Rogue mage is tottaly broken, all mage do is poly, then wait for combust

maybe this is whatshisname, the druid with the language of a 8 year old
he didnt like the fast paste meta either

This troll show up again

Thunderzilla posted that one time haha?


Yes 3 years later fire mage is still crazy broken

Fire mage burst is busted. Fire mages are the best class in the game right now in PVP.

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I think most people hate rogue mage because it punishes mistakes more, and shows you what you are doing wrong.

As opposed to the gameplay they are used to, Melee cleave mongo vs Melee cleave mongo where they lose and can just think “They held W harder than I did”, not my fault.

They don’t punish mistakes, you don’t win them even you don’t make mistakes

this is bait

i think people hate rogue mage because every season it gets easier to play and in the last several years the rogue mage can make 50 mistakes before you can punish them typically


It sounds more like there is a subset of people on this forum who think the game should be Melee cleaves holding W dps racing for wins.

you say that, but i’ve played rogue mage 1000 points higher than you and that was honestly mostly w keying

typically it’s way too hard to punish the mage they’ve been tanks for the last 5 seasons
atm triune and combust are big outliers that once again make rogue mage too easy to play and too forgiving

once you’re semi familiar with the game the rogue mage script is pretty auto pilot with almost all of it being instant scripted cc that at most you have to position for (which is the same as using a fire hack bot) minus sheep
which if you somehow manage to mess up you can just ring

obviously there’s a high skill ceiling on rogue mage but the skill floor to be a 2400 capped player like you is as low if not lower than the average cleave

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

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Have you played arena this season or

I’ll do you one better: take away all our damage abilities, but make feint 100% immunity on a 15 second CD and make Crimson Vial 100% heal

Make us REAL cc bots already, Blizzard.

Your argument “I am higher rated than you so I know better” would work if it weren’t for the fact that people much higher rated than you that multi-class r1 at skill capped are making videos saying that rogue mage is harder than melee cleave.

my argument was that i’ve played both and rogue mage at a low skill level isn’t SUPER BIG BRAIN harder to play than “zug zug mongo”

fire rmx is zug zug mongo
it’s a cleave

ya at the skill ceiling, i said that also

but if you go into lfg find 2 other 1800 players and you get a sap cheap opener and combust first global then duel whenever anyone reacts you’ll win more games than you lose through current glad

the same as if you pressed ascend lust doomwinds kyrian spear off your mount on something without an immunity

Glad you edited out the insults to my skill level especially since the moderator had edit one of your posts already.

My statement still stands that if higher rating equals authority on the subject as your put earlier. The people are the highest rating are saying in order to be successful as the class it is harder.

all i said was that as a non bias party that has played both a little higher than 1800 pretending rmpego is justified is fried

cause i used a short hand swear word not because hes here defending 1800 fire-only mage drenched in bias #3029485902

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Lmao literally shat my knickers mate!

i like hunter and spriest comps more than cleaves or roguemagecleave

u play literally 2 characters and they’re the 2 parts of rogue mage probably only playing rogue mage

frost and arcane have access to 2 schools only, fire have access to the 3 mage schools, why

Frost and arcane use fire blast to kill totems, warbanner, end spell reflect, etc.