Rogues are seriously overpowered

I go in bgs with my prot pally get everything on me self heal while team picks off peeps

Tho in 1v1 most everything dunks on warrior unless the warrior has ridiculous gear / weapon… so that is not really sayin much when you think about it.

Overall I think Lock and SPriest are the kings of 1v1, with Ele sham and god tier play Pala being a strong second tier. Heck, Ill say Mage if geared well is a 2.5 tier VS the lock / Priest in the T1 slot and Pala / Sham in the T2 slots; assuming a dueling spec and wise use of skills and consumes.

id wreck anyone in here 1v1 for real $$$$ ez claps

If you say so.

We have to know your main first to do the duel though.


You were literally in another thread you made crying about world PvP being unfair and pleading to ban gankers…
That is not the normal sentiment of a seasoned PvP god tier player…

You should make a PvP video showcasing your elite skills.


There’s lots of talk from that poster and no action. Just complaints about standard wpvp and weird posts about rogues being bad in BGs even though this person is apparently in a pro premade group. Ok.

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Yup, I read your post. Your point is that you only lose to rogues who out-gear you or “pop engi and consumes”. My point is that you’ve painted with such a broad brush that you’re only considering rogues in dungeon gear without engi and pots which is basically no one on classic era. So you’re own anecdote is defeating itself because you’re really not winning against any rogues except maybe some that you ran into while leveling.

This may be new to you (and other people in this thread) but rogues can use consumes too

Gonna blow your mind, but you’ll thank me for it.

No joke, but you are the guy crying about a bleed kite while its very easy to avoid with a spec that counters it OR use of some cheap consumes; one of that i recommended counters bleed kite and blind…

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You spelt rouge wrong.


Disingenuous. I haven’t cried about anything in this thread.

Mocked you Eddy from Tekken types about crying about your class? Absolutely.

Demanded that rogues be nerfed? 100% not me fam.

I have a top geared and (I think it is fair to say) decently skilled warrior. I’ll fight you 1v1 or XvX any day of the week. Win lose or draw I will never cry about balance.

Sometimes you get the bar, and sometimes, well the bar, he gets you.

Your class is OP in 1v1, but, meet me on the field in WSG, and we’ll find out what OP really means.

Why not?

They’re ebil.

With prep I don’t think anything but a Mage would stand a chance against Perplexity in a 1v1 situation.

Warriors would have to be geared and just get huge crits to get him.

If diamond flask was a thing still I’d say Warriors in duels would be stronger. The only Warriors I couldn’t beat were diamond flask/Naxx geared Warriors, with Prep at least.

Was Dwarf to help with them that just more too.

But I also would go with Warrior because they would be easier to keep up with a pocket healer or two. Rogue is way higher skill capped IMO. Could just be me though.

I mean you can easily take off 1 poison with anti, close the gap and 2 tap the leather user. Keeping a bleed on them so if they aren’t Dwarf they can’t easily use Vanish. Have to time it.

Also staying in Zerker so you don’t let the rogue sap you.

Then theres also the two other ways Harland said…

Please tell me what consume other then fap or lip would be useful against a Warrior? Which if you fap’d would 100% counter a Rogue if you are in Zerker.

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wich one? I have played and enjoyed every class excluding Lock…

You say you are not crying then say "you eddy from Tekken types…

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Rogues are generally the kings of world pvp.

Warlocks and shadow priests are the kings of dueling.

Warriors are the kings of organized group play with healers.

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be a bear druid and sit on a rogue. gg

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Why must you wound me so. You literally skipped the single strongest class. You went to a steakhouse and ordered a bunch of different kinds of salad. Quit being the soulshards, and just embrace the warlock… it is your destiny.

@the thread in general…

the main thing people over value with rogue is the availability of their cds. They are a cd reliant class, and you’ll find in bgs that you very often simply don’'t have them up to take advantage of a fight like you do in say wpvp. The pacing of the fights are simply to frequent to recover fully… and not every class has those kinds of concerns. Warriors, for example, other than the 30min cds, only have aoe fear on a 3min cd to worry about, then very short cds… Locks only really have coil and damage trinket cds. Rogues are strong with cds, but relatively weak without. Warrior and lock are just strong as a baseline, then get stronger with cds… assuming a healer, either lock or warrior can be in combat 100% of the bg and do just fine… The rogue wants time to get cds back, to reset back into stealth, etc…The ebbs/flows of combat are different as a result and need to be taken into account for overall balance. Anyone claiming rogues too be some kind of unstoppable pvp god, isn’t seeing that other side of rogues.

For my money, I’d say lock is probably the single strongest class in bgs. The tools, utility, burst, control, damage, consistency, and sustainability they bring are unrivaled and criminally underrated by people who don’t understand warlocks. You can lose to some exceptionally geared rogues (who have to cc themselves for the first 10 seconds of the fight to even reach you) and occasionally to very disciplined hunters who can 37-41 kite, but only warlock has the power to consistently ~85%-0% someone every 4.01 seconds non crit


Carried by powerful CDs.

Those videos I linked of arguably the best Rogue in the game, he has all CDs up every duel/fight. Amazing use of the CDs of course.

The most important CDs fir Warrior are much shorter but also not as powerful. You basically rely on hitting hard on the occasion you can move and hit your target. That’s basically why they scale so incredibly well in a group with support.

Throw in shadow dance too plz

Id like to argue that you have bubble hearth which is basically a literal cheat code