Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

Oh you really got me there champ :roll_eyes:

I always love new content and new things to explore and get used to. Nazjatar is pretty cool. Takes a little bit to get used to navigating there but not too difficult to get used to it.

Mechagon though I love the gnomes since my main is one and love the gnome banter etc. but the area itself I think I was expecting more. I saw screen shots and not really sure what I was expecting but to me it just seems like a re-skin of that small area where you first start the quest and open the vault. I was hoping for something that didn’t look like a zone we already have. But, overall, it is fun and I like 8.2.

I’m looking forward to the mega dungeon and raid mostly.

Ironically I didn’t really care for Nazjatar at ALL. … But I’m having a lot of fun roaming around mechagon? I expected it to be the other way around. I will do my dailies and get my reputations but.

Incomplete stories

How did we lose the tidestone?
Where was Jaina AGAIN when the ships where getting sunked in ?


Goodbye? I mean idk what to say. Post on your main for credibility.

Have only turned on Warmode twice this entire expansion and have zero intentions of ever doing so again.
Aside from the overall mod density in the new zones being a pain in the posterior end when getting from point A to point B is concerned it is a decent patch thus far.

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Also this guy is neat!

… I can’t post images but if I could it would be on imgur at YuXrxg4.png

Lower benthic gear ILVL but allow us to farm more pearls as much as we want.

I had so much fun last night. It’s simply amazing to explore the two new zones and get a glimpse of what is possible with this game in the future.

I really appreciated the jump in difficulty in both zones. I actually had to use all my buttons in several fights when I got unplanned adds. I also liked the sand box feeling in Mechagon, and it’s awesome to see goblins and gnomes get to be the stars for once.

Really fantastic work, thank you!


I’m glad some people are enjoying it but I don’t see the appeal. Seems like more of the same stuff I dislike about BfA already.


For all the hype that was put out, im extremely underwhelmed. Im sure that has a lot to do with the ‘rest’ of it not unlocking for a couple more weeks though. Id almost rather have just waited the extra weeks to see ALL of it.
There are very few essences that we can get right now and doing a weekly +10 is mostly pointless because the loot is still trapped back in time. It just feels like an unfinished patch.
Negative points aside, the art is nice as always. I ALMOST like the follower system because it at least adds a little something to doing WQs. I hope to see them more useful in the future though as them just adding a small amount of damage/healing isnt enough. I like Mechagons system of being a more ‘fun’ area that we can use to unlock neat mounts and such.

I hope upon the release of the rest of 8.2, we can enjoy it more. Right now, it just feels incomplete and repetitive.


i am having fun, this patch is really good so far, the only things i hate is the bejeweled and ley line wqs, these 2 are just plain terrible and should not be up at the same time

bored out of my skull


I was pretty bored after a short time. If I did not want flying I would not even go to the new zones. I guess once my month resub is over it will be unsub and wait for 8.3.


Don’t like it. World Quests designed are trash, too hard for the rewards, not worth my time. Note that people complaining about kill x mobs for junk and people complaining about the new WQ are not =. I was just fine with older WQ, i didn’t need to play candy crush or jumping jellies.

The entire essence system has left me confused. I don’t think there could possibly be a worse way you introduced the Heart of Azeroth system and its subsequent “improvements”. PVP balance is something still needing work, nothing i’m doing seems worth the effort. I feel more the need than the want. On a positive note, your cinematics/artwork is always topnotch.


Great other than one quest: Jumping Jellies.

This is the most horrendous decision you guys have made. Not only does latency and lag play a part in succeeding at all, but NO TWO JUMPS ARE THE SAME DISTANCE. How did this even get past your QA team? One jump I’m overshooting everything, another one I can’t even get to them. It’s a HORRIBLE experience and completely uninteresting. I wouldn’t even bother to mention it except I, and everyone else, will be farming for flying and missing a single world quest because of poor development simply isn’t acceptable.


Done with the little bit of RPG elements it had to offer. Now its back to just doing dailies and farming rares. Looks amazing, but other than that its boring.


Too many mobs.

Who was the idiot who thought that was a good idea?

Making it a pain to traverse the map just makes me log off.


Enjoyable so far!

My only request would be to PLEASE have the puzzle quests in Nazjatar phase us out like they do for the turtle quests. It’s so frustrating getting interrupted every 30 seconds when someone charges in with 5 naga chasing them. It just auto cancels the puzzle, and then we have to restart.


I’m currently trying to rationalize why the Alliance is working with Saurfang, the mastermind behind the invasion of Ashenvale that led directly to Teldrassil and Baine who all he had to do was return a corpse to be on Jaina’s good side.


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