Rogues are seriously overpowered

I am trying to que as well but its not working. How did you get your crap fixed?

I am a druid main since the start so its a biased choice for me. But lock and priest are MILES better than druid in pvp in general lol. Paladin is more a flavor of choice I guess as ret is horrible and some people dont like to heal.

Imagine using the word imagine in 2023. How many teenagers do you follow on twitter?

Making accusations you can’t prove is disgustingly toxic behavior but I expect nothing less from you after reading you two ignorant people argue in the forums. Is toxicity just a 2023 thing or just a wow thing? Since I came back guys like you plague the forums and in game, its wild.

just do the heckin duel already :expressionless:


I have camped this kid before in game lol. He will call an entire guild or “WSG” team over to help kill you and not let you rezz after he gets wrecked. Lazz is average at best.

Right, so I suggested to the guy to play lock then I said play priest and only after those two did I say play druid but “your” troll buddy basically called me out for telling the guy to play a druid because I listed druid as a third choice after lock and priest.

Anyway, you don’t seem busy, hop on Who and message Laz. I want to see how this goes down.


I think you’re as confused as laz. I am not Who. I just recently came back from a 6 month ban for selling gold lol

You camped me in game? where? i dont leave the battleground q area. ever


I know of the event but have no clue who you are. All that “who” makes me think of is a PVE guild that was on my server. Also you act much younger, not sure if you want to take that as a compliment.

Uh huh.

This is all you do on these forums.

Dude lazz has called you out multiple and you dodge more than when i pop evasion. Just duel him if youre the best most elite pvper to ever grace wow lol. For real tho its pretty sus you wont duel him.



Palis kill rouges all day, hunter kite a rouge all day

Git guud kid

Most of the time rogues are just overly optimistic and get cocky, they need to seriously out gear me or out number me not to get clapped. I have TUF, DonJulio’s band, some various blue cloth items, and the Rank 7 boots / Gloves, and a PVP trinket. Rogues in similar gear levels are in a world of hurt unless they’re like 3-4X better a player than me. They literally need to be better players to win
 I seriously don’t get the OP.

omg ded

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Who gives a crap about being the best?

Hilarious things are much better, like mind controlling people off of an AB lumber mill is hilarious.

Using thunderstorm/typhoon in wrath to knock people off of boats before they teleport, thats hilarious.

Never hurting anyone or barely doing anything for half a wsg then 1 hitting 2 people back to back with windfury weapon crits is hilarious. The game is just so old, who actually cares this much?

Be hilarious, its so much more gratifying without needing a sponge and a bucket to play a video game.

except when rogues open on hunter and abuse leeway :smiley:

The guy who started this thread runs around low level zones killing people thirty levels or more below him. Now he’s on here crying about rogues LOL.


Rogues never were a “skill” or combat class- they were a class that you learn a square, triangle, circle rotation on, that will prevent any singular enemy from having control of their character to fight you; it’s not combat when it’s permanent loss of control of your character. WOW classic was never designed for PVP; it’s PVE abilities that get used against other players.

What? lol they designed wow with pvp in mind. How many bosses you cheap shotting into a kidney shot or blinding?

Funny cause guys like you are probably to young to have played anything before wow lol

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tried one in SoM instead of my usual warlock

most fun i’ve had in a while in pvp. Once you learn you have to stay away from warriors, you’re golden.

Why quote bosses when regular enemy NPCs are 95% of the game? A transparent attempt to prove your point while unintentionally making an argument against it.

I started PC gaming with a Tandy 1000 on Wolfenstein 3d, Commander keen, Doom, Duke3d, Unreal and son on. My first video card was a Diamond Monster 1. I played Diablo 1, was in Diablo 2 beta. I believe my first MMO was Dark of Camelot (actual good, balanced PVP). That said, I’m probably as old or older than you
 probably older, because I’ve grown out of immediately reaching for the age crutch to use age as a determining factor for discussion. If we were to reach for age as a determining factor, I’d be willing to bet I have a lot more experience here than you
 another unintentional way you’d be arguing against your own point.

WoW was designed first as a PVE game, with PVP filled in afterwards. There’s a reason that shortly after classic, full resets with sap/sheep don’t happen anymore (massive pvp duration reduction), and sap can actually be trinketed. Meanwhile they still were allowed to have long duration in PVE. Hence my (accurate) analogy, that WOW classic PVP allows you to treat other players as PVE enemies with some classes and their ability to long term CC with no counterplay.