Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

I’m enjoying the story. Haven’t had any problems so far, though I thought Nazjatar was going to be an underwater zone like Vash’jir and I’m a little disappointed that it isn’t (or will those waters be allowed to flood the area again? I haven’t gotten very far).

Travelling around Naz is just dangerous based on the broken and twisting ground.

Even if you are taking your time and following the paths, the roads and paths are still not 100% seamless and your mount could wind up airborne very quickly even on a path.

If mob density wasn’t so tight, I might just walk on foot around the zone. But there are some densely packed mob areas and running through those are the best bet.

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I really loved the aesthetics of Nazjatar, I love the music and ambient sounds. I wish this was a full expansion as I loved the theme.

What was a missed opportunity was to have some quests, quest hubs, world quests, rares, treasures, and flight points to be located within the water wall. The flying rays seem out of place and would have preferred the rays to be in the water, flying inside the water wall for all flight points.

The first thing I wanted to do was explore beyond the water wall. The map has a water line, and I assumed you could explore just inside the water wall for a while before hitting an invisible wall. I really wanted to swim up to the top as my druid and explore everything.

I loved the aesthetics of the whole zone, I wanted more quests, more story, wanted to help the gil goblins more. Maybe learn more about the other Arkoan faction for the alliance, who are they? I could play my alliance, but it did leave me wondering.

Next content update, make the water wall explorable please! :slight_smile:


I am enjoying the content so far. However I have gotten stuck in combat several times on Mechagon. The first time it happened there was a mob stuck at 1 health and wouldn’t die. I believe it was one of the rustbolt raven mobs. I had to hearth and go back to the zone. The other times it happened I have no idea how. It did eventually go away but took a couple of minutes. I noticed the same thing happened to Asmongold on his stream yesterday.


Can’t it be both?


Raises hand.

I’m not progressing much because it was a huge let down.

Can the dungeon come out already? I really need the essence out of there.


For me, I like the new zones and some of the content was interesting. I especially liked the new fishing quests on Mechagon. However, the lag was so bad it was almost unplayable at times. The servers don’t seem to be able to handle people being out in the world doing things.

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I’m sure he’s read it.
He’s just talking to the Hordies slaughtering the dwindling Alliance numbers, that’s all.

I suspect it was designed to be an underwater zone, which would make it easier to navigate.

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Well, lol, ya have me there.

It should have been, but I suspect they never found a solution to the problems of underwater combat they experienced with Vash’jir.


^ this. Alt playing is what’s made the expansion bearable for me so far.

Requiring tons of busy work on mains makes the game less enjoyable since I won’t have time to play alts. I’m not asking for less content necessarily, but I don’t think essences should’ve been the solution here as it only adds to the confusion for casual players and is overly convoluted for no real reason.

Clicking through the content to get flying as fast as possible. Thanks for asking.


Was more like to get it out of the way, then having fun doing it, the whole rep grind again thing was just like, here we go again. The two new areas are beautiful. As for War Mode, I don’t use it, not worth my time or the hassle.


It is just buggy and non intuitive enough for me to wonder if the devs actually played it, but not enough for me to be screaming from the rooftops. Except for whoever designed the jumping jellies quest, that guy needs a new career.

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Good luck with that.

Nazjatar is beautiful. My first impression was that it was a slog to move around, but I’m adapting quickly. I am inordinately amused by the giant rays that have gone “meh” to the loss of water and just fly around.

Mechagon building projects confused me at first and I wasted a lot of resources before I started to clue into how they worked. As an altaholic, I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to handle the deep grind, but it’s still just the first day. I want to wander around randomly a little more before I start looking up spoilers on where to find everything.

There were some stability problems day 1 with 4 client crashes (including an island expedition just as it started, but fortunately i reconnected in time). None since the mini-patch.

Haven’t tried the pet dungeon yet, but I’ll get to it by Tuesday. I did a little fishing, haven’t figured out how to get started on the new achievment yet (again, exploring a little before delving into spoilers). I like the layout of the new expedition island although i haven’t actually seen it all yet (it’s going to be a looong time if ever before my alts all get the new essence).

Not a PvPer, so no comments on that side of things. Density of other players around me seemed consistently good: not too few, not too many.

All in all, very nice. I hope I have enough time to play it as much as I want to.


If only heroic warfronts actually worked.

Add benthic weapons, rings and trickets please.

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I haven’t had enough time to really dive in unfortunately, in and out of home to do things. Got some of my alts to unlock the World Quests. Didn’t try mechagon yet. So still lots to do.

One of the first quests were bugged, what I saw of Naz’jatar is really nice… the music is beautiful. The mobs take a little longer to down which is ok… my only gripe for the limited time I spent is quests could of been more interesting.

But boy reading these posts from the ‘‘community’’ makes me not want to visit the forums anymore. :face_vomiting: