I do agree, at least with the little Data we have and the vocal support there is enough playerbase for a single one. Even if it was EU and US merged.
Some people enjoy the more chaotic world and organized events happening compared to the more organized PVP RP-PVE servers offer.
I think both players should have a choice, so hopefully everyone can walk away happy from this. RP-PVP and RP-PVE also offer different story types as well, both can elevate one another in media, art etc.
In terms of roleplaying, it can, certainly in the RPPVP style of adhering to world reality instead of trying to tell stories. All you have to do is posit that black dragons reproduce, so killing Nefarion is only temporary until the next black dragon grows up and becomes the next Nefarion.
This style of roleplay is probably part of what gives RPPVP servers better longevity than other types of servers.
With 7% of the people surveyed saying they’d play on an RPPVP server, I think an RPPVP server is pretty clearly justified if they have 14 Classic servers or more.
I would argue that RP PvP will be incredibly popular this go around. We know a lot more than we knew in 2004. My 35 year old self is different than 21 year old self. My wants/goals in a game are drastically different now than what they used to be. I didnt even play on an RP server in vanilla but started playing on them in other games after WoW.
Stenze, people left ED around BfA because they figured with War Mode, they could get a richer RP experience with thei WPvP. Of course, what the didn’t account for was that these were firmly entrenched carebear servers so they didn’t get to fight with/against their new community. Some players are now coming back to ED.
In the context of Classic, RP-PvP servers were largely known as WPvP hotspots with better factional balance. A single server would serve as a hub for RP-PvPers and regular PvPers would fill in the rest of the population.
It’s not like non-RP PvPers would avoid an RP-PvP tag. Ion’s stance is just absurd. This server ruleset would thrive and likely have the strongest longevity.
Which is how you can roleplay it, in as much as I can roleplay being a cat or a space marine. Nefarian being replaced by another black dragon every week makes as much sense as Van Cleef pulling a vanish every time we clear Deadmines and leaves a perfect replica of his head on his also-fake corpse.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Everyone has the right to roleplay what they want.
RP-PvP has always been an important part of my WoW playing experience. This was never more true than during the days of Classic WoW and TBC. Running through the Wetlands with a guild, dodging Horde players and crocolisk alike are some of my favorite memories of all time. I hope that Blizzard can reconsider and provide a single server for all of us to share. RPPvP is important.
Yea World PvP isn’t for everyone, i may feel that it is a MASSIVE part of the game, others won’t plently of people playing on Normal / PVE severs prove that, and it’s the same for RP PVE and RP PVP, both have a following that we can support eachother.