#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

+1 for RP-PvP servers. That is the server type I was most interested in rolling on. Please consider at least one at launch!


They need to really consider making an RP-PvP realm.

I have friends who 100% want to play on one, and it would be a real shame if they didn’t have an RP-PvP server to play on.

Over the last two years, Emerald Dream has been one of the best servers for world PvP, why would they not want to have that happen in Classic? World PvP will already be a thing, on RP servers it’s just amazing.


Private servers are almost exclusively PvP, and there hasn’t been a single vanilla PvE private server with more than like a hundred players in ages, if ever. Every single “big” vanilla private server, the ones you heard of even if you never had any interest on playing on a private server, has been a PvP server. It’s just the way things work.


Less ability to run around and grief events by killing the people involved. On RP servers, we can report them for griefing.


From my experiences on Emerald Dream over the years. That is one of the most active communities ever, one of the few realms that kept it’s identity after everything. We NEED a classic Emerald Dream.


“We’ll see”? That basically means no in WoW dev speak.

Pardon me for throwing a fit, but I’m genuinely frustrated that they don’t seem to want a single RP-PvP server.

Looks like I need to start looking for another game to spend my money on incase they follow through…

Edit: Ok, after my initial reaction, this isn’t 100% a make-or-break for me…I just don’t want to feel like I’m playing on the wrong server the entire game.

I’ll probably en up going to a PvP realm if I still play, but it’ll still be sad.

Sigh…whatever. Thanks for making this post, OP.


Let’s get a blue post in here. I want answers from those who have wronged us.

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I just can’t believe that they wouldn’t add at least one RP-PVP server at launch. The RP-PvP servers in vanilla were always relatively high population so there is clearly a market for it. I plan on rolling on an RP-PvP server since RP is such a fun aspect of any MMO. It hurts nothing having them make at least one at launch. If there isn’t one, we should all figure out a pvp server and have that be the unofficial RP-PvP server


Thing is, if they’re holding “we may launch RP-PvP later on” over our heads for months, I may not even play while I wait for them.

If they’re going to put them out they need to include them at launch. The server type being too niche is a self fufilling prophecy if Blizzard decides to wait until everyone is well established elsewhere.


I have never read something quite as defeatist as this.

The frustrating part is that they for some reason felt it relevant when RPPVP servers were implemented. The reason they were implemented when they were was because NOT having them at release was a giant oversight and they finally heard the clammoring for them. It is not as though they were held off for a reason like DM is being held off due to progression.

Waiting until players are already leveled, skilled and geared on another server before you start to consider giving them the server they wanted all along is so backward.


Remember what that band of derps did to Moon Guard for their project 60. :confused:

Imagine the hell they’d wreak on an RP-PVP server.

It is still defeatist. You suggest to not have something we enjoy because bad actors might attempt to ruin it. Are you reading what you are posting?


Yes, I am.

I’m a roleplayer, myself. It’s depressing, but my faith in humanity is at a record low, all things considered after seeing the current player-base. I know they won’t get past 30-ish, but it’s moreso along the lines of they’re going to make things miserable for everyone throughout those levels.

I mean, the RP-PVP has my support as long as threads aren’t exploding because of certain groups causing mass waves of problems.

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Please DON’T ARGUE! Keep this constructive!


On top of that, polling also indicates more interest in RP-PvP servers than RP-PvE.


If I recall correctly, that poll was one of like 15k people as well. Really do not know what they are basing decisions on about what it “niche”.


I’ve been talking to other RP/PVP guild leaders and would be leaders as well. We’ve all come together for similar purpose. Blizzard and Ion H. think 7-10% of the player base is too small of a niche to be worthy enough of our own realm.

We strongly DISAGREE. RP/PVP leaders and guild members do our absolute best to bring Warcraft to life. The rich Warcraft story coupled with an accessible Azeroth as our stage – we create some of the most long-lasting and player driven and supported story within the game. RP/PvP has been on the list since patch 1.8. It was DEMANDED by the player base

In Vanilla and up until BFA introduced WARMODE, there were a few realm options to choose from:

-Contested territories players can fight at will in these locations

-You need to type /pvp to engage in any open world pvp conflict. Note that after you flag you’re at an immense disadvantage as other players don’t have to flag themselves for battle until they’re ready.

-A more uniform naming policy as well as the PvE realm ruleset. In addition to this, Roleplaying was monitored and protected from griefers by blizzard.

The player base DEMANDED a mixture of PvP and RP.
Patch 1.8 we got the first RP/PvP realms!
-A unique blend of RP and grief protection as well as engaging open world and guild versus guild conflict.

RP servers were known to create their own server history and timelines on the forums and elsewhere. RP servers bring the Warcraft story to life. Please support RP/PvP servers by commenting in favor on the official forums!

My RP/PVP Post 1 week before the Q&A
If Vanilla is your favorite flavor, please consider helping out in support of your community!


Wow, that’s moronic.

I mean, I have no interest in PvP personally. But “A bit too small of a niche”? Someone didn’t look at the numbers on RP-PvP servers during original-Classic at all. Way to say “We expect very few people to actually be interested in Classic” while maintaining plausible deniability that that’s what he said.


The disconnect is real.


Yet they are creating Classic for what some say is a “niche group of gamers”
I find that kind of amusing. We mustn’t double down on our niching!