
I was thinking circus, myself. Fiesta works equally well.

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Just hit 41 :sunny: Only 400 more wolves to 42.

Welcome to our new recruits from these past couple of days. Looking forward as we push into this week—will be interesting for sure.

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Yes, sooo many groups! It’s painful having a baby that’s essentially a 2ft barnacle and having to say no thanks to all the groups.

But hey, if someone needs a guild and isn’t weighed down by miniature humans bent on destruction, there’s always someone to play with here! And if ya are also a victim of your own reproduction…clearly you have some company here, so you should also join us! :grinning:


If you’re having trouble finding a dungeon or leveling group, look no further! There’s hardly a reason to PUG when you have a guild this active and eager to help out!


You’re never too young to learn to farm gold.

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Everyone always says that and perhaps it’s true. My kids are way too destructive to farm gold for me, however. I’ve had this keyboard a week, 3 year old has already popped off keys and lost one. :triumph: Safina has been trying to get him to play a Paladin for 2 years, if only to get him to understand keyboards are friend.

I hope every other mom in the guild has less gremliny gremlins, otherwise, WPvP is going to get really interesting as a bunch of guild moms are yelling in discord “Lost another key! That was for X super important macro/ability”, “Mouse doused in milk!”, “AFK, kids shoving play-doh into my computer”.


Layering is unfortunately an absolutely necessary evil on launch and the few months afterwards. Retail tourist syndrome (and tourists from other games, for that matter) is definitely a real thing and make up a good chunk if not the large majority of players that will eventually die off and leave the game once they’ve given it a go and they realize its not a walk in the park, and prefer a different type of game. This way we don’t sacrifice long term health and enjoyment for short term gain.

The devs are completely on our side here though according to all the interviews I’ve watched/read, they’ve said they completely understand the community view on this and are in full agreement that they do not want it in classic and want to remove it ASAP once they’re able to do so, right before phase 2 launches at the absolute latest, however were they not to implement layering upon launch, the alternatives would be far, far worse and much more disruptive to a whole lot more players, which I have to agree having seen how massive a PITA server mergers and all the other confounding logistical factors such endeavors bring down the road, in past years/games. A queue and layering for a short time are very small inconveniences for a big long term benefit. They do have all the data though at their disposal though, the forums and reddit don’t, so I trust they’ll make the right call at the right time with concern for long term health here.

Last I heard, right around launch, is that they expect to be able to remove it well ahead of phase two, rather than having to wait until the hard deadline of phase two, which is good for us.

Back on topic though…I’m a recent arrival to Hurricane, and everyone has already been incredibly active, kind, and welcoming. I already got one of my other friends in as well, and am working on one other. There seems to be plenty of action and activity around the clock, so you’ll never be short of people to play with (which is good for me, as a night owl)! Overall, 10/10, definitely give us a shot!

Oh, and Savina…

Might I suggest investing in a door lock for when you’re AFK to avoid any wayward hands/playdoh, I don’t even have kids but if I do someday, I know the very first thing I’ll get is a lock for my gaming room/office door!

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Lol, while it would be nice to lock ourselves into a different room than our 3 and 1 year old children, we can’t exactly leave them unattended to play video games.


I have a 10 and 7 year old and even when they are attended… accidents/intentional destruction will happen.

oh…and keep this handy:



I have logged into discord and read the pinned message my ign name is meowskur and I am playing a rogue level 16 almost 17 at the moment!

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I’m on it, Meowskur, welcome! Still half asleep though.

Children don’t ever seem to age out of needing attention of some kind. I have a fond memory of healing a BC dungeon and telling my daughter, “People are dying because you are interrupting me!” Her response was, “Mom, really?” I won the Mom of the Year Award for that one.


Hahaha yes obviously, please don’t end up like those Korean parents that starved their child, I was referring to when you were AFK, I.e. not actively playing/in the room and elsewhere in the house, you know how kids are, they can run off and get into places and stuff they shouldn’t…that’s where the lock comes in handy :wink:

Not sure why people are linking articles on unwanted parenting advice, last thing I’m trying to do is backseat parent! :laughing:

All I do know though, is that a lock currently has been super handy for me when we have family/friends/relatives with kids and whatnot over and don’t want them running into rooms with lots of expensive gaming and work computer gear in it!


Stop on in and say hi, we’ll keep the lights on for ya


Yay new smiling faces! Have your first stupid joke, on me. :grin: I promise I won’t do this to you in game.

What concert costs just 45 cents? 50 Cent featuring Nickelback!


Nice for new people to bask in some sweet mood lighting. Terrible for your electric bill, though.


Thanks to all who came to our Thursday PVP raid training and 130 noob Grom’gol raid! I was thrilled to see how eager people were to learn basic formation strategy in WoW. Lines to catch, semicircle to enclose, even spacing for ranged and healers to protect against AOE.

Was fun killing all the NPC’s in Grom’gol. It isn’t easy for a raid that is mostly level 30 to tear down wave after wave of 20+ level 55ish elite guards. Must have put down sixty or seventy of them before getting overwhelmed. Next week, we’ll have the levels for a long-term occupation.

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Hurricane, coming to a Horde town near you every Thursday

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The weekend is almost here, hopefully us 9 to 5’ers can gain a little ground :slight_smile:

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That is so outdated. It’s more like 5-5’ers. :grinning::sob: Our computers went down at work today, so we had to do everything manually. It took me 20 minutes to shuffle the cards for Solitaire.