Rogue tank threat issues

I’d agree there could be a buff to aoe threat for rogue. it does feel clunky. As long as we aren’t going to far and eliminating the core tank classes that existed before.

TBF the core tanks are also very good at their jobs. rogues struggle a bit with aoe, locks take a ton more dmg than the OG tanks. I’d personally like to see everyone on the same general footing with some kind of specialization ya know?

Ie: paladins are gods at aoe, warriors are mitigation kings, druids are great for spell heavy bosses due to HP pools, rogues could be great for avoidance tanking melee bosses, and locks great at being able to tank high mobility fights since they dont always have to be NEXT to the boss to do threat.

A simple fix would be to give rogues a poison to drastically increase threat and to allow that poison to significantly increase threat on that Rogue’s AoE abilities.

My guild rogue tank has zero issues. So I’m just going to say: skill issue.

Who asked?

I dont have issues either while main tanking the boss or in dungeons where stuff doesnt live long enough to really lose threat past my blunderbuss. But on add tanking duties it can be rough when rogue threat is functionally cut in half or thirds because i have to constantly swap targets and my best option is functionally doing half my single target threat (or less if more mobs join in) by tabbing through and continuing rotation as I have next to no aoe answers.

Also if you want to talk about skill issues, i’ve seen your post (and commented on it) about how “feral is in a bad spot” when every bit of input you gave was just…wrong…ferals are just as strong as rogues and you’re only struggling because you are doing things incorrectly. to put it to you in your own words: the feral in my guild has no issues, does great dmg. So im just going to say back to you: skill issue.

He called you out and bad.

LMAO, what a baked take.

check the leaderboards for both ferals and rogues. they’re pretty damn close to each other across fights. realistically though both rogues and ferals are asking for the same thing. some minor QoL changes to assist in overall gameplay. Both classes can have problems and just because some of us have managed to work through the troubles and do pretty ok doesnt mean that the problems arent there.

Execept the glaring differences in their abilities, as in rogues excel at personal combat and druids excel at nothing in general and are just okay at all of it.

what do you mean excel at nothing? they are near equal in single target, vastly pass rogues in AoE/cleave, and bring utility in innervate and Brez. can spot OT if things go wrong. druids are great lol. Just because you cant utilize the class to its utmost doesnt mean its in a poor state.

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I never said feral isn’t doing good damage in raids. I said the class is in a bad spot because it is. Parsing isn’t the end all be all of if a class is in a good spot or not.

Sorry you aren’t intelligent enough to understand that.

Once you have two piece tier one, AOE threat is no longer an issue. Single target… nothing has ever come close to taking threat from me…even p3 of ONY…I’m pumping threat nobody is even close. I’m using saber slash and eviscerates from HAT combo points.

aoe threat is still an issue with 2pc T-1, the set bonus helps, but when i can hit a maximum of 4 things for 3-6k threat every 15 or so seconds (not counting the tabbing around threat), that isnt going to hold for long against warlocks pumping out 3k average hit shadowbolt aoe to 5 targets every 2.5 seconds. druids swiping for 1.5. per mob every second and a half. even with salv thats still them pumping out upwards of 800 threat per second PER mob, meaning our ONE meaningful aoe threat ability (which hits less targets than they can due to the 4 target cap) gets out threat-ed in all of 4 to 8 seconds if we’re both lucky and they’re salved. god forbid an extra pack pulls, or adds spawn out of one of those mobs.

The only extra source of aoe threat we have outside of that is tab targeting and splitting up our single target threat in an attempt to keep up. assuming we are holding a generous 1.5k dps as tank on cleave, that means we’ve got ~2250 threat per second to split up among mobs. Note that is it split up, its not per mob. so if we’re trying to tank the maximum 4 things we have the blunderbuss snap threat of 3-6k then the rest of the time each other mob gets 562 threat per second if we’re perfectly splitting it. so over 15 seconds we get ~10.5k-13.5k threat per mob while the aoe people are pumping out (using the druid and lock numbers above respectively) WITH SALV is ~700-840 threat per second. that means they generate 10500 to 12600 threat per 15 seconds. RIGHT alongside what we’re doing. So in order to hold threat we have to get first hit, get blunderbus crits, ensure a perfect split of threat, and have our allies salved.

compare that experience to druids just hitting swipe, paladins doing paladin stuff, and warriors with shockwave + Tclap + shout spam.

again i’ve not once said that rogue needs the buff to single target. the threat is insane there. its the aoe threat that needs some kind of work to make it reasonable. as it stands its a pretty awful task to hold more than two mobs at once (in raid, when add tanking etc) and its almost an exercise in futility in dungeons where many pulls are 5-6+ mobs at a time. if that isn’t your definition of a class not being in a good spot despite numbers being good, then you’re not speaking in good faith.

Every time I see that we have a rogue tanking ANYTHING I know it is going to be another session of ping pong ball that includes regular instances…

And casting AOE, yeah forget about that unless I wan’t level 60 elite mobs whacking away on my Caster…

As usual the “half-baked” half bakes everything.

We have been asking for MONTHS for them to fix Warlock pets… Everything we do in the game causes are pets to spawn with half life.

That’s nice, thanks for the valuable input guy

Just like yours, no problem.

Didnt know rogues still tanked, saw one try at start of phase but they had terrible threat, mitigation and survival in general so figured everyone gave up on rogue tanking by now