#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

I’m really not interested in the hyper-competitive nature of a normal PVP realm. It would be better, now that a lot of us are older, to chill out and take things slow for a change. Really need an RP-PVP realm.


This is good news, since he seems to have sway, much more then the rest of us sadly, any form of exposure of our plight despite our personal feelings about a contractor, ideal or personality is moot. So long as they support our cause that unites us all, it’s good enough for me. It would be nice if he’d bring it up in his inner circle, but i have no doubt they’d if anything do it for sympathy points views and so on. Not that i’m against that of course, but it would be nice to have streamers back this which is beyond wishful thinking.

Maybe they don’t to be honest, if i didn’t join a group of mates from a few year’s back, i wouldn’t roll on one either maybe. But i’d still make this post because i’m a little self righteous or so I’ve been told, I truly do believe there is little reason if any at all, for there not to be a RP-PVP server, even if i don’t end up playing one I’d still not want to deny other folks what they enjoy just ain’t right.

I would to be honest, they can throw me to the mob, but in some bastardized way it still means we got the goal done. While i do agree, compromise isn’t my go to, instead we should just get one at the start. Sadly the world doesn’t work like that. Compromise should be on the table, if nothing else a bitter pill that we should go over in detail and debate emotional, and stoic.

I agree, it’s also seems a bit… Pointless one day after, it would be say maybe a few weeks or month’s. (sorta like Vanilla hueuheuh.) While i am trying to be hopeful only time will tell, It seems Asia brazil etc, never got any RP servers only EU and NA’s are into roleplay eh?

While i do believe this, do you happen to have any in mind you could link here? I’d like to go over them and add em to the OP, if nothing else more fodder for the Naysayers.

While this is the go to plan, it won’t be as easy to manage nor do as a Real Rp-PVP servers, But the idea is we’ll sadly just bite the bullet and roll on a PVP server.

(Sorry for all the mass quotes, i have no idea how to do the mass reply thing.)


I can’t believe there is no RP-PvP slated for classic launch. It’s the best server type!

- More Immersive from others RP’ing around you, even if you don’t partake.

- More open world PvP in unique areas in the world, because people are more focused on being a part of the world, over just the most efficient grind paths to power.

- Better community.

Really, really hoping they are going to give us one… If the pop is low, I’d rather take a merge later down the line then have to abandon my current guild to go to a new server, as said previously in this thread. Not sure how they are overlooking this aspect.

I mean… other than just adding another server with “RP” in front of it, has to take minimal effort, no?


If players can’t roll on RP-PVP at launch, the true demand data will be distorted vs other realm types.

If Blizz spins up one RP-PVP realm at launch, they might be surprised how quickly they NEED TO SPIN UP MORE due to population influx. It is an opportunity lost not to have all realm types on equal footing at launch.


I, Autren, add my voice to this easily fixed issue. PvE is not for everyone, I like the random encounters with the opposing faction. The fear and excitement of being out in the world keeps me immersed.

This time around I would like to RP too because the game will stagnate after the release of Naxx, and I feel like RP would keep the game interactive for much longer. Besides, now that I’m much older I can only play casually


I think you have picked on something interesting. Google: An Oral History of Azeroth’s Most Influential Guild and see if that explains what you’re picking up.


That was super fascinating, thank you, and yes that does explain a lot.

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My character burns cities. What does yours do?


I got one survey link here. The link will link to reddit which is down for maintenance at the moment. Pretty sure it has RP-PVP ahead, couldn’t double check as it’s down.

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not working for me mate. Ill vote for it. I may not play RP PVP but I think everyone should have a server for them.


RP-PVP blizzrard. We want it. Give to us. Pls k thanks.


If they do release even just one RP-PVP realm I sure hope I don’t disappoint you!!! If you ever need a lieutenant to stand watch in Ironforge and /report non-RP names, I’ll be standing by


Commander Boogerfart, reporting for duty, SIR!


Also has around 16k people replied, so that’s neat.

Here is the results link https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/a43hch/survey_results_subreddit_update/


I agree there should be an RP-PVP realm on Classic launch. Adding one later would require everyone who wanted one in the first place to re-roll.


I like it. You’re going to need to spice it up a bit, to avoid zealous name-reporters. Bugerfahrt. And claim the name is inspired by Germanic proto-language when questioned by any nosey players (or GMs).



Looks like another Reddit thread cropped up. Show support, all!


Haha this is the one i used in the OP thanks anyway though. I know i saw some others floating around way back when, just never thought i’d need em.

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I am an aggressive PVPer, myself.

I’m not saying you need to RP duel instead of in game duel. I’m not saying you need to be a heavy RPer and never step OOC. I’m saying that if you have absolutely NO INTEREST in role playing… then don’t roll on a RP server. Common sense, no?


That’s a perfectly respectable attitude.

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