#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Prior to the dropping of PvP realms entirely, you’re not wrong at all. I think PvP and RP-PvP realms would be a lot more popular here because of the fact that it’s a no-flying, persistent environment.

I don’t really blame RP-PvP realms for dying out on Retail because of changes over time made PvP outside Rated and Arenas kinda pointless.

Though I’m speaking from ignorance here as I’m 100% PvE, myself.

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“We” being who? You are doing that small wall-of-no thing again.


Thanks for providing this! I too was also under the assumption that they would have at least ONE RP-PVP server. Consider this another emphatic vote for at least one at launch (most folks I play with are assuming they would be able to play on one as well).


I don’t do a lot of RP, however I absolutely love the Atmosphere on emerald dream on live and would choose an RP server every single time if I got the chance. Emerald Dream feels like the only real wow server left. I’m surprised they aren’t considering that in Classic


I was totally going to roll on an RP-PVP server, now I am really sad. I love the world being alive with RP and pvp. The world feels so much better with real danger in it.

If I had to choose RP or PVP, I think I would pick PVP. I just wish I could have both =(


In Vanilla, I knew that you could not roll both factions on the same PvP realm. Was this also true of RP-PvP?

One of my favorite RP-PvP events that was held on Steamwheedle Cartel-RP-PvP (Wrath era), and later on Moon Guard-RP-PvE was the “Dance of the Dead” - a Forsaken-inspired Hallow’s Eve RP event that included the usual Halloween costume parties and festivities, but also a “macabre celebration” called the Wild Hunt.

There’s particular rules you’d not see in an ad-hoc pvp scenario, and a lot more interesting character and story interaction.

Afterwards, people would gather to roleplay. Horde would go and celebrate in Caer Darrow, Alliance would go somewhere else to celebrate or whatever.

Mass flagging me doesn’t make you right, just very small. :roll_eyes:

It was, yes.


Yes Blizzard please rethink this decision. There is a decent group size of people that are looking forward to this type of server. Polls above show a better out come for RP-PVP than just RP.


I’ve never played on an RP server before but I was considering RP-PVP for Classic because the experience would be more immersive and mature.

Back when vanilla came out there were actually pretty strict immersion rules, such as the famous “don’t name yourself Roflcopter” example. Not like after MoP where all the PVPers were named Mileyqtxo or Shatterqt or Dalailamaqt.

I’m fine with using PVP servers, maybe the RPers can pick one PVP server to all go to, but just showing some support.


Come on, folks. It’s pretty simple what Blizzard’s motive is here – considering they blatantly said it themselves. They will eventually add RP-PvP realms, but first they want you to create all of your characters on a PvP or RP realm so that you must then pay an exorbitant amount of $$$ for realm transfers once RP-PvP is added. Corporate greed. What can you expect from Activision?


I thought we weren’t allowed to xfer from an pve to pvp server back then? So starting on an rp-pve server would be useless, we’d need to re-roll if so.
Either way it would be bad.
Blizz, just open an rp-pvp server option pls, let the chips fall where they may.


I don’t think it’s a “whether there will be or not RP-PVP realms, but when there will be RP-PVP realms”.

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Does that even really make sense? If they aren’t included at launch, but added later, people are going to have to transfer or reroll.
This really hits home for me, because myself and all of my friends were going to roll on rp-pvp. So, after getting established, we have to relocate? Are we gonna have to pay for it too?


Take heart, for we have been GIVEN 100 hearts. YAY Blizzard can not sit idle by and ignore us for long, We have MONTHS until the game comes out, if we can keep up the steam and not let this die, Then. Only the sky the limit!


You should be able to role-play – everywhere!

Unfortunately, it’s been nearly impossible for me to find lasting and meaningful RP on a Normal or PvP server. I advocate for it because I believe there are major differences in the players who care about role-play and those who don’t want to spend their time playing this way.

Truthfully, I’ve found that attempts at honest role-play on another realm types IS POSSIBLE. People are curious and most of the time, they flood your screen and chat with spam and generally disrupt the whole thing – This topic can be taken to extremes. There is no need to go over every case as they can be unique and severity will vary.

Role Play servers have rules – governed not only by the players, but by Blizzard (or that’s how it used to be). Apart from naming policies, griefing and disruptive, offensive players – described briefly above, could be squelched or may have had an account time-out. Normal and PvP servers were notoriously not as strict and I feel is another strong reason to launch with RP/PVP Realms!

RP/PvP Realms are known to host some of the most contested, wPvP --specifically large scale, organized wPvP. This wouldn’t be possible without these people with similar mindsets! The RP Community – to organize on this scale takes massive participation and events are thoughtful and require someone devoted to this labor of love.

You create new “Classic Content” by telling your own stories and unapologetically participating in the faction war and raid content!

Warcraft creates the space for us to bring the story to life. 7-10% of us really enjoy playing the game this way!


Well said, we will keep trying

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Edited the OP for

It seems some one from the EU forums put up a petition, if you want to go the extra mile support here lol, looks like they’re only trying to get 100 and it’s filling fast. If that’s you’re thing too :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh shut up. It’s not a wall-of-no thing. And why do you have to keep bringing that embarrassment up?


1 more here for RP-PVP…

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