#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Oh great. They changed it, and now it only shows 1-5 and 12-16 numbered servers with realm types of PVP, Normal and RP. For god’s sake. Where is the friggin disconnect with these devs?


Keep fighting the good fight. We need to let them know what we want. Rp-pvp at launch, NOT weeks/months down the road.


Anyone who’s keeping track of this thread, maybe consider posting in the current Stress Test thread asking politely for just one RP-PvP server to be added to tomorrow’s stress test so that we can show them just how many of us our interested in it.

We can’t seem to get a blue post here, so maybe showing our interest on a blue thread will make sure our voice is finally heard by the people up top?


True. As nice as it is to have a big thread, it’s important not to let it become a ‘containment area’ of sorts.


At the volume of posts in this thread and topics in the forum, this topic is surely on their radar and under discussion. Like most things, I can’t expect a specific response but of course that engagement is always nice.


It is still frustrating for them to not give a simple answer. They could just come forward and give us a definitive ‘NO’ and lay out the reasoning behind it. But silence is just stressful… Even more so because it’s obvious they’ve already seen this post.


Silence implies, at least, that they’re undecided. While a firm yes would be great, silence is preferable to a firm no


And if on August 13 there is still silence?


Then we tried, and will continue to do so from now and until then, and from the 13th to the 26th, and from that point forward if there is still silence or an implied no, then the conversation will shift or die off for all of the reasons we’ve already pushed. On the 13th, if there is no clear RP-PVP realm, surely a PVP realm will be declared as such via the forums and it shall forever be an over-populated monument of Blizzard’s inability to meet player demand.


We’ll agree to disagree there. I’d prefer a firm no. At least that way I’d be able to wrap my mind around not playing Classic at all, rather than be there hanging about until they later add the realm.


Yeah, I agree. I’d prefer a hard no if that’s how it’s going to be, rather than being strung along for the next two months.


Agreed as well. Their decision to keep silent and then follow through with no realm for us at startup would result in what would have been our realm’s population being spread between RP, PVP and those who flat out had enough of blizzard and finally wrote them off for good.

I cannot for the life of me fathom how they are so oblivious to the optics of things like this.


its purely an optimistic stance that there’s no news because its still under consideration, and a potential yes, rather than that its already a decided no and that we’re just being strung along


But we are already quite literally being strung along.


for little effect, if true. i’ll stand by w/ hope that its because they haven’t made a firm internal decision, and that is different than nefariously stringing anyone along.

there’s little to gain from doing so, not just bad optics but its not like most of us have active subs while we wait.

So i’ll just keep posting in these threads, keeping on for hope of a clear yes


Blizz is killing me with this garbage. Just make one GD RPPvP realm, if it ends up dead and everybody decides to migrate from it, so be it. I guarantee that won’t be the case though.


I don’t think we are going to hear anything from Bliz till they start releasing server names and types in August. For the character name saving.

also bump


Look, allow me to make a comparison to the AV subject.
Brack encouraged us to discuss what versions of vanilla elements we preferred. Pretty sure he said our input was welcomed and valued. Silence from blizzard between those interviews until much later, when they both acknowledged that it was a hot topic that we were passionate about, but that they were pretty much ignoring it all because what they wanted as devs gave them “clarity”.

I can easily see the same thing happening with RPPVP realms. This is why I post with such passionate anger at times in regards to their decisions. No doubt it has not gone unnoticed.


RP-PVP please. I played at launch on Azgalor, but I found my true home on Twisting Nether when they launched.

I’ve been inactive since Wrath of the Lich King, but hearing about Classic relaunch has brought me back. The kind of community that develops on an RP-PVP server simply does not exist on any other server type. The experience cannot be replicated on any other server type.


I agree that this is probably likely. I’ll be here posting until that day, however. A daily prodding to make sure Blizzard doesn’t forget. If there is no RP-PVP server when the name reservations come out August 13th, I’ll be truly disheartened.