#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

I’m horrible at spelling, thank god for auto-correct. there’s actually an addon for that if you want it called Mispelled, hopefully it’ll make a return haha.


RP, or RP servers?

The #1 killer of RP is speed content. Since BC, average dungeon time has dropped by a factor of 2-4, but peoples’ typing speed hasn’t gone up by a factor 2, let alone 4. As a result, you can only get a fraction of the roleplaying in. And with M+ timers, you don’t even do that, because you want to make the timer.

RP servers have been doing just as well as any other servers in Warcraft, so there hasn’t been any special “killer” of them.

The “and your allies” part is important. You had plenty of allies to roleplay with.

Now, it’s just you, “Champion”. The dissonance sets in as soon as you start to roleplay with anyone else. And a lot of people aren’t into solo roleplay.


RP pvp realms are the true master race of rp realms.


New Vid incoming

Also, as an aside. After all the passion i have seen for RP-PvP servers i have decided if it’s available at launch thats where i shall make my Toons, despite still having PTSD from PvP server BloodScalp back in TBC days :stuck_out_tongue:


Yea i just made a post on General chat, hopefully it helps get us some more exposure or support.

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You cant go wrong with one at launch. You can go wrong with one some time later.


Without having played Vanilla it is hard to grasp just how integral the feeling of danger and wpvp is as a part of the game. There is no other expansion that can even come close to the atmosphere and immersion that this brings to you. The main detractors of leaving one blind to this paradigm are flying mounts and sharding creating a non-competitive world of resourses. It is not strictly RP for someone to create a group of 5 rogues to go to Black Rock Mountain to scout before your raid for any potential members for the opposing faction but the game necessitates this in order to keep world buffs for raid.

This is but one example of how wpvp gives immersion in the world and your character, but how beautiful it would be to have all this done in a role play setting. The game is riddled with incentive wpvp such as crafting materials being highly competitive, and this competition breeds conflict between guilds in your faction and otherwise. All this becomes amplified in a RP environment because it’s doubling down on an already immersive experience.

I have played a lot of Vanilla, from raiding into Naxx on Stormreaver US in the guild Bloodthirst and raiding and capping on over 8 different toons, but my dream has been to RP through that adventure. This game is fundamentally different on a PVE server to the point I cannot concede playing an entirely different version of Vanilla. I know members of the classic community may not see this as the hill to fight on, but as you can see from replies, many people care. It is also my belief more will care when they play this game and become immersed in the world all over again.


Could not have said it better. These are my exact feelings. Don’t leave us hanging, Blizzard.


I’ve never played on an RP server of any kind before, and I was considering it this time around, provided that it was of the PvP flavor.

The good news is that Blizzard changed their minds about the loot after listening to the community, so hopefully they will listen on this, too, so keep up the good fight.


Except that’s never taken into account. Every single quest is written as a single player experience. It’s you who turns in the head of Onyxian. It’s you who turns in the head of Nefarian. You simply replay these scenarios until it is you.

Just like Retail.

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Actually it’s not when you turn in Nefarian’s Head Field Marshall Afrasiabi yells: Citizens of the Alliance, the Lord of Blackrock is slain! Nefarian has been subdued by the combined might of [Name} and his/her allies!


Many of those quests mention you needing to gather/raise/find an army to complete a task. Seems pretty grounded to me. It’s a big difference in style from Retail, even if it isn’t perfect.

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Same with Retail. Except now it’s not just other players, but NPCs as well.

There isn’t any difference between the writing of Vanilla and Retail. Period. If people don’t get to kill KT, the narrative becomes that you did in later expansions.

Except your allies can also turn in that same quest. The problem is that of Van Cleef and Hogger and every other named NPC - you, the player become the great hero, and only so many people can actually have done these great deeds.

This is especially of note when you factor in the other players - and not including the other faction. Is the head of Nefarian claimed by Horde or Alliance? In terms of storytelling, it can’t be both, can it?

Can y’all please not hijack this Thread anymore, don’t get me wrong it makes for great reading on a slow night, but there’s a grounded purpose here and i think y’all are getting a little off the beaten path


I really wonder how many US region servers they are going to have at launch. Do you think it’s going to be 2 PvP, 2 PvE, 1 RP, and 1 potential RP-PVP? Or do you think it’s going to be double that? Triple? Different ratio?

If they are nervous about even putting in a single RP-PvP server then they must be projecting lower player numbers.


Well the Demo had 20 servers, so i think it’s safe to assume that we will AT least get that on the NA part

Also PLEASE Stay on topic, Yes i’m sure this can be a heated debate, but THIS IS SOLELY ABOUT TRYING TO GET RP-PVP SERVERS Going, thank you :smiley:


I do think there will probably be more than 5 servers, but that demo was a unique case were everyone was funneled into a single zone. Out of those 20 servers how many were approaching the full capacity at once?

This is my attempt to bring the discussion back to why Blizzard isn’t implicitly adding RP-PvP servers at release. They called it a niche community in the Q&A, so they must be concerned about player counts. If they’re concerned about a single RP-PvP server’s player count than they are definitely concerned about the other servers.

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Sorry i didn’t mean you, i just meant in general, your question is fine. I just don’t want people going off on “Oh this version of this quest is better” and so on.

So i’m sorry, i just tried to reply to you and make a general statement at the same time that was pure on my part.

Yea i would hoenstly think there would be something like 10 pvp servers 7 PVE servers and 3 RP servers, But who know’s. I really am hoping we can get a RP-PVP server out of this. 20 isn’t going to be nearly enough i think.

Minimum would be 1 RP-PvP. Ion might think it’s too niche, but there’s plenty of roleplayers who love PvP. They aren’t the majority, but it’s not an unimportant playstyle.

Even your RP-PvE servers benefit from occasional, and even organized PvP, so the more ad hoc PvP style can be advantageous to the Roleplay.