Rogues are seriously overpowered

Not sure either of these peeps are, but both certainly know their stuff. Watching some high caliber players like that have certainly taught me more to strategizing.

They are absurd when it comes to how effective they can be in combat. Not just the class, but the player themselves. Very good gameplay going on there.

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They are both British players, R1 Arena types. The Rogue is kind of disgusting in a fun way, he is so far ahead of everyone

Monkey News


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It’s like you people are describing a different game. As a long time scrub warrior (then and now), without engineering, I can’t think of a time I got beat by a rogue 1v1 who didn’t significantly out gear me (me PvP blues with pig hammer) and/or blew a bunch of engineering gadgets / consumables . To be frank, I am a sloppy player, defiantly not top tier, there couldn’t have been or are that many “bad” rogues on PvP servers and they couldn’t possible be as bad as me playing rogue (proof that its not the class).

What Class doesn’t do well, blowing all CDs and consumables while outgearing their opposition?


If a rogue doesnt use engineering stuff and or consums I dont lose to them on my hunter. Out in the world I have to be under half health to lose to them. lol

scatter+trap > faps. =)

Rogue. It’s rogue. R-O-G-U-E. Why is it so difficult for people to spell this 5 letter word? That’s what’s most broken about the class.

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It jusy because the DPS is low, only actual reason.

Are you talking on era? PvP blues with TUF? Basically everyone out gears you. If you got the epics those same rogues would still be thrashing you.

broo the amount of scrub pvp’rs commenting like lazz is un freaking real lol

Did you read my post? Maybe you should reread it until you get the point I was making.

Just roll dwarf paladin and spec 1h reckoning, then you swipe your brothers credit card and gdkp a servo arm and face of death and you’ll be icing rogues in your sleep.

Rogues are OP asf when preps up

rest of time they’re just good

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From what I’ve seen nobody has confidence in your PVP knowledge based on what you and your other 2 “friends” who think and type exactly like you do say.


being fair here; either of those two players would be so far ahead of most other players no matter the class they play.


The fact that you played to level 60 and grinded AV exalted and never encountered a hemo kite rogue is simply incredible to me.

Incredible here I mean in the old fashioned sense of not credible, or not believable.

In short, you are likely either lying (less likely) or were destroyed by an undergeared rogue following this strategy, and mistakenly attributed that rogue to overgear you (more likely)

Didn’t even really read any of the posts, just put my two sense on the OP.

Reading these posts up I can see why they think they are so OP when they are using people like Perplexity as an example.

The man can CC half the team in a BG because he plays the game at a crazy high level. I would like you lads to make a Rogue and do the same please.

You know the easiest solution to this kiting thing is actually getting guud.

Its called First aid and leveling the anti poison.

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Imagine thinking first aid is effective against a rogue lololol

Two seriously easy solutions for this.

  1. Use the boots (i recommend)
  2. Spec booming voice and keep him
    in combat.
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He was not talking about bandages, but anti venom.

You can also use Resto pots to insane effect also.


I’m using Perplexity as an example of the level of play where Rogue beats Warrior most of the time. Beats anyone most of the time.

Just talking regular players with PVP experience, my bet is on the Warrior.