Rogue tank threat issues

I run MG, so I usually tab spam SS. Other than than, it’s ST and BB on cooldown basically.

Rogues literally can’t hold air threat at all, warriors can easily so can pallys. Rogues literally cannot I dunno why they are broke.

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The tank I play with is a Rogue, holds aggro pretty well.

First time tanking I see. Welcome to the club brother.

Gatekeeping a tanking play style behind T1 is the stupidest idea and should of been on 0.5 instead the amount of tanks of available would be significantly different

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I just got the 2 piece, it feels like an AoE taunt. Pretty bad that its locked behind raiding.

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I’ve tanked azure, ony, and kazz in tank spec with mainly a mix of T1 dps and 0.5 tank set and was HARD threat capped at 110% treat even watched my plater threat turn yellow almost about to lose threat and I was top 5 DPS off opener and keeping up throughout the fight the threat coefficient on chest rune is soooo dog.

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So what I do when I notice threat becomes an issue, I take the chest rune off and reapply it. Its definitely buggy.

Could just be the ones I played with in lfg -

Rogue is a top DPS class that scales with worldbuffs/consumes hardcore - a class that was given a threat wipe in classic (vanish) and a threat dump (feint) because our spike threat potential is so high - that now has a built-in increased threat mod.

I’m holding W through dungeons tanking packs no problem. Between shuriken and blunderbuss there is no problem. I have stopped using the Dunes deck because it’s unnecessary. I feel like you guys are doing something seriously and fundamentally wrong to be struggling this much. Or you’re just expecting threat and tanking to be like retail, where you effortlessly touch a monster and immediately you have threat 0 questions asked.

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I think the main issue isnt that threat is hard. its great when i get the chance to hit stuff. But a lot of times dungeon packs have many more than 4 mobs, so blunder only goes so far and we dont have any really good tools to start wrangling mobs when we break that 4 mob barrier. This isnt helped by the fact every dps thinks giant packs of mobs are how to pull dungeons so they’ll start pulling “for you” which invariably makes things messy.

I think most rogues (myself included) that tank just want the toolkit to be able to actually tank in those occurrences. what comes to mind is trying to do any kind of add tanking in MC when the other tanks passively generate so much aoe threat that its kinda tricky to get stuff off them or say the ubrs packs which all have 5-6 mobs in them. sure i can tank them because i know what im doing and have the gear to support it. but it takes monumentally more effort for a rogue tank to BARELY hold threat on that many mobs where a paladin can consecrate and kinda just leave the keyboard. or a druid just hits swipe over and over.

keep in mind i dont think rogue should have it super easy to do aoe, as that would put them in the uncontested #1 tank slot. but i think rogue needs to have its aoe toolkit shored up (as tank specifically) uncap blunder target limit when tanking, make fan 30 energy baseline or something (since its dog water dps, it could be a good threat option). give crimson tempest an upfront damage component so we can get any kind of aoe snap threat. SOMETHING.

You’re the best well done wow everyone’s so impressed.

Now back to the original thread after your neediness for validation. Move Tier 1 2 piece to rune slot

Giving my anecdotal experience =/= the narcissistic ego-stroke you seem to think it is. And seeking validation? Where? Never claimed I was some S tier player, nor have I ‘shown off’ anywhere. I merely stated my experience rogue tanking, which differs greatly from yours and others in this thread. I even offered you help in the other thread with regards to skills and rotation - that’s seeking validation? Sounds more like offering assistance. Hmm…

Anyways, use the tools at your disposal and actually press your buttons. There’s plenty of resources and people out there to help you overcome your struggles in this 20 year old game!

Might also be time for a name change, ‘Tankgodx’.

I’d probably expect to see something done with Crimson Tempest with our Bloodfang tank set if they want to theme it around that, maybe even ruptures as well.

What’s funny is I’ve noticed how much snappier a 2pc tank set blunderbuss is on aggro, it’s ridiculous. It’s even huge spike threat single target.

Too long didn’t read. Your experience isn’t anymore valuable than others posting here sorry

there is some broken scaling going on under the hood. Im not sure if blunder is supposed to be higher threat naturally, but a 1k crit blunderbuss on my rogue is ~9k threat. a full crimson tempest doing ~1500 dmg nets me maybe around 4k. and thats a raidbuffed + mangle 5 CP CT vs a blunderbuss while im just standing around.

again something has to be broken under the hood because blunder shouldnt be getting 900% threat mod and yet it does…and its also the only one that remotely feels like i can hold threat in multimob packs…and even then if someone is hitting hte mob you’re not actively focusing you’ll likely lose that one. (having to tab around and hit stuff with evisc’s is how i manage, but usually i have to taunt the 4th mob back to me by the time i reach it.)

Well it depends a bit on WHAT boss you’re doing there. Because Azuregos drops threat regularly, so you need to be saving a bit threat ability for when that happens, or taunt it right away and then do it.

Rogue tanks are the highest damage by FAR for all tanks. There shouldn’t be an issue with holding threat overall, but if you buff their threat more and more, all that does it make them the defacto tanks just like fury/prot was. I don’t think the intention for rogue tank is to make them on par with Paladin/Druid/Warrior. The bigger issue is that lock tanks ARE on par or better when they probably shouldn’t be.

Why wouldnt they be on par? all rogue needs to be on the same playing field (in multi target) is some minor work on the aoe runes. uncap blunder, or give CT more baseline threat or something.

Because it is an additive role given to a class that is primarily dps. If you make them even with other tanks then they will be the best tanks, and there will be no room for other tanks. Right now rogues fill the position of best dps tank.

But the whole thread here is about threat on world bosses, not on aoe threat. There’s no adds on world bosses.

True, on single target rogue has no issue. very good boss tanks atm. but the trouble hits when you need to tank more than one thing. like even tanking the 2 adds each on gehennas or majordomo is pretty rough at times when dps is going full hog. i dont think rogue should be on the same level as paladin or druid for aoe tanking, but it needs something for any modicum of real aoe threat. Dungeon tanking or add tanking on bosses can be miserable.