If you do not care about a subject, yet feel compelled to give an opinion against it, you cannot see how that is a small wall of no? Why not just discuss things you actually care about instead of speak out against ones you don’t?
This actually IS a subject I care about, because I used to play on an RP-PVP realm. Ravenholdt, actually.
Agreed. While RP-PVP was not around at launch, it was a very cool addition. Please Blizz at least 1 RP-PVP server, I won’t main there, but it would be a nice vacation.
Many old servers are dead, no one deny’s that i think Smolderthorn while never large is long past her glory days. As is Kil’Jaden, but in the time they where around start, and for how many years where they alive? If it takes 5, no… 10 years to kill a server for many reason? I say that is a damn good server.
If it takes 5 years to kill One Rp-PVP server then it served us well. As i said, maybe this is futile. Maybe you’re right, the server will die within a month of launch because everyone hates it, but without giving us a chance to prove anyone wrong… Well, who know’s. Words a crazy place after all, we must unite. EVERYONE HERE IS FRIENDS AND RAINBOWS.
Bump in support of RP-PvP realms.
ED has one of the largest population in game. There will be zero issues filling up one RP-PvP server.
I’d like to officially support the inclusion of RP-PVP servers at launch.
This decision not to do so really perplexes me, as there is a not insignificant subset of players who prefers RP-PVP servers and they will have no option at launch. This leaves those players with two courses of action: select a server type they don’t prefer or wait for a RP-PVP to be released. These both pose issues, notably having the potential to split friend groups and guilds.
In general, it seems like two of the bigger draws of Classic are world PVP and the immersiveness of the leveling experience, aspects of the game which a RP-PVP server caters to specifically. Given the sentiment of those interested in Classic servers I imagine RP-PVP would be quite popular.
Personally, my coworkers and I (game dev, if it’s relevant) have been planning a guild for Classic and resoundingly prefer RP-PVP, with this news we are now left unsure what to do.
EDIT: I’d also like to add the tone and civility of the responses in this thread have reinforced my desire to roll RP-PVP, this is a great community.
So are a lot of PvP servers. What’s your point?
My point is Ravenholdt was dead before the PVP servers died. It had to get merged with Twisting Nether around the release of TI and even that didn’t save it.
Well, some servers thrive and others don’t. It’s silly to condemn the server type because some servers failed. I played on Veco and ED…both vibrant for a long time (ED still is).
ED being the only one, I’m guessing.
All type of server had merging, the game aged, less people play. Were you expecting an rp-pvp server to be immune to this?
No. I’m just trying to point out a correlation between the failure of RP-PVP servers on live and the devs’ belief they’d likely do the same in Classic. One server still being active does not mean that realm type’s a success.
And only 2 rp-pve servers are considered active now, or when I last played. WRA and MG.
Sorry Laeric, I just feel that this is a game wide effect and isn’t useful as an argument against an rp-pvp server in Classic.
I’d just like to say I hope all the “it died, therefore that type of server doesn’t work” arguments being made refer to servers that died before Cataclysm.
I think most of the arguments that it died are saying it died during BFA so they where probably alive even past WoD
I agree this decision has more to do with the devs’ lack of interest than the players.
Please, leave the bickering behind. There is no space for that here.
I am amazed. A month ago if someone was to ask if there would be all server types available in classic, people would laugh at the lunacy of having to ask such, thinking it was a given, of course there would be.
Fast forward to today, where we see people constructing small walls of no against rppvp realms.
Just nuke this forum from space already.
I never played on an RP server during retail vanilla but I was set on going RP-PVP this time around. It sort of seems like the ‘whole package’ of every aspect of the game. I’ve talked to so many other players who feel similarly, and I think the demand for rp servers (both types) is going to be higher this time around. Hopefully they reconsider before launch.