Rogue tank threat issues

OP says they are losing threat in raid after MG wears off. Yes AOE threat is weak, yes it is bad design to lock AOE legitimacy behind a set bonus, but single target shouldn’t be a problem

Set bonus shouldn’t be and won’t be the answer to rogue AOE threat as you seem to think it will be.

AoE threat will be fine with a 100% boost. If you still can’t hold threat at that point it’s a skill issue.

The 100% threat increase should be baseline. Not part of the tank set.


Skill issue according to whom? Classes? Players? Specs?

The subjective idea that threat is skill and player based and not on a baseline class design value with other classes like 1 button consecrate is just dumb

Honestly they really REALLY need to make the damn passive from blade dance just active all the time.

I don’t know why they are so hell bent on pairing it with blade dance.

If they just made that one damn change it would most likely smooth out rogue tanking to an incredible degree.

In theory a really good rogue tank opener should be to shuriken toss for the combo points, then burn the combo points on crimson tempest.

It is a skill issue to produce, maintain, and control threat generally. Rogues have to put a lot more effort into it than other Tanks. These are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Rogue AoE simply lacks the ease of use and the oomph to make it worthwhile. This is exacerbated by the fact that a lot of Tanks lack, for lack of a better word, hustle. They don’t get to mobs quickly, they respond slowly, they aren’t the first to a pack, they aren’t the most active in the group, etc. A Paladin who rolls up late to a pull can hit 2 buttons and largely recapture the group without much issue. A Rogue does that and you’re way behind the curve already.

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This has nothing to do with the thread but your name makes this all unintentionally funnier

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the issue with treath being only on Suriken is that it can be missed parried and dodged and you can’t be in their back either so you will need way more than 9% hit rating

the spec is just terrible bro theres no reason to bring it, no situation where it’s good, doesn’t provide any utility and does everything worse than every other tank

Yes I’ve noticed this as well, they need a big bump in threat gen.

Skill issue, rogue AoE tanking is difficult, so if your a dps you need to watch your threat and not AoE immediately.

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Yeah blizzard doesn’t care this has been posted by myself and others numerous times for weeks. Literally go into dungeons and it’s a mockery with darkmantle/purp daggers/purp rings. Can get out tanked by shamans in blues. It’s dead in the water unless your source of enjoyment is running around clicking taunt as hunters/mages/locks pull off you every 3 seconds. If you don’t want rogues to tank blizzard that’s fine. But don’t add a set that tanks are working towards (darkmantle) just to be a joke of a tank, thanks.

ive tanked every dungeon, and every raid boss so far except magmadar

threat is not ideal, but its not that bad, id say it needs a slight buff, but not a huge buff, using AR and BF on pull instead of during burst phases helps alot, as does using mostly DPS gear not Tank gear, wearing all tank gear, is like those deep prot warriors wearing full Tier gear back in 2019, if youre playing daggers, you will also struggle simply from the lack of good daggers pre raid

aoe threat remains to be seen, as i haven’t got 2 piece T1 tank set to test how much better FOK is with the bonuses from it

while we are asking for buffs, ontop of a slight threat bonus, giving us a flat 10% magic damage reductions (like the other tanks get) would also be really nice, it feels silly going from extremely tanky against 1 boss, to getting killed almost instantly against the next boss because one boss is melee and the next one only casts spells

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So i been very successfully tanking all phases until phase 4. Dungeons before p4 required a lot of loss of combo points but essentially i could hold agro against all classes. As of p4 i feel like even single target is lacking quitr a bit. My guild went to do mc last night and i immediately felt it from first pull, so much i just had to go dps. Something felt off in dungeons but mobs die so fast and hit like noodles it didnt matter, but in mc it matters. Not being able to hold constant threat while my undergeared pali off tank can just stare at a mob wrong and pull is unbelievably frustrating. I been asking for tank rogue since 04…let me friggin discover myself with it, tiz the season.

Literally 2pc becoming baseline on fan and a modified threat amplifier from poisons while in tank spec would fix the issue. It still be on the rogue to be diligent and more aware than other tanks, but at least give them a fighting chance. Oh also a lil magic resist built into the flesh would rune would be perfect, be it even 5-10%

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If you cant keep threat thats a you problem i have no problem holding threat. That being said . When certail big d dps pop off it dosnt mayter what tank you have they will pull aggro. Against mele mobs we barley get hit with enough dodge and parry. Casters are a problem granted. But thats why ya got 2 tanks. Just do better

What a horrible argument. So bad, you actually contradict yourself.

When we pull a group and dps can casually pull threat off of us, that’s not a skill issue, that’s a literally game design issue. Plus, the literal fact of the matter is people in SoD don’t wait. Dps is gunna pump whether you like it or not. Tanks can’t stop that. Unless I have Alpha or pop my CD’s, I’m not holding comfortable threat in aoe. You argue having 2 tanks. Yeah, sure for raids. But in dungeons, it’s just you. Hunters have insane aoe dmg and shamans pull threat left and right.

Most rogue tanks in this forum and the rogue discord all agree that our aoe threat is abysmal. Just a Flesh Wound needs a threat boost badly.

I dont believe its a skill issue, with less of a toolkit and less tank abilities i was more than okay tab targetting to regain some threat on a target and moving onto the next, now if i tab away the mob is also on the verge of running away…this was not a thing in p3, even the best geared dps in st wouldnt pull threat full bore or not. Rogues definitely need a threat buff, playing the antagonist to that seems off your best interest, especially if you play the class and enjoy it.

Id say its a skill issue if i wasnt tanking just fine until literally this.

Literally last night my ret pali off tank could just drop a concencrate and id be legit fighting to keep 1 mob on him and the other on me, to me that shouldnt be occurring. Now the boomie or hunter that opens up with a 6k+ hit pulling makes total sense to me, thats vanilla style, but rogues threat modifier being so low, even compared to non tank locks is a problem.

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would be a skill issue for the dps players, not the tank

I agree its a lot of that at times, but then what is the fix to an offtank who is not attacking your target having the ability to rip threat from simply their standard rotation

I never sais aoe threat wasnt an issue. I said i had no problem. I use my tools to hold threat tab targeting rank 9 evis helps putting up bleeds heps . Tempest helps. Bombs etc. Somthing gets away i blind and tgen get aggo back. It it challenging to hold aoe threat yes. But i do it. So like i said if you cant hold aggro in st or aoe as a rogue thats. A you problem.