Roll back and suspend everyone who abused this

They have banned for stuff like this in the past, how dumb can you be. Easily searchable

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Don’t rollback my progress. Punish the wrongdoers, I have nothing to do with those bad apples.

@gewbear - Thoughts?

they didn’t even shut down servers!
i doubt they will do anything but fancy words to calm people.

What does this have to do with banning people for exploiting lmao

too late for rollback if was in plans should be rolled within the first hour of bgs release.

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I have to agree, rollback and suspensions the only thing that makes sense. What’s taking so long to rollback though?

Blue post already said they can’t roll back.

Which post I havent seen that.

I sold all my boons and made 4800 gold.

“suspend half the playerbase and kill the game instead of just removing the items because im stupid”

There’s not really any great options at this point. Banning for buying and selling based on blizzard’s mistake doesn’t look great when people who have openly bought gold are still playing, and bots are everywhere.

Rolling back hours after the fact means tons of people have gotten some rare item.

Just deleting the items means people who exploited got rich while those who didn’t are still grinding away, and reinforces the behavior when it happens in the future. Like there’s no way any of us don’t jump on this sort of thing when it happens again if people get to keep the gold.

If they can’t roll back, deleting the items and gold to me seems like the only reasonable thing.

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Its called integrity and accountability which they need to have some in situations like this.

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Picking up a loot item off a mob is a bannable offense?

Do you hear yourself talking?

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I made 4800 gold.


Remember when they banned a whole guild for using an item that insta kill everything within 100 yds? The item was given to the players by a blizzard employee. Blizzards fault but they had no issue dropping the hammer of judgement down.

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I definitely agree, they will 100% delete all SoD items, but the gold people made from exploiting is the issue that they either wont fix, or will take tons of time to fix.

Feels bad to anyone who didn’t exploit, and like you said the lesson is yet again “exploit early and often”

Totally agree with the OP.