#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Yes, I am.

I’m a roleplayer, myself. It’s depressing, but my faith in humanity is at a record low, all things considered after seeing the current player-base. I know they won’t get past 30-ish, but it’s moreso along the lines of they’re going to make things miserable for everyone throughout those levels.

I mean, the RP-PVP has my support as long as threads aren’t exploding because of certain groups causing mass waves of problems.

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Please DON’T ARGUE! Keep this constructive!


On top of that, polling also indicates more interest in RP-PvP servers than RP-PvE.


If I recall correctly, that poll was one of like 15k people as well. Really do not know what they are basing decisions on about what it “niche”.


I’ve been talking to other RP/PVP guild leaders and would be leaders as well. We’ve all come together for similar purpose. Blizzard and Ion H. think 7-10% of the player base is too small of a niche to be worthy enough of our own realm.

We strongly DISAGREE. RP/PVP leaders and guild members do our absolute best to bring Warcraft to life. The rich Warcraft story coupled with an accessible Azeroth as our stage – we create some of the most long-lasting and player driven and supported story within the game. RP/PvP has been on the list since patch 1.8. It was DEMANDED by the player base

In Vanilla and up until BFA introduced WARMODE, there were a few realm options to choose from:

-Contested territories players can fight at will in these locations

-You need to type /pvp to engage in any open world pvp conflict. Note that after you flag you’re at an immense disadvantage as other players don’t have to flag themselves for battle until they’re ready.

-A more uniform naming policy as well as the PvE realm ruleset. In addition to this, Roleplaying was monitored and protected from griefers by blizzard.

The player base DEMANDED a mixture of PvP and RP.
Patch 1.8 we got the first RP/PvP realms!
-A unique blend of RP and grief protection as well as engaging open world and guild versus guild conflict.

RP servers were known to create their own server history and timelines on the forums and elsewhere. RP servers bring the Warcraft story to life. Please support RP/PvP servers by commenting in favor on the official forums!

My RP/PVP Post 1 week before the Q&A
If Vanilla is your favorite flavor, please consider helping out in support of your community!


Wow, that’s moronic.

I mean, I have no interest in PvP personally. But “A bit too small of a niche”? Someone didn’t look at the numbers on RP-PvP servers during original-Classic at all. Way to say “We expect very few people to actually be interested in Classic” while maintaining plausible deniability that that’s what he said.


The disconnect is real.


Yet they are creating Classic for what some say is a “niche group of gamers”
I find that kind of amusing. We mustn’t double down on our niching!


Hey, Emerald Dreamer since 2011

He is right that RP-PVP is a small niche, RP has been a minority for many many years due to people coming to Emerald Dream solely for the purpose of World PVP(Not RP).

If they released a RP-PVP server, I don’t believe people would play on the server because they love PVP and Roleplay, they would play on this server because Roleplayers are known to be very casual and not great at PVP.

It’s why many roleplay servers were active for many years like WrA and Moonguard and servers like mine(Emerald Dream) has been a slowly decaying cesspool of people transferring for World PVP.

In a perfect world, I would love a RP-PVP server full of people immersed out in the world playing as they would in-character. It’s why I loved Emerald Dream so much back in Cataclysm and Mist of Pandaria, but with the community being so connected nowadays it’s honestly impossible to have something so good not be ruined by grievers and trolls with different motives

I’m sure many other ED’ers will disagree with me here as I’m sure that’s why this question was brought up in the first place, but this is my personal experience with it first hand from a ED Vet


My experience as a twisting nether vet all through its existence in vanilla is the opposite. We had quality pvp, and quality rp.


I believe you, but the community is more connected and knowledgeable about WoW more then ever.

People will hear about, and people will come purely for the PvP aspect of it.

I’ve fought off people coming to Emerald Dream just to PVP for years. My guild has even made a series about it because we know what would eventually become of Emerald Dream and wanted to save it

I just don’t think it’s possible anymore man


Thanks. There must be a reason, right? So, why?

Maybe because PVP can sustain an end game indefinitely, while PVE needs constantly refreshed end game content? If so, that suggests that Classic PVE servers will either the undersubscribed, or will burn out after people complete the raids.

Which is still an argument for prioritizing an RPPVP server as high as RPPVE servers, and likely higher.


Part of the current rppvp server troubles may simply be due to pvp servers of any type no longer exist. It is luke warm “warmode option” across the board.

I popped back onto twisted nether to visit my old guild some time ago. They told me that those that chose not to pvp would literally not be visible to me.

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Moon Guard isn’t/wasn’t an RPPVP server.

When the first RPPVP servers launched, there were in fact people who came to try to grief “soft” roleplayers because they couldn’t kill anyone on a regular PVP server.

Turned out that roleplayers who like PVP are better at it than rejects who couldn’t hack PVP elsewhere. This wouldn’t be a problem on an actual RPPVP Classic server.


My post… explicitly states this.

Note how I differentiate between Moon Guard and an RP-PVP server.

Throwing my voice in here. I love RP and PvP from the good old days. Emerald Dream and Venture Co, etc, were my favourite servers. I rerolled to MoonGuard because retail PvP after Cata became broken… but before that it was -AMAZING-.

Saying I can’t have a server where I could enjoy RP and PvP because apparently its too niche is ludicrously ignorant… I literally don’t care if they’d be Low Pop (which they won’t be, because everyone I know wants an RP-PvP server). They’re the two aspects of the game I enjoy most and without RP-PvP at launch I don’t know what I’m going to do… it’d be a crisis for me that might make me not want to commit to playing as much as I planned.


Your projection is wrong. RPPVP is better for roleplayers because we get to fight back and kill the antiroleplayers.


This was happening long before War Mode was even thought of my friend. This happened slowly throughout Mist of Pandaria to now(As the community was becoming more knowledgeable)

It is people who have no interest in roleplay, and purely want PVP and think that people roleplaying in the cities makes the world “Alive” for them.

I am all for RP-PVP realms don’t get me wrong, nothing would make me happier cause I would be at home again. But I don’t think it’s possible to have that quality control due to how niche communities were back then compared to how they are now.

Thus creating controversy in the community and inviting more NoN-RPers to see the world PVP for themselves. We’ve tried this in the past

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There are more Swifty fanboys than there are roleplayers. Which was my point.

Nost did do a PVE Priv server that had around 4-6kish players If i recall but it was about a year into it, they’re one of the only big ones. Most P servers are PVP servers.

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