Rogue races

A good friend of mine played undead rogue back in the day. He will be playing rogue again for classic. Now this time around we will be rolling alliance. From a PVP aspect which race is best dwarf stoneform would help with bleeds for restealth and obviously other rogues poison and blind, but what about gnome they have 5-6 higher base agi and escape artist?

I guess since I’m making this post I’ll also include horde. I’d assume undead for will, but obviously orc would help against other rogues as well.

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I still think Dwarf is the better choice. Getting out of blind and being able to vanish while taking bleeds off is pretty good.

Horde side, Undead if you want to caster counter or Orc if you want to melee counter. At least that’s how I view it.

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Good read. However I guess I wanted to know like based off not just the numbers but real world experience. What is it most commonly that kills a rogue? For example if you get frost Nova is that gg? Or do the warrior bleeds screw you over more? We are aware of what they all do but can’t remember how all the matchups played out. What their specific weakness was so that the racial would benefit you the most.

Only taking racials into consideration, ignoring that items like Luffa and Free Action Potion exist.


  • Hamstring will keep you out of range while the warrior runs by you for a hit whenever he’s ready to swing. Escape Artist will get you out of this once.

  • A bleed will keep you from stealthing. Stoneform will allow you to clear them once.


  • Escape Artist could clear a crippling poison once, I guess.

  • Stoneform will get you out of a 10 second incapacitate, and remove poisons and bleeds while you’re at it. The +10% armor will probably also help a lot here.


  • Escape Artist will get you out of Wing Clip and Concussive Shot once.

  • Stoneform will clear any Sting once.


  • Escape Artist will get you out of chilled or frozen once.

  • Stoneform is basically useless.


  • Don’t think either is useful here.


  • Same.


  • Escape Artist will get you out of Entangling Roots once.

  • Stoneform will clear bleeds once.


  • Honestly nothing is going to help you there.


  • Escape Artist will get you out of Frost Shock once.

  • Stoneform won’t do much here.

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But yes, Undead Rogue is great.

I guess since I’m making this post I’ll also include horde.

To be honest, I just read the end of the OP. Carry on.

Orc and humans make the best melee class characters.

Dwarf is the pvp choice for me. PVE i would take human for the wep skillz

for alliance rogues you really want to be running human. your biggest enemy as a rogue is other rogues, with perception you have a much better chance of getting the opener. not to mention human is better with passives and is better in pve.

a far second to human rogues is night elves since you get an extra level of stealth passively and you do a flip when you jump

I would feel wasteful going Orc Rogue, honestly.

Axe Specialization and Command do absolutely nothing for a rogue. Can’t stand that.

I would tend to agree with Human for Alliance if you plan on going Sword or Mace Specialization Combat. If you plan on being a Dagger Rogue, I’d say Dwarf or Gnome.

In that case, I would give my vote to Stoneform then. It’s better to clear a Blind and keep fighting, so they can’t go into Stealth and reopen on you, than to stop an opener and get Blinded for 10 seconds while they readjust.

Really? I mean in a duel yes or possible a battleground. But does this come into play all that often in wpvp? I feel like stone from or escape artist would benefit you more since 90% of the time you won’t be facing another rogue.

in vanilla depending on your gear, you might be 100-0 by a rogue who gets the opener on you. real “stunlocks” existed in vanilla. where you will be cc’d for 8+ seconds. a rogue doesnt need to use bleeds on another rogue.

Once you stop that opener with Perception, unless you’re assuming you stunlock 100-0 them by catching them, what’s to stop them from hitting Blind and waiting til combat drops to Stealth and reposition for that opener?

equal skill, rogue vs rogue in vanilla? the rogue that gets the opener wins 99% of the time. if you don’t 100-0 the other rogue thats because you made a mistake.

thats before pvp trinkets though. once pvp trinkets come in to play its like 85% chance that the rogue that opens wins.

I can see what you guys are saying. And maybe it’s since I haven’t played a rogue but I feel like since you are stealth and can often decide when and where you want to engage. It wouldn’t be against another rogue all that often unless for instance you saw him out of stealth killing a mob.

In which case perception really wouldn’t matter.

Honestly, I was looking at it from a situation where you were out of stealth, couldn’t immediately go into it, perhaps slightly weakened from what you were fighting, and saw the other rogue go into it.

Too bad you can’t trinket the Blind, though. It was considered a poison until TBC.

pvp trinkets removed blind. the reason they changed blind to not be a poison was because you could dispel it as a druid paladin or shaman.
(shaman could drop poison dispeling totem and dispel blind right as it was used which was really stupid)

All evidence I can find points to that being false in Classic.

it originally didnt, but classic is being released on the 1.12 patch which is after the change was made in vanilla.

  • Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): Blind is now a physical (no longer a poison) attack.
  • Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05): The cooldown for Blind is no longer reset by Preparation.
  • Patch 1.1.0 (2004-11-07): Removed facing requirement.

Pretty sure it was a TBC change, not Vanilla. If I could get into the AV beta, I’d let you know. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: