Rogues are seriously overpowered

Equip a PVP trinket, or use some consumes… you can crush all but the best most geared rogues on a blue geared character if you’re not AFK.

Legit the only rogues that ever beat me have literally out played me or had a massive gear advantage. An by out played, they either are better at their rogue by about a factor of 5X than I am at my Pala OR they were smart enough to catch me when I have zero cooldowns and they have full cooldowns.

I see all this nonsense about “I can’t play my character” or the other “eddy from tekken” guy saying that its an easy class, but if that was so then how come I am splattering the majority of the rogues I face in battle?

Are all the rogues so bad and I am so good that I win like 98% of my encounters? OR maybe is it that I am just another average player VS other average players and rogues are not as good as you’re making it out to be and perhaps you’re far less “great” than you think you are? Could be that I am thinking, or are you below 3000 health points and get clapped by just about anything that looks in your direction?

Basically what I am saying here is if you cant beat them you’re playing poorly and don’t know how to counter their kit; its not actually too hard to do once you understand the mechanics of how the rogue class works.

At the end of the day more Pew Pew and less QQ.


Yeah, I dont see and or fight good to great rogues to have a complaint about them. I usually play classes that counter them (mage, hunter) so I really have no issues ever.

But, if both players are equally geared and good at their characters. I do believe a rogue has it rough. I just can’t see a good rogue beating a good mage/hunter/lock (even higher if its an alliance rogue) and I will put good warriors in there to.

One of the issues people have with rogues is while leveling out in the world. Protip; use stam gear while leveling. I can’t stress that enough… if a rogue can’t instant kill you. 90% of them will not be able to finish. Also, go engineering if ur on a pvp server. Its a must have. =)

Orc Warrior

PVP trinket is highly underwhelming vs rogue in classic since it does nothing against sap or blind and stuns can be quickly reapplied.

CS → kidney (trinket) → blind → sap → bandage/eat/stealth → CS → kidney → coldblood evisc. Vanish as needed. A class that isn’t dead yet? Prep, blind, do it all again.

There is no counterplay to a competent rogue with half decent gear, unless they get hardcore RNG screwed.

You can pop a fap after trinket kidney, but they can just blind and sap you to wait it out anyway. Prep, blind sap reset is back again boys. Rogue dotted? Vanish on tick and sap anyway.

I say this objectively, people who think there is a counterplay to a solid rogue does not main one competently and fundamentally misunderstands how to use it.

Now, give me a scenario against a hunter with a LAP available.

so i guess the pvp gear and trinkets and battlegrounds and games before WOW like diablo with pvp just mean nothing huh?

So they designed wow 100% pve … Just stop dude

When I read this I get the impression you’re just looking for ways to fail so you don’t need to face the reality of self improvement. What I am about to list are just a small sample of tools and techniques that can help you defeat most rogues. Once you realise that denying them a reset is the key to victory, the sooner you can stop taking the L in every battle.

  1. Zerker rage, dont get baited into over power (unless you use resto pots) Utilize Sword and Board.
  2. Booming voice (makes a bleed kite impossible)
  3. Faerie Fire, roots, and star fire / moon fire. (Best with balance, but any spec works)
  4. Frost build mages with 3/3 frost bite
  5. Disc pries with near same quality gear.
  6. Ele sham with decent gear and a shield equipped.
  7. Hunters who aren’t AFK.
  8. SL lockd who have shards on hand.
  9. Paladin with half decent gear.

The old “its PvE game with pve tacked on” cope made by people who never listened to any of the OG Vanilla beta interviews, never use their whole class spell book outside more big D on the boss, and refuse to accept they’re not as skilled as they like to pretend.

These same deluded often like to pretend wow was designed to be a raid focused game while again 100% ignoring the class kits of every single class from Vanilla till the end of MOP.

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You’ve ignoring everything objective I covered in my reply so you can tuck tail with a write off- well done.

If you’re beating rogues with Zerker rage, then they aren’t good- warriors fight rogues in prot stance for high end 1v1’s in classic, period.

A good rogue won’t let you get off faerie fire because they can react with blind before your GCD post trinket on the kidney.

SL lock can win if they have bubble up, but if Rogue doesn’t make mistakes they won’t be getting dotted after the kidney trinket because blind → sap → wait bubble out reset

In general, it sounds like you’re quoting a lot of low to mediocre end gameplay here. Please go watch some videos.

I agree that there is delusion here, and that’s the people acting like wow vanilla PVP wasn’t rock paper scissors cherrybomb in terms of balance. When WOW is the only pvp mmo you’ve got serious time in, I suppose that delusion makes sense.

It literally has PVE CC durations with very low diminishing return effects… and you’re trying to find some basis to argue against that point or simply misunderstand it.

As a feral Druid I love to PvP with rogues.

Stuns>faerie fire>dire bear form with 70%damage reduction>win.

Classic PvP isn’t like retail PvP, in Classic you are going to have some classes your class/spec dominates and others were your class/spec gets dominated by.

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That’s another reason why Vanilla just is a better game.

PvP isn’t perfectly balanced, but its never pure rocks paper scissors. With opportunity, consumes, trinkets, RNG, etc. you are never at a 100% chance of losing, regardless of spec.

Its not balanced perfectly, but its also not broken. Its interesting and based on opportunity, skill, and gear. Having all three usually means you can beat nearly any other class with any other spec. Look at the recent pvp tournaments. Almost every class was represented in a 1v1.

Your present capabilities in pvp are

because you look for ways to fail, and make excuses for why you play in a reactive way rather than forcing the rogue to play the way you want him too.

You bring up blind for a re-set problem when tools exist to deal with this. Available to us all are resto pots, if you play a druid abolish poison, if you play ele sham poison cleanse totem, and if are a proactive player skull of impending doom counters blind and gouge.

This is ironic in a special kinda way.

You are ignorance is amazing, in this specific line of discussion we were tal king about the origins of abilities, and game play and you’re crying about DR’s, that ill pout out did not actually exist at all when the game first launched.

As for PvE, again look at the characters, their kits and what works in PvE vs what is pointless or a waste of time from vanilla all the way into MoP, and that is basically every pvp build ever isn’t practical and raid bosses that were indeed the after thought tacked on part of wow are effectively immune to every CC in game, hell many trash mobs are immune to many CC.

Oh that’s right there is no counter play VS rogues you say,

But rogues are set up for PVP and no one else is.

No possibility of counter play VS rogues tho…

But rogues have every game won before it starts.

yeah there no counter play Vs rogues I’m told.

clearly no counter play Vs rogues possible because rogues are BiS

but there is no counter play Vs rogues.

absolutely no counter play possible Vs rogues
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Cant believe people are still complaining about Rogues in classic.

I have never, ever, heard a good pvp player complain about rogues.

The only class/spec combo that decent pvp players sometimes complain about are sl locks. But honestly, they almost never do, because nothing is really overpowered - all classes have their uses, you just need to get better.

If you are struggling vs rogues (or any other class you think is ‘overpowered’ in vanilla), make one. Best way to learn their weaknesses, and they have so many.

I would posit that 80% of the people who complain about rogues, will find rogues ‘underpowered’ after they make one.

Sometimes a mirror provides the best answers :slight_smile:


Tell me you get your butt kicked by rogues without telling me you get your butt kicked by rogues.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You’re literally showing videos of mistakes made as a semblance for ground to stand on… it’s strange that you’re really gonna try and die on this hill for nothing.

It’s also strange that you’re calling factual statements about multiple layers of CC, one of which is upwards of 40 seconds, that can’t be trinketed out of that allow for full resets as “ways to fail”. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how these abilities can be used and are quoting videos of people making mistakes or unlucky resists as counterplay to beating rogues.

Yea good hunters and Druids poop on rogues


Hunter- yes
Druid- absolutely not consistently, especially if the rogue minimizes cc gaps (as with every rogue 1v1)