[A-RP] Shadow of the Forest

🌲 Shadow of the Forest 🌲

A light roleplay guild on Alliance, Wyrmrest Accord

The time for action has come. No longer can the wounds of war be left open. Together, we can and will reclaim our lands and holdings lost in war, but we need your help. The Shadow of the Forest calls upon Sentinels willing to be recommissioned, kaldorei who seek new purpose and Alliance soldiers, marksmen, magi, scholars, healers, historians, tradesmen and others with skills and talent useful to our cause. Join us and reclaim what is rightfully ours- our homesteads, our land, our people.

About Shadow of the Forest

This is a small, light roleplaying guild focused on reclamation and rebuilding of Alliance lands, holdings and outposts. The group is a heavily detached regiment of the Sentinel Army, with Gwy’neth Shadowbreaker commanding it. They acted as a silent strike team in the past, running through the forests of Kalimdor to ambush Horde outposts and encroaching settlements, sabotaging supply caravans and other military targets in the past.

Nowadays, they act as a kaldorei and Sentinel outreach group, helping the Alliance to reclaim positions lost to them over the years. Old habits die hard however, even as the treaty casts a shadow over their activities…

The Shadow of the Forest has dwindled over the years and is now almost nearly defunct. However, Gwy’neth and Tharion have decided it’s time to get help where they can get it, and with most Sentinels preoccupied with one thing or another, they are opening the group to others outside of the kaldorei or worgen race.

Outside of RPing we plan to dabble in Mythic+, arenas, PvP, PvE, transmog and achievement runs of old/current content as well as build relationships with each other to foster a home for friends to play together. We’ll have a Discord server to plan, chat, gather and supplement our endeavors.

To read about some of the Shadow of the Forest members’ motivations for joining, look here: [A-RP] Shadow of the Forest : Impetus - #2 by Gwyneth-wyrmrest-accord


The guild is a group of friends who wish to partake in immersive storylines that allow for character development in an environment free of judgement and inclusive of all. Each members’ wants, needs, and input are considered and each member is encouraged to participate as much as they want. We strive to engage not only in RP, but in PvE and PvP as well.

Storylines, plots and arcs are crafted and implemented with all this in mind, as well as lore-friendly headcanon, character motivations and interests, and a mind for cohesive, manageable storytelling without OOC dramatic theatrics. Events range from single one-shots, social gatherings, slice-of-life, meetings, roll combat or adventure outings to arcs that take place over several days or weeks. Most arcs and events take place in the open world, allowing for a more diverse RP setting.


The Shadow of the Forest is structured as an arm of the Sentinel Army and the way it is operated and the ranks it holds is reflective of that. Most characters in the Shadow are soldiers, military, healers, strategists, or fighters of some kind, though civilians with skills useful to the group may be present as well.

The Shadow consists of player characters and a handful of inconsequential Sentinel NPCs that we use at our disposal for storytelling purposes. Nightblade, Starseekers, Shadowleaves: Seasoned members are the penultimate rank before the officers. After the Sentinel rank, members can choose to specialize in a branch of the Shadow and put their character’s skills to greater use. These specialized members work closely with a dedicated Captain, who leads the branch.


  • Commander: Gwy’neth holds this rank, commanding a small regiment under the Sentinel Army, though it is largely detached and less-often acknowledged. OOC: Guild Master, largely responsible for the direction of the guild and facilitating roleplay that is meaningful and fulfilling; Encourages camaraderie and upkeeps morale; Diffuses tension and moderates the group, intervening when conflict arises.

  • Captain: Tharion holds this rank, leading the Shadowleaves. OOC: Officer, responsible for storytelling and plot-driving and facilitating roleplay that is meaningful and fulfilling; Plans and executed plots and story arcs; Moderates the group, intervening when conflict arises.

  • Finel’ethala: “The Last Wardens”, an elite group of soldiers within the Shadow, the finel’ethala serve as the groups finest and brightest. OOC: As senior members of the guild, they’re encouraged to help ensure story arcs flow smoothly and potentially create their own.

  • Nightblades: The first to emerge from the Shadows, the battle-hardened Nightblades are composed of skillful fighters and tacticians that are no strangers to war.

  • Starseekers: Whether it be Arcane, Void, Light, or Fel, the Starseekers seek to understand and manipulate the cosmic forces of the universe to bolster the Shadow.

  • Shadowleaves: Preferring subtlety over strength, the Shadowleaves use cunning and secrecy to their advantage.

  • Sentinels: Soldiers, the Shadow’s Sentinels make up the bulk of its membership. They execute everyday tasks and missions that have been assigned to them.

  • Associate: Civilians, non-fighters or friends of the Shadow pledged to aide the Shadow through skills and knowledge that are deemed worthy, useful or necessary.

  • Outrunner: The newly recruited members that have yet to truly prove themselves to the Shadow. After being recruited by their chosen means, Outrunners participate in the guild’s current storyline to earn trust.

Management and Rules

Open Door Policy. As GM I have an Open Door policy. You can come to me for any reason and express concerns or give feedback without fear of rejection or indifference.

We have some rules you must follow. When joining, you are agreeing to follow these rules.

The Rules

  1. Be respectful of others.
  2. No derogatory or bigoted language including but not limited to: racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, ableist. If someone calls you out, apologize and don’t do it again. 1 warning on minor offenses that are teachable moments. No warnings on major offenses that are widely seen as violent or purposeful.
  3. Do not argue with the GM or officers. Do as they say, within reason, when it comes to these rules.
  4. Be inclusive. This means of characters, of players and of desires and needs, and boundaries.
  5. Have fun. We’re here to have fun. If you’re not having fun, you can talk to an officer or GM about it.
What's Happening Now?

January means RP. The Shadow has been busying itself with aiding the kaldorei and Gilnean refugees of Stormwind and are close to securing a temporary home for them. But something else lurks behind the stone walls of Stormwind and the sparse trees of Elwynn… The Shadow of the Forest much watch their backs.

Mission report: The New Refuge
Date: 1/22/21
Author: Gwy’neth Shadowbreaker, Commander

The Kaldorei Winter Market was an overwhelming success. The Shadow of the Forest was able to secure much more than the amount in gold needed to complete preparations and purchase supplies. We begin at once.

Mission Status: Ongoing


Instead of applications or a standard recruitment process, the Shadow recruits characters through in-character development; integrating them into the group organically. This can be done through storyline, plot, casual RP over time, or any other creative way.

The way you introduce and insert your character into the Shadow is the true test of your interest. OOCly, this gives you and us time to ensure you’re a good fit for our group.

For more information on our recruitment process, please reach out to a member of the guild.

The Shadow of the Forest is looking for players interested in immersive roleplay, events and stories focusing on individual characters and the group as a team. Players who want to be apart of a group of people dedicated to quality and self-led RP should come and join.

Recruitment is closed indefinitely.

Contact Information

If you have questions, comments, concerns or are interested in being a part of our guild, please reach out to either Gwyneth or Tharion.

Gwyneth can reached in game as the character “Gwyneth”, on Discord (clair#8788) or Battle Tag (clair#1709).

Tharion can be reached in game as the character “Tharion”, Discord (Taws#4321) or Battle Tag (#Taws#11991)


Curious. Very curious. What’s the Shadow’s take on death knights and especially demon hunters?


Do you take unusually short and weird looking Worgen that for some reason never learned Common? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




There are no restrictions on who can join. Since our recruitment method is mostly story-driven, a death knight or demon hunter character only needs to earn trust and build a relationship with the Shadow like everyone else.



Sounds interesting, I’ll have to keep an eye out come January.



Shadow of the Forest has a fantastic theme and concept. I look forward to seeing where this goes in 2021.

Out of curiosity, are there any plans for the guild to be involved in the events of Shadowlands?

Thas’shallas dinu’alah :crescent_moon: :evergreen_tree:

Shallorah'alah - Night's Blessings Upon You
Thas'shallas dinu'alah - Shadows of the Forest Protect You

Thanks, Feyawen! Your blessing means a great deal to me. In regards to Shadowlands, we are currently planning on dealing with the Scourge during the prepatch event, but have no further plans to enter the Shadowlands. However, who knows what the future holds?


Love this concept. I am always glad to see kaldorei RP flourishing.

Best of luck to you guys in Shadowlands!


Finally! Kaldorei/nature themed RP without it being strictly kaldorei only.

Really interested in this. Funnily enough, I tried both discord tags and they didn’t work? Might just be user error on my part?

Either way, looking to learn more about the guild and inquire about joining. Will try to get in touch in-game.

Also, be sure to check Grimulf’s disc if you want to see a backstory/IC theme:


I’ll look at the battle.net tags to ensure they’re correct! Thanks for the heads up. We will see you in game!

Hey there! Glad to see another similar-minded guild out there! I tried to add your dicsord but was unsuccessful. I’d really like to talk to you about some stuff, add me on discord at headlocks#1857, or find me in game!

Best of luck!


My discord tag was indeed wrong, I sent you a friend request, Maeshkin.

1 Like

Hello there, out of interest what sort of times is SotF most active? And at what times is the guild thinking of running its RP and PVE events, generally speaking?

Events and activity fluctuate depending on players schedules. Most of us like to play between 5-10 PM ST. I would hazard a guess that most scheduled events would start around 6.


Bumping this back up cause why not. Also showing that yes, non-kaldorei are very much welcomed into our merry band!


Kaldorei might boss them around, though. Sometimes? If the scrappy little non-kaldorei will ever listen. :grimacing:


I’m gonna take this as a compliment as the current no.1 non-kaldorei.



Very well.



Due to overwhelming interest, we have decided to open recruitment up a month early. December 1st we’ll begin recruitment processes for most interested parties. Please reach out to Gwy’neth or Tharion for more information.