Rogue community not mad enough

Take away the coffee and the booze then wait 3 days and you will see the true anger of the rogue community.

“Sweats” absolutely do not want more buttons.

Virtue signalers who don’t do difficult content say they do to flex.


Yea, i have mained Sub Rogue since cata. and will only love and enjoy wow if my favorite class is playable and viable. so since blizz has a bunch of wimpy kiddy baby whiners with ROGUES in general and have zero skill at balancing the class at this point it just needs a WHOLE re work.


Reworks are pointless unless the devs know what they are doing. I highly doubt that’s the case.


True, they would just make it worse tbh. DEVS Don’t have a CLUE.


At this point say no to a rework.

Just hope for basic fixes to the talent trees and hero talents would be okay.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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All the rogue specs just play the same now.

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I agree to the extent that it’s press buttons as fast as you can when they light up.

It really is absurd how convoluted the rotations have become. It’s not just the number of buttons but also how many things we have to keep track of.

I did a few raid bosses last night and realized I was watching timers and weak auras more than I was watching the boss mechanics .


I’m tired boss.


The fact that we pay a sub for this on top of buying expansion counters this.

This is one of the reasons we’re the least played class along with death Knight. You can’t arbitrarily nerf, not redress big issues and design flaws and expect people to just blindly ignore it, so they either quit or go to other classes.

Dk is about to be one of the most popular classes because that community which I’m also a part of has a small section ( I’m also part of) that yells at the devs every two weeks or so.

The “I’m too good to be angry about garbage business practices” is why rogue is being ignored. In no world will nutt hugging corporate get you what you want while still paying a sub. They’d have to see the population tank to near zero or have to deal with lots of posts calling them out.



Shaman yelled and moaned pretty much everywhere. And there are still some issues with shaman for sure but the changes that came down are pretty decent.

My concern is that Blizzard is so blatant with their neglect for certain classes and favoritism for others. Like, you can’t tell me the careful and repeated iterations that mages, warlocks, and paladins have seen over the alpha / beta are just because those communities yell a lot.

Ret got a massive rework in DF and honestly it made that spec pretty amazing. And Ret was again one of the first specs to be focused on for TWW with polish and fine tuning talents, mastery etc. Like, shouldn’t the first classes to be worked on for TWW be classes that didn’t receive much attention during DF?

The difference in polish and gameplay feel between classes is honestly insane right now. Some classes feel five years behind others.


In a perfect world yes, but you hit the nail on the head with

My DK and Spriest are this. Rogue feels like it’s been taken back by 2 expacs between the talent tree designs, talent tree choices and hero talents.

All three specs of rogue are in more trouble than Frost DK launch in Shadowlands or the first two major raid patches of Dragon Flight. That’s red alert boys because Frost was hot garbage in all those scenarios and never recovered until the TWW redesign.


Well mi amigo, we cannot change what they are doing or choose to do. We can however, act on our own accord maturely.

People can say their piece and move on. The world continues on instead . There’s plenty of crap over the years we are ticked about.

I don’t condone any of it from anyone and there are plenty of other things that cannot be expressed for civility reasons. Im not tolerating it and we can just shake hands and walk away as Im not looking to get into things as the cultists ganging up here already got me banned once.

You did your job rogues, leave it be for your own sanity. The ship goes down, go out like a man instead. Aint no body wants to read / communicate / or do anything for the cruddy attitudes going around.

Everyone gets it, a lot of people are upset. Shaman was probably planned anyway, yeah they could of announced it, yeah they could have communicated but with how everyone here acts like someone owes them something paints a different picture.

Community needs to be better just as much. Im leaving this be before I get in trouble as im wearing out my limits on being reasonable and calm with adults. Good day and good night.


No one is asking for either, if the convo is too much for you you’re free not to participate. There are about a hundred threads I could be active in but I keep it to 2-3 because as a mature adult I understand that people will think differently and have a right to their opinion. I can choose to agree, disagree or not participate. Also as a mature adult I can appreciate that some well deserved targeted outrage is in order here.

I’m a paying customer, so are you. Unless you live off the largess of the government it would be totally understandable to be angry that something you pay for got the short end of a stick that shouldn’t exist after 20 years worth of practice in design/implementation. They had 2 years to get something together for rogue and they failed miserably. Yes that deserves criticism.

You’ve (the community) tried being reasonable and mature, and it got the community exactly nowhere or worse if like Frost DK in shadowlands the pre expansion nerfs/design destroy a spec before it even technically launches in the new content. That sort of thing should be unacceptable in the industry and for sure from the standpoint of a paying customer.

Real men are disagreeable and don’t except sub standard effort. What you’re actually saying is get on your knees and swallow it which is def not a man’s stance on anything, unless we’re talking about a particularly weak beta male.

You don’t get to be pissed at me for noticing this. Just be better.


This is why feedback funneled into a third party not officially part of BlizZard like a discord was not a good idea. While that seemed like a good idea at first that ended up being a detriment down the line. We are at that end point because even that spigot was turned off.

Right now we need to move forward with solutions and ideas because if the original person working on DH and Rogues is working on another project then the new dev or devs need guidance.

As I have outlined before the main focus should be tweaks to the Rogue general tree like shadowheart leach for example which is ultra niche as a talent. Or trying to modernize some talents for the modern game like Cold Blood or further refinement of Thistle Tea to provide energy over time.

Next, the spec trees need a quick pass to clean up the bottom of the trees respectively and a lot of the restrictions to be removed or lessened. Sub shouldn’t have to chooses between AoE or single target and the same with Assassination because other specs in the game have moved beyond that design paradigm due to M+ and Delves. Outlaw has a cap on BF which doesn’t make sense as that was the balancing fulcrum from over five years ago. But it is not applicable right now because the rest of the specs in the game are not limited by that cap.

And finally a proper pass on hero talents so they flow better for each spec because it should not be about having a hero talent fight against your own talent build. Hero talents should augment (as they do in some cases) for many build combinations and not limit.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I think the issue is they don’t have any one there with any real idea’s. Look what’s happened when they replaced talents things like shadowheart were put in. And you realize that for them to do something as simple as making all the energy talents baseline they wouldn’t have any idea what to put in there place. I mean look at the hero talents.

This is the core issue no one there seems to care enough to even try address this. This is why we see nothing happen and see issues stay for insane periods of time. And the big issue here is it’s been like this for decade plus.


Ive been mad about rogues for years, Im just tired of yelling at a brick wall.

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There is no point in being mad. It’s pointless and useless. Many Rogues, myself included, are just wore out, wore down and exhausted. I think the current state of the Rogue speaks volumes, clearly this was their intent. And, we only need to look to the past to know that any help that the Rogue might be given, will either never arrive, or be too little too late. They just formed a union. There is no focus on the Rogue class now, they have other things to do. I can almost guarantee buffs will come way too late and well beyond T1. We all know this is true.

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To be fair Frost DKs yelled and cried for the past 3 expansions for buffs and features we lost. It’s been a hell of a long time and severely overdue, Blizzard suddenly decided to give focus to some of the most underappreciated and low tier specs like Frost DK, Survival Hunters, Windwalker Monks and Elemental Shamans a makeover.

Having been a FDK main for the last 3 expansions, I agree with this. You guys are about to enter the dark age of Rogues unless you scream to Blizzard to get tuning buffs (because there’s no more reworks coming in until 11.1 latest).

A buddy of mine loves Outlaw but seeing him do half my 1.5 million DPS in keys when we used to be neck and neck is really disheartening. Just take the green pill and go Monk.


Tuning damage does mask a lot of issues that specs have. This is because it cascades into other talents being problematic if tuning is off. Good example is Kspree of Outlaw tree and how that ties into Trickster. Kspree doing proper damage and augmented by Trickster is good. Kspree doing bad damage and still having issue where you land is bad.

Most of the problems with Rogues right now I would classify as mechanical issues and bugs.

Followed by some hero talents that work against specs natural flow (eg Assassination and Deathstalker).

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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