The Rogue Class hall is broken, you cannot enter from the staff shop entrance. You can enter from the Cheese shop, but there’s no way to exit except to do a flip out of the sewer pipe.
There’s a weird buff that turns me orange and human, and I see Amber at the end of the long hall way looking at her dead body.
I don’t know if this is new but it wasn’t like this a few weeks ago so I figured i’d throw a post up for it.
Yup, borked. Even if you right-click remove the time-displaced veil, things are still not working. No exits, disguised as uncrowned for some reason, and most importantly, Griftah is gone so you cannot do the weekly coins of air quest or use coins of air to buy items.
I wonder if it is tied into TWW Dalaran changes? But then they should make another version of Dalaran like they did when it moved to Borken Shores.
wasn’t sure if this was a bug or a feature, so was trying to find if anyone else posted about it and found this thread. I haven’t tried every class hall, but my warlock’s hall at least STILL works (I tried that cause its also sewer acess)
this is a bit frustrating and i HOPE they didn’t break it on purpose…
Can confirm, Rogue class hall borked AF. Mage one seems fine, haven’t checked any of the others yet.
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You guys weren’t kidding. I hopped on my alt rogue who has never set foot in the Dragon Isles and this is what happened when I entered the Class Hall. I’ve never even seen this Inn before.
Video -
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Same here, would like a nearby Chromie to time jump me back to past dalaran if this is going to be permanent. I seriously just completed Balance of Power today and can’t unlock the xmog because I can’t access the altar in the class hall’s current state.
Borked for me too. No command table, no Griftah, no Marlin, no just about everything.
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so I’m not expecting them to fix it right away, given all the bugs in current content right now, but at least an acknowledgement of some sort would be nice? is this change intentional? permanent? is it a bug? are they aware? are they investigating? something other then silence.
am I asking too much?
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I very much doubt this is intentional as questlines, vendors and collection items are attached to it. Let’s hope it’s fixed quickly.
Any updates with this? I can’t access the Rogue Class Hall 
Yep, confirmed! Rogue class hall totally broken. Please FIX ASAP
yes, Rogue Legion Class Hall is an empty prison cage now. No mission board, no vendors, no quests. All dismembered by the constantly degrading members of this games hidden in the shadows workers. No advance word about a change in this Class Hall.
What say you, Blizzard??
still not on a list of currently known issues… could we PLEASE get some sort of update? this silence is deafening.
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Still borked - I can “see” down the hall that there is a shiny portal back to Valdrakken and I’m “thinking” that it might be related to whether or not we’re still carrying that intro quest which I did on another alt - hopefully they will get this cleaned up as I am using that mission board to collect tokens . . .
Hee Hee -
I went to that inn out in the Dragon Isles and was able to take the portal there on my Mage to the Rogue class hall, and it immediately kicked me out like it normally would. Just seems odd that any class can just port in with this.
I can’t even GET to that portal on my rogue, I keep hitting invisible walls… so I can’t test if the class hall portal in that inn will work because I’m not sure how to eve GET to that inn… and… last I checked - this still goes unacknowledged…
If you take the sewer entrance on the south side of Dalaran, the one you have to fly into, you can get into the main part of the hall. But if you try to get over to the portal, you’ll run into another invisible wall.
You can get passed this wall by waiting for the female pirate with a white shirt to walk through it. Once she starts walking away from the portal, the instant she clips through the invisible wall, you Shadowstep on her and that will place your toon on the other side of the wall.
You can then go take the portal, or kill the SI:7 agent in front of it as much as you like!
EDIT - I just remembered, you can just enter the hall from the secret entrance by the barber shop.
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none of the secret entrances work as far as I tried - barbershop entrance used to be my preferred entrance, but when I go that way - I get stuck inside the area blocked from the portal I can see down the hall - by invisible wall. no way out other then hearth of some kind or running down the sewer pipe and falling into the sea because I cannot mount up. going through Glorious goods entrance, makes me stuck IN the hall way, behind the invisible wall - just as I can see the portal. the pirate the I can see clipping through invisible wall is male for me, but that’s not important. the important part is once they clip through the wall - I can NOT shadowstep to them, I get “target not in line of sight” message.
that was just my experience as of 5 minutes ago.
edited to add - another things that makes no difference is chromie time. I have 2 rogues. one is in chromie time for legion. the other - is not. one has finished the class hall quest chains. one hasn’t. both have the same issues with class hall
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You have to wait until they are moving back towards you, so that once their back is touching the invisible wall immediately after they clip through it, your shadowstep will then put you behind them and past the wall. They’ll be on the same side of the wall as you are, but their back is still touching the wall.