ahhh the long con
We now see you moves here, Pintero
ahhh the long con
We now see you moves here, Pintero
100% for this but I don’t hold out much hope. There still isn’t a single oceanic RP server on retail so chances of us getting one in classic seem pretty low
I don’t even RP but the community’s are just so much better in my experience.
RP-PvP is what I always played on back the day. There is no reason to not have them.
That’s a really terrible solution, I’m sorry. No one should have to reroll to get onto the server type they want, and no server should be switched from PvE to PvP. There is no reason whatsoever to not make at least one RPPvP server at launch. It really does boggle the mind that Blizzard would do this.
I’m a bit disappointed. Come on Blizz, you know ya wanna.
NO! It’s just uh… Conflict of interest???
+1 For a RP-PvP server.
No one should. But if people not liking something was enough to change blizzard’s mind we wouldn’t be staring down the barrel of loot trading and sharding.
Yeah Ion, lets just wait until people have established characters leveled up before you decide if the demand (that you have been ignoring since classic was announced) is big enough to give them servers to re-level and re-gear on.
Good lord.
Early AV? Tone Deaf
RPPVP? Tone Deaf.
+1 for rp pvp servers, so sad atm.
My guild on the eu side off things is planning to roll on one.
Yea, my guild was planning on rolling on the RP-PvP server too. We are all disappointed
Same. With zero hope.
They wanted to get input on classic, and aspects we like. We did so at length. They apparently ignored every last bit of it.
Indeed. Maybe Blizzard can be persuaded to include at least one RP-PvP server.
I’m just glad there’s RP servers.
There are those of us that wish an even more immersive WoW experience. We wish to some degree to control the narrative and make our realms more than a generic run through and bash bosses.
We wish to create our own stories, RP-PVP realms allow that.
Well, it seems they apparently listened to those asking for Classic to be dumbed down and far closer to a level 60 retail than actual vanilla.
“I want to play vanilla, but I don’t want all that pesky inconvenience.”
This news breaks my heart. I was planning on maining a RP-PVP, and presumed would be the benefit of Blizzard finally doing Vanilla. The pvp experience in open world is fundamental to me and my experience of Vanilla, and knowing now I have to choose between that and RP is extremely disappointing. Whatever I choose I’m loosing…
i’m crushed tbh, i was really looking forward to rolling on a rp-pvp server and was even under the assumption that they would have at least two for those people who want to play both factions. blizzard please
Do not be crushed brother, for you see. I will work towards this goal, every hour we gain .5 support When the weekend comes this will triple, we must spread the word and look to the future! I will go to the retail forums begger bowl and hand and plead to them if i must, all for the cause!
thank you brother you are a hero worthy of the horde