Rise of the Zandalari

Where is it? When is it coming? Original Roadmap said July. Let’s not fall behind. Tired of raid logging.


I would imagine as soon as the SoD curve dips it drops. Seems to be how they are working these things. Probably someone will be mad at me for saying it but oh well…


Did is say July specifically?
I don’t recall it giving a date but rather a range.

The things you find when you google :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Cataclysm Classic Roadmap - Wowhead

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Yes, whoever wrote that article seems to have guessed and tossed in July. Whoops.


The PTR just got updated and now says Cataclysm instead of WotLK. Maybe they’ll be pushing it soon.

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Well, we’re not even half way through July but I’d expect something to be said in roughly a week.

Yes, it said July specifically.

:roll_eyes: https://www.wowhead.com/cata/news/cataclysm-classic-roadmap-dragon-soul-arrives-january-2025-338611

They put July in there because Warcraft tweeted that it would be in July.


Is July over yet? :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Oh lookie – July is not over yet and what do you know:

Cataclysm Classic: Rise of the Zandalari Goes Live July 30! - WoW Classic / Cataclysm Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


You didn’t recall them saying July specifically so I pointed out that they in fact did say July specifically. No need to get ornery.


You are right I didn’t recall Blizzard saying July – Did they?
I also didn’t need any sort of toxic :roll_eyes: either.

PS: I’m always ornery.

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Blizzard explicitly said July:

📜 Pre-Patch – April 30
🌋 Launch – May 20
🌴 Rise of the Zandalari – July 2024
🔥 Rage of the Firelands – October 2024
🌙 Hour of Twilight – January 2025

The worst part is that Cata is 3 phases!!! and 1/2 of the expansion is P1 according to blizz

Phase 1 BWD , Throne, BoT
Phase 2 Firelands
Phase 3 Dragon soul

I hope that we dont have to wait till OCTOBER for Firelands ZG/ZA are 2 5man heroics that isnt enough to hold people over for 3 months. Based on this time line we are going to be stuck in P1 for 6 months???

P1 - 6 months ( May - October)
P2 3 months ( October - January)
P3 3 months?? ( January - April )

Then what do we get TBC SoD?

I get it’s new content but… It’s not going to make a dent in the player drop. Firelands is too far away yet.

Exactly they think players want to do the same raid with NO legendarys to farm for 6months? Firelands should be the 6 month raid not the 1st raid tier only reason i say that is because it took 3 months to make 1 staff in Cata and most raiding guilds have more then 2 casters!!!

Nobody is forcing you to raid log. Maybe instead of buying gold or taking gold from others that bought it (gdkp). You’d have more to do. Maybe lvl some alts.


Troll patch just means maelstrom prices crash

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Oh well thanks for the update.
I don’t subscribe to “social media” – way too many unsavory people and predatory tracking going on so that is no bueno.

Wake me up…when september ends…

You are expecting 2 dungeons that u will clear on the first attempt that most of the gear will get sharded to stop you from raid loggong?



the only thing that the troll heroics are gonna do is drops the price of Crystals