Maybe you’re right Fesz, maybe we can’t change anything. Maybe nothing in life matters, but yet we live every day with hopes that we can change something. You’re not wrong in saying we didn’t change how blizzard feels about some things, but you’re also not right saying that we can’t at least try.
Maybe this will DO nothing but i am willing to accept that, as are you i’m sure we are both good responsible honest people, just trying our best in this world and game to get the things we want without wounding others. So, leave a hear in my OP!!!
Thanks for putting together the data showing player support for RP-PvP. I’m glad Blizzard is announcing support for RP realms at all in Classic, but postponing RP-PvP is just going to cause divisions within the early-forming RP communities.
I’m not even into RP-PvP Realms but this was a really well put together post. Kudos to you and I hope you prevail in achieving this goal. This is how posts should be put together to prove a point to the Classic Team. Great job.
Hello friends, do I have a message for you and blizzard!
I haven’t been playing much WoW but I return every now and then to see what is new, or if there is some big news (such as this thread and update with classic.) I will not say I have been very active in getting classic to return, nor have I or do I play private/illegal servers, but I don’t blame those who do. What I will say is that I had two 60s back in vanilla (this character being one of those two.)
I’d like to add my own complaint and story. Once upon a time little 14 year old me got this game called World of Warcraft. I couldn’t play much, and my account lapsed. My brother stole it and made it his, eventually raiding up to Saph in Naxx 40 when it was current. He was good!
Before long (before he even cleared BWL) I had another account and was playing more and more. I choose Lighthoof as my server, and boy was it great! (RP-PvP) the beat guild on alliance was Awakening, they had a warrior named Doo who I befriended and helped me (a lowly noob) get my epic mount and some gear from MC. They also had a rogue named Cupcake and (I think) one named Shroomin or something goofy. Pretty sure both of them were reported for namechanges at some point… but regardless that was a rememberable thing. I love the server, the community, the people. Even the good guilds were friendly and had actively given back to the community. I remember pugging MC with people towards the end and getting some law bringer, and hanging out in If and other buildings RPing and having a grand time, while also actively killing horde scum. I could go on but I think I need to get back to work (don’t tell anyone).
OOC, TLDR; I will most likely not be returning without RPPvP. Sorry not sorry? But that’s what authentic is to me. Without the blood, WoW classic will be an empty vessel. Hoping to see you all on the other side one day!
Heart for the well constructed OP. I’m not sure about RP-PVP servers. My issue is not that players shouldn’t be given the opportunity for RP-PVP, but that it will be abused by PvP’ers only interested in an easier honor grind. Back when I was playing the rumors that I always heard through guild chat, ventrillo, whatever that RP-PVP was just a poor mans PvP server.
I do hope they reconsider adding the server, but I will be sticking strictly to RP servers myself.
Great thread, I didn’t realize a poll of server type desires existed. The fact that it has 18,000 responses shows that it has some meaning. As i said in the other thread, I really hope Blizzard re-considers.
Some might disagree but I honestly feel that PVE isn’t the full wow experience. It doesn’t make a realm feel whole to me. I only have interests in a PVP server to get the full package of what vanilla was. A RP server draws another type of player, less competative, more social, more just looking to enjoy the game. PVP servers like Tichondrius and Blackrock have rubbed me the wrong way in the past. Esports following and elitist mentality while standing outside of major cities. RP is always more relaxed.
A RPPVP server is the ultimate Vanilla MMO experience. Let the try-hards who want to tag behind streamers and big pvp names sit on West/East coast PVP servers. Having a West/East coast RPPVP server brings so much more to the table for those that enjoy pvp, community, raiding, and what vanilla wow was.
I don’t RP, so I don’t really have any stake in their decision, but doesn’t a PvP server fit the RP aspect of WoW’s story way more than a normal server?
I was very surprised then Ion said that, I spent most of my time playing WoW on RP-PvP realms. And based on the way Ion was talking about classic servers it really sounds to me like they are going to do very few servers and they will be very high populations servers and it sounds like Blizzard doesnt believe Classic will have many people playing it a couple of weeks after the launch.
I think this also might mean sharding is confirmed. Which is very disappointing to me.
I first started as an orc warrior on Deathwing (PVP) November 23rd 2004. Got to 60, raided a bunch, played a bunch of WPVP, then one day in late September 2005 I was running around Taneris and got one shot with a reck bomb from a Paladin. I had no clue what happened. But I do know I got one shot by a pink pally in banana shoulders. I thought it was the coolest thing ever! And thought to myself I need to play that class. But when I got to the character screen on my PVP server I saw i could not roll an Alliance character.
So I re-rolled that day on Twisting Nether(RP-PVP) as a Human Paladin. And I never looked back. I made friends I still play with to this day. We got server first raid bosses down, we hosted Wpvp events, we even had a wedding between a night elf and a Tauren in Teldresill, yeah it was odd, and in the end the wedding ended with a massive PVP match between the two sides. Luckily the bride and groom got out safely. but it’s something I still remember 14 years later lmao.
For me, RPPVP was the perfect mix of immersion, danger, and conflict between the two factions. The people cared about the community, we were all close, everyone knew everyone for good or bad. It truly was a once in a lifetime experience that I was truly hoping to experience once more. I had every intention of rolling on a RP-PVP server from day one on Classic. This is extremely disappointing to hear that they are planning on having RP servers but not RP-PVP servers when the general consensus I’ve seen over the years is that RP-PVP server were more popular than RP servers.
So for me this sucks, I really wanted to roll on a RP-PVP again. last week I was stocked for Classic and couldn’t wait to hand Blizzard my money. This week is making me really reconsider ever giving Blizzard my money again. . I’m gonna hold out till release to make a final call. But if there is no RP-PVP server at luanch i’m just not interested.
TLDR; Originally rolled on a PVP server, eventually rerolled on a RP-PVP server and never have I ever in my life had more fun, than on an RP-PVP server. Twisting Nether will always have a special place in my heart.