Rise of the Zandalari

100% i would rather have 6 months of Firelands then 6 months of BWD,BoT and TotFW atleast raidlogging for Firelands allows people to get a legendary

I guess, but Firelands will get boring pretty fast. 7 bosses is just not enough for a proper raid tier.

No i believe if you have the original you cant get the reskinned one because they have the same name but im only 40% sure on this so im probably wrong.

Oh well, that is crap

I mean my dj is only on his second week at 85 has only gotten a wrist and cloak from normal raids. And he’s already at 355 I’ll just from heroic spamming, rep grinding, and professions lol. People are idiots

Oh no, it’s all about the legendary to you lol. Keep posting on that little throw away sock puppet.

Yeah grammar is super important on forums most people post to from their phones. People like you are something special lol. I feel sorry for your Wife stuck with your grumpy rear end every day.


Who gives 2 :poop:'s - called typo – figure it out.
And since you want to also be on the grammar police train, lets fix your piss poor grammar:

That would be a capital “C” at the start of a new sentence.

No such word as “breh” and if there was you are still having issues with capital letters.

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I only clap back with the same nonsense that they come after me, so calm your bloomers down.

And given the fact you can’t figure that out by reading I feel sorry for your “whatever” that has to put up w/your lack of intelligence.

That’s your argument? my spelling/grammar? Nice one dork.

I totally get that you still don’t have the intelligence level to follow the actual conversation and changing to a rolling alt won’t help.

I’m not going to spell it out for you, but I’ll give you a hint. It has nothing to do with the grammar you are using. Now maybe someone else can spell it out for you or you can do what you’ve done your entire life and remain 100% unaware.

Then why did you even reply? your whole reply makes 0 sense. its like you’re just trying to argue now for the sake of arguing for no reason. you got caught in 4D just admit you dun goofed and move on

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Because you keep replying to me, Mr. rotating alt. You are fooling no one.

how am I rotating alts? this also doesn’t make any sense. So your logic is you argue because someone replies? are you dense?

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Ok well you stick to that story.

Theres literately no “story” im sticking to. you legit are just insane.

Lol rotating alt? Only thing rotating is your brain. Because more than one person commented on your trashy take makes us all the same guy L O L.

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That is a you problem if you don’t like my “trashy take”.
It is not my job to educate you or them.

Ok, sure if that makes you sleep better at night thinking that, knock yourself out. I suggest you get some better education and less chemicals in your life – it will help unfog whats left of your brain.

With molten core for season of discovery coming out this Thursday I think it won’t be to to long before Rise hits I’m gonna say late August early September.