Role Play Guilds here?

Where are the actual RP guilds? All I see are recruitments for raid teams or M+ groups. Do the RP guilds still exist on the server anymore? Friends and I are looking for that old school d&d style adventure guild. Some experience with role-play but willing to learn and be dedicated to an rp guild. Just dipping the toe into the abyss that’s the forums.

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Hello! I’m honestly a bit surprised at the post, most of the guilds on WRA are RP guilds. I’d reccomend checking out the pinned directory post, it has a list of Horde and Alliance RP guilds that are recruiting. Best of luck to you!


There -are- quite a few PvE guild recruitment threads on the forums, though the RP guild ones aren’t hard to find. It’s kinda lazy sleuthing though, for sure. I echo Auhgag’s suggestions. Try looking a bit more. There’s plenty.

Good luck!


You might also need to go do some boots on the ground research. I think RP guilds don’t advertise quite as often because it sometimes requires a little personal time to figure out if someone’s a good fit.

Or maybe the RP guilds just all advertise someone else that they’re not telling us about.

Maybe we’re not cool enough.


I’m going to have to chalk your lack of success up to bad luck and not being in the right place at the right time.

Because the night before last, I and several others in my guild were in the Valley of Honor, actively looking for potential members.

I’m even working on getting other guilds together for a big RP guild recruitment event next month. The official thread’s going up this weekend, but anyone who’s interested can contact me ahead of time over Discord. Tamani#2391

But ignoring all the in-game RP events that’ve been going on, the following RP guilds/events have been bumped in the past 48 hours…

Granted they aren’t all D&D style action/adventure groups, but I definitely know those are out there too. And recruiting in game. You might want to check out the Hand of Algalon, Nether Striders, Rutilus Luna, Runeweaver Clan, or Southfury Watch in game.

If you’re looking for something more in-character, feel free to add me to your friends list and try to catch me late morning or evenings! In the meantime, good luck!


Speaking of being in the right place at the right time!

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You guys were all over the place, too. Pretty hard to miss!

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Thanks all. I honestly didn’t see much when I’ve been on in the game. Fairly new to the server and horde and was exploring the posts and only saw a few realm-wide rp events. A few in-game messages for contacts got me nowhere. Thanks for taking the time to lead me to probably the obvious. It wasn’t my intention to be a lazy poster.


I have ~15 characters on Wrymrest, I love alts. Finding the RP guilds are easy, finding an active RP guild is scarce as hen’s teeth. I don’t know if it’s a late start on the new year… but it’s slow going. Two notable exceptions:

Firebrand Enterprises - The RP Must Flow™, business is always open for business, whatever… things are always going on and schedule kept up to date.

Tauren RP - those cows are constantly moving with open RP in TB.

Alliance side is a definite needle in a haystack. Good luck!

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Role play guilds? Here?


It’s more likely than you think.

I hope you find a good guild, OP!

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Goramar is a heavy RP guild - We’re always looking for new faces as we RP our way through the shadowlands! We also have 1-2 raids a week along with our 2-4 RP nights! Tinyurl com / goraapply.

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