Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

Yeah, I just play along and don’t think too hard on those topics. :slight_smile:


Meh. After 15 years, there’s only so much to can do with this old engine. After the storyline is done, there just isn’t anything “new” no matter what the coat of paint looks like… not even WoW Candy Crush. I want my flying. Resubbed a month ago and bought the expansion because it is finally being added to BfA.


Mob density is too thick and the amount of HP some of them has is silly. I mean its not hard at all to get caught in a pack of mobs with the same HP as a named silver from the previous content. My DH hasn’t died from it but I could see other classes having difficulty from this and all classes being annoyed it takes twice as long to kill a pack of trash.

Also pretty lame that many of the quests only give 50 rep. I mean was it that bad to give 75 rep for a quest? Are they afraid we might unlock flight and actually have some fun too soon? Is a year without flight not long enough? With the layout I am sure I am not the only one who is ready to fly.


Whomever did the sound design for Naz needs a raise. A big one.


woooah speak for yourself! There’s a large percentage of the population that plays WoW exclusively for the alliance on horde pvp action out in the world and are begging for more warmode/wpvp content. The WPvP Event in Nazj is the only thing i like in 8.2… Soooo please, speak for yourself as you ARE the minority.


I kind of hate to be negative when you ask so nicely.

It’s just that many of us have been doing world quests for what feels like forever and grinding rep for what feels like forever, so it is hard to get excited about more of the same.

To be honest, this model of the game, this Legion or Legion-lite model, isn’t for me. I loved every expac up until WoD and, since then? Not so much.

Clearly though some people like this kind of WoW, so if there are enough players who like it, I guess I need to find a different game.

Anyway thanks for asking for opinions. I do appreciate that.


Yesterday was meh. Today I’m just annoyed as hell because of the horrible wqs and grindy “bounties”. It just sums up this entire expansion. Grind and don’t have fun.


Not gonna lie, at first it was rage inducing. The terrains a pain to navigate, the over abundance of monsters every 5 steps, everything is on steroids in comparison to what i’m used to. I realised that if I approached it like a mythic dungeon rather than open world, it works so much better. Just requires a little more patience and attention, but after doing this for a few hours it’s growing on me. Still frustrating in some instances, but overall i’m finding it entertaining now.


Yea I leveled my DH up because I figured the map layout would be annoying. At least with glide it makes is slightly less annoying. Once I get pathfinder I can actually start enjoying this patch and maybe level up some more alts.

ran around a bit before it dawned on me everything I was doing was kind of pointless then logged out

so now i’m just leveling a toon with irl mates waiting for classic to drop, turns out new content cant save me


A few things:

The idea behind mechagon is what zone design should strive for going forward. If the zones didnt feel so cramped it would be even better. Having variety and a more non-linear structure for a zone is a good thing. This is why I think Nazjatar feels rather bland.

Secondly, showering players with a massive amount of rewards waters down the entire feeling. People like rewards but when you are constantly bombarded with them it gets to a point where you could care less. Having people work towards a specific goal to get a hard to obtain reward feels good and offers the playing that small bit of exclusivity.

Totally blows - I won’t be renewing.

A zone filled with a mix of totally empty spaces or stuffed full of over-stamina endowed damage sponge mobs with maze like terrain, few actual story and combat quests to progress reputation, and a paltry few dailies that are mostly annoying puzzles.

1/10 - disappointed and mad at myself for burning another token.


I resubbed as well for this patch.

We are both floatin in the same boat.

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I have not done much of the patch so far only barely unlocking Worldquest in Naj.

What I dislike so far:

Waterstrider should have been exempted from mount equipment and still had the water walking item applicable to other mounts. I lost functionality on my alts who are sub mount equipment level and that is irritating.

Bodyguard system is mandatory to progress quests and gain essences? Really? In the past I could completely ignore the useless and annoying bodyguard. I don’t want some NPC constantly in my way and yammering on or making obnoxious noise.

Nazhatar zone is tiny. We were told huge zones. Huge verticality in the zones artificially increasing travel time until we get flying is not a huge zone. I hope Mechagon is bigger or at least easier to navigate without flight.

Essence The only one I have was given to me as a dps essence instead of as a healer how I had my loot spec set. Can we please stop giving rewards without choice unless they follow the loot spec? I would have much rather my first essence be for my main spec healer than my dps that I only use for questing.

More of the same quest formula go here kill that. Go there bring back 10 x. Get more creative please.

What I like so far

Nazhatar is pretty


I’m just doing to unblock the flight.


Not even doing the new content, my class got nerfed to the ground while you buff death knights and DH yet again. Why should I?

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Not going to bother unless more real quests with real reputation unlock, or there is an emissary up for the reputation.

Spending an hour trying to navigate a maze to complete a few annoying as hell WQ based on puzzles just to see the bar barely move is rage inducing.


I have some unfortunate news for you…

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Agreed. It is really good

Give it a few days and the daze preventing mount equipment should be common on the auction house for a cheap price. Should make the environment slightly less obnoxious.