
very sorry i missed the tabard event. but after a few days needed a real night of sleep. tabard looks cool. grats!


I was really hoping for navy blue to win. Still, the people have spoken.


So by now, you’re level 20 or 25 or whatever, and you still haven’t found a home. You came to Grobbulus because of the PVP, but as of right now you’re kind of on your own. Not a great time to start heading into those contested zones. If you want a unified effort—if you want protection—if you want to both give and receive when it comes to a PVP team, then you may feel right at home in < Hurricane >

  • Is PVP your primary focus?
  • Looking to learn or teach others?
  • Want to be surrounded with positivity and support?
  • Can you listen?
  • Can you read?

Then just maybe—stop in, we’ll give you the run down. Looking forward to seeing more new faces stop in :slight_smile:


As I was swimming across The Loch, I wondered if Threshadons are attracted to splashing sounds in the same way that sharks are. Apparently not, because I made it across safely.

I just started my level 20 Pally quest. If it hadn’t been for Darv I couldn’t have finished step 1 at level 20. Others will get me through Shadowfang Keep.

Our guildies know you have to have your Verigan’s Fist ASAP, for the World of PeeVeePee awaits.


Answering the important questions. :grinning: Would love to see a “Creatures of Azeroth” NatGeo style documentary. :sunglasses:


For even more warm fuzzies, visit our new thread on the Grobbulus forum!

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For exactly the same warm fuzzies, you mean. And oh boy, now we have two of these to bump. What a joy.


Yarr, Deliver me Lumber!

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Avast, ye hearties!

No sooner I’d ported and ordered a drink, the sea, she beckoned. She’s a cruel mistress getting up the hopes of a sailor only to dash them on the rocks like a wayward vessel.

Though the weary traveler may be tossed hither and yon, his heart is always seated by the hearth of home. Mayhap some day the winds carry him back, but until then, he does as the sea pleases. And she pleases he be lost for the time being.

A warmer welcome seldom found.
I must depart without a sound.


The first batch of whirlwind axes have been minted! Thanks to all who helped these sweet young level 30’s get their big axe energy on. 4 in one event - would have been 5, but Vengeance DC’ed.

Good to be in a guild where people visibly give a damn.


It’s a great group of players. Check them out in Discord!


Glad to see so many people dropping what they’re doing and grouping up—whether this is for dungeons, class quests, elites, or PVP. Especially with PVP—when a call goes out it very quickly turns into 10 of us versus 1 of them.


We’re a non-layered guild in a layered world.

Oh well. 4 thrall kills in 20 minutes? We’re going to need to park layer alts in Org.

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Came for the PvP, stayed for the sandwich telepathy/psychic link thing we got going on in the guild. Hope we can channel that during WPvP.


If you’re looking for an amazing community, look no further! I’ve never felt so comfortable and welcomed in a MMO before. Hurricane really feels like a horde-killing family. During the past week of leveling madness, you could always turn to guildmates for help with quests, dungeons, crafting, and killing the dirty horde.

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“What’s an astronaut’s favorite part of a computer? The space bar.”

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Layering is causing significant problems for PVP and we need your presence at the nightly prayer circle to ask the great Blizz to erase those things ASAP. Join today!

I’d attend the prayer circle to end layering…but it’d just get layered…:cry::cry::cry:

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Sounds like the Grobbulus opening ceremony.

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That was so sad. It was depressing to be running with a huge group just to have everyone disappear. :persevere:

On a happier note…

“I’ve got a great joke about construction, but I’m still working on it.”

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