#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Huh, okay. So this was probably already posted in this thread, but I don’t see it in the OP.

I didn’t know this existed until I just saw it in another thread on these forums made by Nizzie. The fact that the latest from Blizzard isn’t Ion’s “we don’t think there’s a demand for it” from three months ago, but instead a “We’re considering it” from May gives me a lot more hope.

I think we just need to keep it up and keep repping our preferred server type. If they’re on the fence about it, we still have a chance to convince them.


ORC FORGE will be making a grand appearance TONIGHT!
We’re an RPvP guild and we will NOT BACK DOWN!
Flood the chat channels with RPvP support!!!

Events planned ahead of time on our Discord!
Pre-made BG
RP-Meet and Greet
World PvP Roam
Fight for Honor! Join the Horde!


Throwing my support here for RP-PVP! It’s my preferred type of server and it should absolutely be there for those that want it. RP-PVP is a unique and immersive experience that fosters community - even if its a little wild at times! :slight_smile:


I’m a bit late to the conversation, but just returning after leaving at WotLK because of the classic announcement. I played on RP-PVP back in the day, and would prefer to play on RP-PvP again for the same reasons I did back then - better community, and naming rules. Hell, I don’t even RP, but nothing breaks immersion like seeing Clownshoe running past. Nothing against Clownshoe, btw - he was a hell of a rogue, and taught me a lot about pvp, but that name…


That indeed brings a lot of hope to us (or to me, at least)!

We must persist and not give up! As long as we all fight together we can make it change!


I actually agree with you. It feels like they won’t give a plain no because there is some discussion or convincing going on inside, and they can’t say anything because they don’t have a firm decision yet.

Giving a straight “no” would just mean they gave up on us way too quickly. We must not lose hope or give up on them either! I know there are people there who also know an RP-PvP realm should have to be mandatory.

And above that, pushing them too much to just give an answer feels like the wrong way to approach the situation. We must pressure the issue that we want RP-PvP, not just an answer! It’s easy to give up on anything.


Never give up, never surrender.


“Too niche”

Take a look at realmpop

Emerald Dream (RP-PVP) is in the top 13 largest servers out of ALL servers. To note there are 100+ servers.

It is also the only realm in the top 13 with anything even close to 1:1 A/H


Bump for great justice


…but for the Horde tho….right? :smile:


I try to give likes for the RP threads.

But now my likes are being limited. It says I only have a few left.

Has this always been implemented? :<


Unfortunately it depends on what trust rank you have, 2 is limited a bit.

Trust rank 3 is cool though, you get meme privileges.


No idea what a trust rank is, just want an RP-PvP realm for Classic Launch.


Yea i posted this a few times in here and other outlets, i forgot to put it in the OP and don’t know timestamps but it’s odd interview none the less i do wish they’d just say no or yes. and let us be angry or happy Limbo sure is a pain, though i’d like everyone to talk to those who are honestly wanting to Rp-PVP keep an eye out for this thread when serer list do come. So incase sadly this is seeming liekly that we will pick a PVP server to roll on,


DId he at lease have bright colored shoes? Cause then its a character choice. I still remember Slashdance the NE mail box dancer.


It really just makes sense to have an RP-PvP realm at launch. Out of all the people in the game, RP-PvPers are the ones who over the years produced the most player-driven content.

Rather than waiting for the next BG or the next dungeon or the next Raid, we got out there and created our own RP-driven, lore-driven PvP storylines and campaigns that encompassed dozens of guilds and hundreds of players all across our servers, time and time again.

In a game like Classic where the content has already been explored for over a decade, where there’s currently no plans to release additional content on any sort of schedule beyond the current content plan, player-driven and player-created content will be King in keeping the Classic Servers alive.

I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if an RP-PvP server or even servers were the most liveliest and active Classic WoW servers a year or two down the road… but they definitely won’t be all that they could be if we don’t have them on launch day.


Just wanted to bump this again because of the surge of folk saying “CAN’T GET INTO THE BETA HELP” may see this and go wut wut.


Everyone who wants an RPPvP realm should jump in to the RP realm 16 and show Blizzard we want RPPvP! The population says low right now so come join me folks this may be our shot


Choose a PVP server and RP there. Make it RP-PVP without it having to be labeled as such. Maybe that will catch attention.


This is what will happen if they don’t have a RP-PvP server at launch, but the problem is that really only people who frequent the forums and reddit will get the memo about what server that is.

Once the game is launched, the damage starts being done because people aren’t going to want to reroll to a later added RP-PvP realm once they’ve established themselves.

I know I wont bother rerolling if they add one later on.