Rogue mage is tottaly broken, all mage do is poly, then wait for combust

Rogue mage is totally broken, all mage do in arena is just one thing: poly, then wait for combust. They can permanently reset, they see one go doesn’t work, reset, another doesn’t work, reset, until all of our CD used up, they win. The thing is both rogue mage have too much cc, mage can always help rogue run away, rogue can always help mage run away. And they both have big burst dmaage, people say you cannot have two great things at one time. How come they can have the biggest burst and the best cc at the same time? is this fair? This comp already OP in almost all of the expansions due to their cc, now they have the biggest burst too. I really don;t understand what’s in the designer’s brain.


just kill ?


Who says that? Lots of classes have two great things.

I mean ya, thats kind of mage in a nutshell. What else do you want us to do?

They’ve pretty much always been a big burst / cc comp. We lack sustain damage.

Rogue mage is really good right now but imo the only thing you really need to tune is Triune ward and rune of power on Combustion.

then you did not read every word i just said

If you nerf Triune, you nerf frost even more :frowning:

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How are they constantly resseting against you? Youre doing it wrong

For ice DK etc. which has slow, they cann’t. But for most comp, they can always run away because they just have too much mobility and cc. Mage don’t need to combust, he just need one success poly, rogue can kill target himself

You are such a troll


you know what i mean, right

i dont know what you mean. but i want to know your rating. before blizzard nerf rogue mage blizzard will make everyone use lvl 60s character instead of 50s.

combustion is 2 minutes long. at lower ratings i can wait for combustions but definitely not at higher ratings. SO no i dont know what you mean. 2 minutes and endless reset lol. you deserve to lose. end of story

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Keep lying, combust is not 2 mins, there are talents to short the CD.

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I said, for some comp, not all of them, mage rogue can constantly reset.

First time?

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i agree we need to nerf rogues by another 50% and maybe just maybe arms/ww/ret/boomy will be viable for once.

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Mage can’t poly a worgen druid though :frowning:

Ice dk lol.

Frost is squishy but if he survives the opener you realize running delirium and heartstop makes rogue mage incredibly hard to win. Kill the rogue you win. Not saying its EASY but its really noooot that easy to reset vs frost dk with the amount of slows on them

Had to add…after amsing their opener you can strang mage and chain rogue and he has to cloak and run. Otherwise hes popping evasion

Thats a little bit exzagerate, they sure do other stuff, like ring, bm, but 50% time are trying to ploy

Based barbie bro is right, again

Where were u when ice dk was kill by flame mage and stun rogue? I was at home eating chip and got call “Ice dk is kill” “No”


Frost needs buff / rework in honesty separate from a Triune nerf. That spec feels miserable to play which is a shame after all the hype.

Triune is unhealthy for the game. Completely removing a mage as a kill target for most teams is pretty silly.