost towns now. At least most of them sadly.

I’m glad you’re on board with supporting them bringing an RP-PvP server though, really no reason not to be!


No reason at all! Blue post, please!


War Mode altered PvP


One thing to note is that RP-PVP came in 1.7 which is half way through Vanilla’s lifetime. One problem to note is also that there are no poles to my knowledge, if anyone can disprove me please do so. That servers are higher in polls then RP-PVP sadly blizzard almost never does polls so we’ll take what we got with a grain of salt.

As f or this, i think it does depend on the server, Moonguard and WRA have 0 cross realm if i recall, i can’t say for ED but since they changed it to a RP server it may not share realm with anyone else. Warmode on or off, it’s just by itself.


It does, my old RP-PvP server has cross realm unfortunately.


Bump - RP-PVP players deserve one per region at the launch.