Just curious, does Blizzard RP servers have any special rules or is it just a label? What so different from a Blizzard’s RP-PvP compare with community selected unofficial RP-PVP?
We don’t know how blizzard feels about these rules anymore, but i hope this read helps.
Personally I won’t care if people are out of character in public channels, but the assumption is people with stupid names or who actively troll won’t be tolerated or expected to be tolerated, and so the experience will be better in general. I still want the bloodbaths that come with PvP servers, though.
One thing to note is if you’re OOC and say it no one is going to report you or anything, especially on a RP-PVP server. You never feel like you HAVE to RP, i’ve always felt that it’s just there, so long as you’re kind enough in a community people like you enough.
So long as we bump this thread and show blizzard there is a want for RP-PVP servers at Launch, it may happen, it is not out of the ball-park to ask!
Quite frankly, I’m shocked and mad. I assumed RP-PVP servers would be obvious due to how popular they are and have been making all my plans with my guild under that assumption.
Hearing that they may not include it makes me not even want to invest in playing classic. Classic content is (obviously) old, and I was very much counting on the RP-PvP community to keep the experience fresh.
(Reposted with my proper character name. Oops)
My two copper pieces: I was also planning on playing on an RP-PVP realm with my friends.
And of course I post this from one of my random alts. Why does my character selection in the forums always change itself?
Every voice matters, even if you’re just talking to yourself, the ammount of post and views we have already is proof that we can get enough support for a server of some kind of words from the blues!
Yeah me and my best friend wanted to join a RP RP server. I didn’t know blizz would want to turn away all these players who are willing to fork out money for their dying IP, which classic could save. its the RP servers that will be dead.
Unfortunately I simply cannot bring myself to play on a PvE realm, no matter how much I want an RP realm.
I’m agnostic on this as I don’t RP and have never been on an RP realm.
From what I’ve read though (in other threads on this forum today) it sounds as though a lot of RP realms don’t actually RP that much anymore?
I’ve played on a RPPVP server since the day they were introduced. I’m in a guild that was a day 1 guild on that server. If RPPVP servers hadn’t been in the offing, I would have quit playing months before. The only reason I kept playing was because RPPVP servers were finally being offered.
The issue was that the RPPVE server experience is terrible for the kind of roleplay I, and many others, prefer. When Horde were attacking our allied NPCs, it ruined immersion not to be able to attack the Horde back.
Don’t expect me to be satisfied with a regular RP server again. Regular RP servers might be fine for people who like to make up their own stories and ignore the game, but they are worse than non-RP servers for those of us that want to include the game in our roleplay.
In Vanilla, there were comparable numbers of Normal and PVP servers. The only reason RPPVE servers outnumbered RPPVP servers was because RPPVP servers were introduced late, and many of the players who would have wanted to play on them had already left the game.
Blizzard, don’t make the same mistake again.
This is really interesting, especially the heavy preference for PVP and RPPVP over PVE and RPPVE, respectively, by almost a factor of 4 in each case. It seems like if Blizzard wants to leave out one type of server, they should keep RPPVP and leave out RPPVE.
It seems like a self selected survey, so I’d worry a bit about skew. Based on other answers, it looks like the survey was skewed toward people who have played on private servers, though granted that’s the core market for Classic. I can’t think of any reason why private server players would prefer PVP, though, so I’m inclined to believe the numbers. RPPVP servers should be present from day 1. And it makes sense that continued new content would be more important to PVE people, so they’d be less likely to be interested in Classic.
Add me to +1 for a RPPvP server. This is the realm I was most hyped to play. Now how I can I camp low levels once im 60 if they all have pvp off?
Even on a PVE ruleset, attacking your allied NPCs would have flagged the Horde players, allowing you to attack them.
Attacking guards would flag them. Attacking quest targets typically would not.
It typically would flag them, actually.
There were some bugs and some quest NPCs were not flagged properly very early in vanilla, but by 1.12 (which is the patch Classic uses as a base), they were all flagged.
So you’re saying the forsaken beginner quest involving feeding a poison apple or something to a human test subject would flag the forsaken player doing the quest? I don’t remember that happening.
Edit: or are you saying attacking the opposite faction’s quest givers would flag you? That’s not what I’m talking about; I’m talking about attacking intended quest targets of routine quests where the targets just happened to be of an opposing faction race.
One of your most vibrant and outspoken servers is Emerald Dream, previously an RP-PvP server. I know a lot of RP-PvPers were looking forward to Classic.
I am really surprised that they aren’t planning on giving us a single server.
My enthusiasm for Classic is pretty much shot now.
I’ma get hate for this and I know it.
I don’t want there to be an RP-PVP server for one major reason.
I don’t trust people from certain servers on Retail to go there and not make it Illidan v2 Roflyouroleplaywhat’swrongwithyou?
We all know certain communities, before it opens, and, upon the announcement will be like: “Yeah, let’s go there and show them what PVP is.”
It’s gonna be a clustered mess, IMO.