#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

The fact there is only one RP server is honestly telling as well, though not so much for a stress test odd they’re missing 4 other servers i would more so say go to the RP server first, and around launch day we’ll find a way to bring the word to the people, for rolling on a PVP server.

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It ain’t over Blizz. Today, you get the gnome Lock practicing his DoTs.

We want RPPVP


This thread has been getting so much attention by the community,

Notice how NO ONE disagrees about giving us one server.


Hey you think we could get a damn blue post in here, holy crap look how big this thread is. This is sad. As someone who met pretty much all my WoW friends through RP-PvP servers 12+ years ago, I’m pretty bummed. It’s “you think you want it, but you dont” all over again.


Please reconsider having a RPPVP server at launch. RPPVP servers aren’t a matter of expanding due to population requirements, they’re a completely different server experience and community to other types. I don’t want to have to re-roll after launch just to play on the server type I want!

Stating that the intent is to roll more things out later is like refusing to serve a vegetarian meal in your new restaurant and expecting them to be happy with meat. Sure, you can get by through picking all the meat out, but why not just give the right option in the first place? It makes for a happier community. Forcing square pegs into round holes only creates resentment and disappointment.

And remember, at this point removing RPPVP is taking something away. People are USED to having them as an option. This isn’t “yeah we could add that in the future”, it’s “you had this once and now you don’t. Do this other thing that’s different instead.” I’d understand if there was a technical reason for it that makes the ruleset harder to implement and host, but there isn’t. Please, please reconsider and support those who love this kind of community! <3


More to the point they are insisting on only serving steaks until they have enough people eating steak to gauge demand for salads.
It defies logic.

:grinning: “When will you be serving fish?”
:man_cook: “We have to gauge demand for fish by seeng how many people accept these plates of kippers”
:face_with_raised_eyebrow: “But why not just take a tally of those asking for fish?”
:man_cook: “The head chef said that fish was a niche product”
:confused: “But you used to sell fish before, and it sold well. We have been telling you en mass that we would like the fish.”
:man_cook: “Why don’t you just eat the pork belly, it is fish-like…”



WTB Veggie burger, PST! :frowning:


7.8% of the player base doesn’t warrant a server, but 2.2% does. Seems like Ion is trolling at this point.


Blizzard, I’m okay with waiting until August 13th for a confirmation on RP-PVP. With that said, there better be an RP-PVP server at launch or there will be problems.


Day 10

My brethren I have let you down. The home sickness overcame me and I couldn’t speak. I needed to rest and awoke just moments ago.

The rest was much needed so I can continue on with the cause. No doubt you carried on in my absence. The work is far from over and the battle is far from won. We have made progress the cause has grown and continues to grow every day. Hopefully soon we will have an acceptable answer. Soon we will win the battle and the war.


Nooo. No no no.

This is a harmful statement to make. Why? Because if they think that’s what we’re going to do, then they’ll shrug and say, "Hey, look, they picked X PVP server to all roll on! We didn’t have to do anything!


I know you are reading this Blue. The stats are there for an RPPVP server. So I am forced to post another video. This time young hunters learning pet happiness skills.


And I want to add we want our own home. Look at the support. Help us on our journey home!


Bump! Still waiting for a reply along with everybody else here.
Please give us our home!


I see the missing numbers on the classic test servers so I am STILL HOPING for an RP-PVP server. We might be a small community of folks but if they could just give us one server to start, our dreams will be fulfilled for classic. Just 1 little server to start and if two months from the start the server does not have a large community of over 500 players change it back to a pvp server.

Emerald Dream on retail would LOVE to go back to being an RP-PVP server and we still fight for it. It is a mindset, it is how we really RP - It is how we WPVP. They might have changed all the RP-PVP to RP but they will never change how we as a server see ourselves. We will always see ourselves as an RP-PVP server until the end of Warcraft. I can not speak for other servers who were RP-PVP but Emerald Dream will forever be an RP-PVP.


I stumbled upon this : _https://www.usgamer.net/articles/how-world-of-warcraft-was-made-the-inside-story

And one line particularily caught my attention :

Street became ‘Ghostcrawler,’ the mythic Blizzard developer that would talk to the community. The Community Managers for the game were great, but Ghostcrawler had the answers to your questions on hand and he was willing to answer them. It was something completely new to players.

And this as well : _https://cdn.gamer-network.net/2018/usgamer/Wow-History-Wrath-10.jpg

Damn I miss when the community was actually respected and there was a feeling Blizzard was made of passionate game developpers, not businessmen. Can you imagine such a huge concern among the community left with no answer like RP-PvP realms currently are ?


I sometimes fear Blizzard’s being more concerned about player numbers than by how well loved their game is, or how well they want to treat their player base. Quantity over quality.

While it’s true multiple people will provide more money, passionate players will stick to the game much longer and THOSE are the ones that bring their friends.

I hope they prove me wrong ._.


Wait, go back? What happened?

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BFA, I would assume.


I shall withhold my colorful comment on what I think about that and focus on Classic.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

(ED was my main server before I stopped playing in Legion)