Rogues are seriously overpowered

Oh believe me, locks are terrifying. Good ones are potentially unbeatable if they abuse all the same trinkets / toys / consumes as anyone else.

The 3 strongest classes in this game in 1v1 are Lock, Shadow, Ele… Boomy, Hunter and Pala are also dangerous but req more use of toys.

Locks is the only class other than Ele that made me nervous when playing Shadow. Funny how horribly under rated Shadow is; people here crying about rogues, they would literally have a zero % chance to win vs shadow… Tho a real good hunter who knows how to stay at range and stutter step is unbeatable.

No I wasn’t stop making crap up.

pvp and ganking is one thing. 60s rolling up and interrupting low lvl pvp is not ganking or pvp its griefing. Its a mental illness issue it would appear.

Theres a giant difference. If i have to explain it to you then you’re probably one of the 60s that go and kill a level 25 over and over

lvl 60s killing lowbies is scummy and dumb but it’s not griefing :expressionless: you chose this environment when you picked a PvP server. they have PvE servers for people who want no stress in contested zones.

shimmering flats and desolace are both good areas to go if you’re sick of PvP and in the 30ish level range. lvl 60 dorks who want to gank lowbies typically don’t go to those areas. they’re all in STV / hillsbrad.

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Just because you think its not doesn’t mean its not. All i do is pvp, I know pvp. Whatever server I am on I am one of if not the best pvp’r on that server. 60s are literally camping lvl 20s until they log out. THAT IS griefing. Its not pvp its not ganking. If they wanna camp me on my 60 that is pvp and ganking. They can try to kill me all day every day but they dont. Horde typically run and hide and wait for you to leave to start ambushing low lvls again… Why is that?

Nothing you described is griefing. Controlling a zone on a pvp server is not griefing. It would have to extend to purposely following you around to different zones or harassing you whenever you log in with the goal to make the game unplayable to you to be griefing. But I’m sure the best pvper on the server knows this.

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I guess you could call it that but Blizzard has already stated they’re not going to do anything about this behavior. “Griefing” typically has the connotation that it’s against the rules and Blizzard will punish people for it. It’s not the case here.

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They also dont do anything about gold buying and botting… So i guess by this logic its okay lol

I’ve made peace with RMT being okay in Blizzard’s eyes, yes :expressionless:

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They should just sell their own gold tbh without the token.

If I remember right, Sub gets a little bit of a buff in Cata so your pain and suffering is not only going to continue OP… its going to get worse.

Good thing they sent out a vote on cata and it got shot down lol. There won’t be a cata and rogues are only OP with cds up.

You probably do PVP but some of what you say is off and the smack-talking followed by the “don’t @ me” while posting on multiple alts and never showing who you are is a bit strange.

It’s not even clear what you’re doing on these forums because it doesn’t even look like standard trolling. Anyway, maybe it IS a maturity thing. Keep doing you I guess.


I do not want there to be a Cata in any way shape or form… but I kinda think it is coming.

Blizzard is not only in the mentality of “You think you do but you don’t”

They also believe in “You think you don’t but you do” when it comes to Cata.

  1. I don’t have multiple alts.
  2. We can get on and pvp right now but you guys are forum warriors so we both know that isn’t happening.

Stop being so mad because somebody doesn’t care about your “gotcha ahhahahah” patting yourself on the back. Relax guy talkinga bout maturity while following me around the forums. Stalker vibes

Its 100% not. They sent those emails out and it was overwhelmingly shot down. I don’t know if you can trust them to do vanilla anything right though. Classic +? who knows what they will come up with. WOTLK was a flop. Look at the pop from the start to now. It died off so fast and the arena changes they made were face palm type of stuff.

I Know they will 10000% not listen to the player base tho

I doubt it. Cata is definitely where nobody can say it even has the tiniest bit of “classic” left in it :expressionless: In wrath it’s like 95% gone, but cata completely removes it.


That’s probably why cata classic will be better than wrath. No more half way Garbo, just full in modern features, the rpg charm is gone anyway.

Blizz is thinking of removing 5v5 arenas in Cata and Arena Master as well. I hope they do not. That will be a shame.

Well I actually hope it never launches TBH with you. I would play WoTLK and they can just keep adding new patches to it that we never had before in the original Wrath. Cuz look at all of us in Wrath now. Even the very best of us dont even half half as many achievements done that we had this far along in original Wrath.

Don’t flatter yourself too much. I follow everyone around.

Oh come on, we both know better.

Edit to add:

Can I PVP your lowbie with my Naxx geared 60? That sounds fun honestly, it’s been years since I got a crying post about my ganking antics.


the difference is that you played one yourself so you know its pros AND cons, the OP on the other hand doesnt seem to know a lot about rogues considering his whining

You dont follow me around. You got Mootwo. A battlepet Pokémon reference perhaps. Cuz your a cow that moos. Unless thats not that case and you are simply a regular second cow. But then where’s Moo one and Moothreee if thats the case?

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