Rogue mage is tottaly broken, all mage do is poly, then wait for combust

How about learn to fight and play instead of complaining? Kek bad post

That whole process takes about 4 seconds and is avoidable, just curious though why did you stand in meteor as a druid who can shift out of roots?

um they can’t, mathematically, press a button and kill you in 1 sec

You know how rogue mage works right?

Lets be real here, this is how Rogue / Mage has played since Cata, because when a class spec is dependent on CD’s for damage, its literally how the game is played.

You could replace “Rogue / Mage” with a host of other classes and the same statement would be true.

So when you say “1 GCD”, what you mean is, a Meteor was dropped 4 seconds ago then 4 other spells were used by the mage, and a rogue set up a stun and also helped DPS…

Just wanted to clarify your definition of 1 GCD.

Meteor can be cast as kidney goes up and will still hit you before the kidney ends. It will hit about the same time as a mages pyro from 40 yards away.

So kidney shot, Meteor, sit in stun for 6 seconds, 2 fireblasts, a pyro = mage killed me in 1 gcd?

Still trying to clarify your definition of 1 gcd.

Fire blast is on its own gcd right? Pyro is the only thing you actually the have cast properly so that it lands with your meteor and then all this damage would hit at the same gcd.

No, not possible to hit all of those items at the same time. You’re really Fyshing here…