Wonder what blizz is thinking, oh wait they don’t
Esfand just discussed this on stream!
why would streamers be wanting rppvp realms ?
Sorry…I don’t watch streams.
At least Esfand believes in us I guess.
Fairly certain he is merely here to get reactions.
Well that goblin groupie is barking up the wrong tree.
We don’t blow up the thread with whining and crying.
Which would kill the population on the server previously picked as a surrogate for rppvp. They have put so little foresight into this it is frightening. Such a fundamentally simple choice, yet they have the stick thrust full down so that the plane crators for rppvp folks.
It is so frustrating to watch this company jump from bad decision to worse decision.
Hence this thread to show them that there is an interest and there are a lot of players (ones that come to the forums) that would play.
Every day I come and check for where this thread is and bump if necessary.
Are you willing to be the one to tell your guild, many who reserved names “sorry folks, time to pick up stakes and move!”? How many are going to not follow you. How many who would have chosen rppvp had it been available decided to go to rp instead? Are you going to ask them too to pick up stakes? What of the guild members that busted their butts to level in the front of the pack, or those who took vacation days in order to level at launch?
What a fubar situation blizzard will leave us in, all in the name of their alleged concern for realm population health and “lean server list”.
Anyone willing to compromise on this is simple enabling this company’s bad decisions.
Actually I’m not going to play until layering is gone.
sharding drove me away from legion and I unsubbed.
Not coming back to continent wide sharding (that’s what it is).
I’m going to assume if they decide to create an rppvp server that it would be there by then.
Layering aka sharding, is my line in the sand that I won’t cross.
I’ve come to lend my support to the cause.
This has probably been said already, but I think blizzard is missing the point that it’s possible that RP-PvP could be even more popular than RP-PvE in classic. Obviously I can’t say this for certain, but it seems to me that most RPers will stick to the retail game, because it offers things like transmog and increased race selection.
On the other hand, an RPer who plays on classic is clearly concerned with the mechanics of the game over increased RP features. It isn’t a stretch to imagine such a player would prefer the more spontaneous and emergent gameplay offered by a PvP enabled server. It’s one of the reasons to prefer an older version of WoW to it’s current incarnation.
Anyway that’s just my two cents. Personally, I have a hunch that in a classic setting, RP-PvP has potential to have an even more flourishing community than a regular RP server.
Funny you say that Andaelis. While I did play on ED I stayed away from pvp. The whole RP and PVP was new to me. I had my main and alts on Malygos…a pve server.
What got me into wpvp and enjoying it was going to “that server that shall not be named”. I wanted to try vanilla again that I resigned myself to pvp.
Well when I hit STV the world of wpvp opened up and I had a blast. Got totally sold on pvp. It was the vanilla sandbox type of wpvp that hooked me.
I agree. It would be messy if they add RP-PvP after launch.
I am somewhat confident that EU and NA will get an RP-PvP server included in the launch servers. Let’s just keep up the noise on this.
Every server type survey I have seen has RP-PvP higher than RP-PvE.
You misunderstood the above post. The clip I linked is just a streamer agreeing that RPPVP should be a thing. There’s no need to be hostile!
I really wish they would consider having at least one RP-PvP server.
The frustration of wanting to reroll when/if they eventually launch is going to be really offputting.
We really need to organize as a community and designate a “defacto” RP PvP server.
I’m hoping we do organize and set a defacto realm. Cause I don’t want to re-roll. Even if its just a few days after launch.
I would hope that they give us at least one, because I forsee bad things when RPers try to point to a server to designate it an informal RPvP server.
My friends are taking the week off for launch. I’ve asked them to select RP-PvP if it’s there. If not, I’ll go to the PvP server they choose. And that’ll be it.
IF they decide to server hop and an RP-PvP realm is available then, great. But that’s IF. They won’t reroll just because one gets added.
That we’re actually here having this conversation is soooooo lame. RP-PvP needs to be up at launch. We gotta keep up the noise I guess.
1100th post!
Puts out Ale and pizza for those in thread fighting the good fight