Rogue mage is tottaly broken, all mage do is poly, then wait for combust

This is the big point, fire is the only spec not punished by getting kicked. That needs to change.

and its not an answer at all

Spoken like a true BFA warlock

The game isn’t balanced specifically for 2v2 or the 3v3. It’s a secondary game mode to killing dragons.

I think that’s one reason they don’t add 1v1’s. Some classes would literally be condemned to having their lunch money taken.


If you kick poly while you’re frost, you can still dps…
If you kick poly while you’re fire, you can still dps…

I think you are exclusively talking about arcane.

Instead its fire mage holding W and spamming instant cast and winning. Fing spec spends 0% of its offensive time casting spells except if they want to bm you by hitting you with a gpye or meme on you with pyroclasm. You MIGHT have a point if fire had to cast to do damage. It doesn’t. You MIGHT have a point if it had to open itself up to CC but thanks to dbreath and ring and poly being different schools, IT DOESN’T! The spec is more braindead than beastmastery hunter but unlike BM hunter, it has been s tier for like 2.3 years now!

Mage damage seems fine what really needs to be tuned is their ability to survive and reset fights almost infinitely.

Survive, combust damage, cc, ability to reset, all need to be nerfed. Do you understand they have 3 spec cc: poly is arcane, bm is fire, ring is frost, once you kick poly, they can still ring or bm, once you kick ring, they can still do poly or bm or blink away. As a warlock, all of my spells are shadow! Which means once I got kicked, I cannot fear cannot use reflection , cannot peel, just stand there like a idiot, watch my partner die or I die myself.

Combust is way more survivable then convoke or monk cd’s currently though.

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You are joking, combust kill people in 1 sec. last season, combust kill people when mage almost use all 10 sec combust, this season, combust only need to be used for 1 sec, enemy die already

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Run away and live to combust another day they say!

I have only played around 100 or so games this expac and with 25% resil have never been globaled by a solo combust.

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A mage can not kill you in 1 second from full hp…

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Ive been hit by a 11k meteor with a 8k pyro with 2 fire blasts hitting for 4k inbetween. Granted the meteor was used b4 anything it was still 1 gcd.

um ya they can

i am not even exzaggerated, I watch too many streaming, fire mage kill people in 1 sec when combust. For Myself, the first combust I use 3 min CD defensive wall if I am lucky enough to press, second combust if I am casting something, I die in global.

I just Watched chanimal play against mage rogue around 3000 mmr, mage combust, chanimal use wall at almost 100% hp, still die in 1-2 sec, play my aXX!

Something about this line maybe me stop reading

Don’t read plz

OP, I just realized that you’re Barbieelf.

I’ve played with you this season and you’re actually not a bad warlock, whatsoever.

That being said, I can’t understand the gap between your decent gameplay and your room temp IQ forum posts???

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