What race for rogue in Classic?



  • Stoneskin - While active, grants immunity to Bleed, Poison, and Disease effects. In addition, Armor increased by 10%. Lasts 8 sec. 3 minute cooldown.

Arguably the reason to go dwarf, although it has a short window.

  • Frost Resistance - Increases Frost Resistance by 10.

Minor boost against Frost Mages and Naxxramas.

  • Gun Specialization - Guns skill increased by 5.

Really doesn’t make a difference for rogue, but it’s there and you can make use of it.


  • Escape Artist - Escape the effects of any immobilization or movement speed reduction effect. 1 minute cooldown.


Engineering Specialization - Engineering skill increased by 15.

You’ll probably be taking Engineering if you’re interested in min/maxing, this only makes it easier to level though. There is no bonus for 301-315 Engineering.

Expansive Mind - Intelligence increased by 5%.

Weapon skills will level faster, unsure if intelligence has a direct affect on resist rates.

Arcane Resistance - Increases Arcane Resistance by 10.

Probably most useful for resisting polymorph, although I wouldn’t count on it.


Sword Specialization - Skill with Swords and Two-Handed Swords increased by 5.

Mace Specialization - Skill with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 5.

Screams Combat Rogue.

Perception - Dramatically increases stealth detection for 20 sec.

Actually very powerful in Classic, the opinions on this are biased from private servers where this skill doesn’t work.

Night Elf

Shadowmeld - Night Elf Rogues and Druids with Shadowmeld are more difficult to detect while stealthed or prowling.

Stealth is a lot harder in Classic, this may make the difference for some players.

Nature Resistance - Nature Resistance increased by 10.

Useful against Elemental Shaman and Ahn’Qiraj.

Wisp Spirit - Transform into a wisp upon death, increasing movement speed by 50%.

Good if you rarely die, doesn’t really matter if you get back to your corpse and have to wait on a timer.

Quickness - Dodge chance increased by 1%.

More dodge is good, although may result in more Overpowers against you.



Blood Fury - Increases base melee attack power by 25% for 15 sec and reduces healing effects on you by 50% for 25 sec. 2 minute cooldown.

Solid DPS cooldown, basically Mortal Strike yourself for it, though. As a rogue, you’ll probably be off alone stalking people, so you won’t have heals available anyway.

Hardiness - Chance to resist Stun effects increased by an additional 25%.

Resisting a quarter of stuns is amazing against other rogues and paladins.


Berserking - Increases your casting and attack speed by 10% to 30%. At full health the speed increase is 10% with a greater effect up to 30% if you are badly hurt when you activate Berserking. Lasts 10 sec. 3 minute cooldown.

Claims to be the best Horde DPS cooldown, personally not my favorite.

Regeneration - Health regeneration rate increased by 10%. 10% of total Health regeneration may continue during combat.

Not a whole lot, but may be enough to keep you alive.

Bow Specialization - Skill with Bow Weapons increased by 5.

Throwing Specialization - Skill with Throwing Weapons increased by 5.

Refer to Gun Specialization.


Will of the Forsaken - Provides immunity to Charm, Fear and Sleep while active. May also be used while already afflicted by Charm, Fear or Sleep. Lasts 5 sec. 2 minute cooldown.

The claim to fame, although I’d say Escape Artist is still better.

Underwater Breathing - Underwater breath lasts 300% longer than normal.

Maybe if you catch someone before they surface and you haven’t been under long you could stunlock them into drowning while you’re fine.

Shadow Resistance - Shadow Resistance increased by 10.

Helps against Warlocks, Shadow Priests and Naxxramas.

Only included the racials I thought would be useful in combat. There are other factors that make gnome good for PVP as well, like World Enlarger/Noggenfogger Elixir to make yourself hard to target. I assume that will be less of a problem these days with clicking skills being less common.