So what is everybody up to so far? What have you thought of Nazjatar and/or Mechagon? How many of you aren’t progressing much as you are too busy killing the other faction in Warmode?
In case you aren’t sure of everything in this update you can check out a run through here:
It just feels like more of the same. Two more small zones that are little more than more dailies. 8.2 doesn’t feel like any less of a chore, nor is it any more fun. If anything, the insane mob density makes the new zones even more of a chore than the other zones.
I know yall can do better than this.
Zone design of Mechagon in my honest opinion is where expansion design needs to go going forward. Benthic gear in my opinion should not be able to get up to heroic raid equivalent.
I did content for 3 hours and then found myself jumping around town again. It’s so boring it’s gross.
Edit: TO BE FAIR, despite it being 99% recycled assets, I do like the new Nazjatar zone.
It’s alright, but it won’t save BFA.
BFA didn’t have a content problem, but a systems problem. 8.2 added more content, but didn’t fix any underlying issues.
You guys need to move away from making it hard to play alts by throwing tons of busy work at mains.
Then why does your gear suck so bad? Clearly you did it wrong. 385 gear literally drops off mobs.
I found it really funny after I get the portal open in Nazjatar, Lor’themar worries how we are going to ever get out of this mess.
Dude, portal is right there. 
Its decent, a 7.5/10, there are some improvements that I like but I’m most looking forward to Mechagon dungeon and Azshara raid.
The Gnome Heritage is awesome.
Lol, blizz coming in here to start discussion and have a thing to point to later “SEE!? COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT!” while promptly dropping all discussion about it and after they already see all the negative feedback regarding it.
Past behavior is indeed the best indicator of future, it would seem, despite Ion trying to tell us otherwise.
I feel like the answers to your questions are all over the forum already.
but way to go giving us a 370 weapon as a starting quest reward that I could just go ahead and vendor, because 370 is worthless.
You know it should have been 400-415… and you all lied about it being a bug.
And Warmode at level cap is pointless and annoying.
Working on rep and trying to progress through the war campaign so I can get my heritage armor.
I like the new zone, I like the new Heart of Azeroth abilities, I like the interaction with the little fish-person buddy, I like the quests so far, everything feels more challenging than Kul Tiras/Zandalar has felt, but…
…the mount equipment is DUMB. It would have been something had it been mount-based, but having one character-based mount equipment slot for ALL your mounts is DUMB.
i disagree.
And im enjoying so far, finally some good stuff to do instead of boring expedition. Blizzard nerfed WQ? i stoped play for a week and im not seeing a WQ with gear (i disenchant lol)
I’m enjoying it all except for the Jumpin Jellies WQ. That one is a pain but other than that I’m enjoy things at my own pace. I’m not gonna try to rush rush things but just go with the flow…so I wont feel “burn out”.
The zones are pretty, but poorly thought out and much smaller than was led to believe. There are a lot of really tedious and very unfun quests (looking at you jellies and bejeweled) and some with horrible spawn rates (hungry hungry hydras).
You can very clearly see these quests were not implemented for entertainment but for the sole purpose of keeping online. That 30 second cooldown on the bot re-energizer was most eye roll thing I’ve seen today. Honestly, I can not seem to find anything so far that makes me want to play.
Today, I did 4 quests in Mech, tried the jelly jumping and logged off. I don’t think I am the kind of player you want playing your game.
I have a feeling this thread might not go the way they intended it to. lol
My husband and I unlocked the new zones and did the world quests/daily quests available to us at the time. After that was done, he looked at me and asked, “Is that it?”
After a huge content drought, I’m not sure more time-gated content was the right approach. The progression in Nazjatar in particular seemed to just stop abruptly and gave no indication of what else you should be doing with your time. I wanted more story quests to build up to the hype of the new raid coming soon. Mechagon is a sandbox zone, but it doesn’t seem as intuitive or fun as Timeless Isle was in MoP.
Edited to add: not a fan of the new mount equipment system. Most people will use the waterwalking one by default, especially in Nazjatar. It’s also not clear (in-game) where more mount equipment can be obtained. I have had to research most things in this patch on third party sites because the game doesn’t communicate things very well.
Please remove the jumping jellies daily.
Well when you need to organize a heroic raid and noone wants to go because they handed out Heroic raid equivalent gear get back to me.
They literally killed Normal and Heroic raiding in Rise of Azshara with this very ill informed decision. If Mythic is over tuned then most guilds will be done with this patch once they get the achievement from Heroic and that is it.
Raid participation falls off substantially because of these very poor decisions.
My main is 408, I use this toon on the forum since the forum is per toon and this one is most active. Clearly you don’t realize people have alts /s