Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

I don’t understand the need to gate things by a single day. What’s the point … we’ll all get rank 3 today and finish the quest. What was gained by stopping us for a day other than to annoy players?


Did the dungeons scale already? I figured that wouldn’t occur until the season change.

I expected a slight buff to mobs in the new zones, but it feels like I’m hitting a damage sponge most of the time. I made the mistake of picking the tanking companion yesterday, if he managed to pull threat off me he died pretty fast.


I really like Mechagon. Nazjatar is meh. The dailies is a bit of a kick in the gut and knowing that they’re required to level the followers isn’t fun.

But Mechagon, having a great time there! The randomness of things makes the much smaller map seem more impactful and engaging.


I don’t think the scaling has kicked in, but the actual changes like the TD cannons would have been implemented since they’re not specifically Season 3. I presume FH timer is down too.

I would guess TD was a slog because the cannons can’t be used to clear all that trash anymore, given their limited use.

Apparently so. It’s in these patch notes, under Mythic+ Off Season.

After we did TD 11 last night, we were trying to figure out what in the world was going on. That’s when I found it in the notes on WoWhead. Unless I’m completely midunderstanding what’s stated here – which is a very real possibility since I’m sleep deprived right now, haha.

The cannon change is the worst. I don’t get that at all.

The Essences and Nazjatar are a let down. However, I knew that going in.

Essences don’t really fix the problem with Azerite Gear. You still have to seek out the proper traits if you’re going to min/max and it is a pain either managing multiple gear sets or changing traits to play your classes. Essences are very generic and Artifact Traits Light. The system isn’t very engaging and doesn’t encourage you to really seek them out. If they drop, okay. There were a lot of quests getting essences from Dragons on the PTR. These seem to have been stripped without any way to follow up on them. That is a shame.

Nazjatar is kind of bland. Same Elf ruins everywhere instead of 10,000 years of underwater city and phosphorescent beauty. Really expected more than a copy and paste use of resources. You even reused the “Giant Animal” ambient noise from Zuldazar. The few areas that I have seen with actual Naga architecture really don’t go far enough. While I like exploring and finding paths to get to different places, I can see why people hate navigating the zone as well. Too many levels.

Mechagon is a decent place. I can go there and chase some rares, do a couple quests or fish.


Of the fact that they don’t appear to…

These are tied to levels of the Heart. The 2nd step and 2nd rank of Crucible is available upon reaching Heart level 54. I don’t remember the third level but the final quest and rank are at level 70.

It was already like that on the PTR following the initial essences intro build, when they had them all available at once.

The zones are fantastic and the story is great. I love the new upgradeable gear system. I am just feeling a bit overwhelmed with too many world quests. I am also never having an alt set foot in them until I get flying.

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I’m having fun, there’s soooo much to do.

I will say that Nazjatar is annoying to navigate, though.


Ok so here are my thoughts.

Nazjatar: zone is tiny, dislike that. leads me to think the devs are lazy or budget restrained.

Art: love it, feels immersive

Quests: well the roll out has been rough for me. Couldnt hand in a quest in a line that really grabbed my interest… ruined my night questing wise… also had a bug on a world quest that just wasnt in the building it was marked in… verified that it was not my locating at fault but the wq just wasnt appearing.

As far as the dailies, they were fun the first time… contact me after my 20th run thru…

Too early to comment about much else since i only played a few hours yesterday.

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Sorry … i spent last night still working on PATHFINDER
for WOD… .
so my alts can fly through there.

but yeah… few more days of grinding useless rep and i will be done with that…

I was less inclined to stop and smell the flowers as begin the grind asap for flying. Navigating Nazjatar sucks. It gets less annoying when the whistle is upgraded, though. I do like the overall interaction in the quests and how doing the big circle around the zone led me to one little side story after another and I appreciated that. One small detail I liked a lot was the falling ship at the beginning when you enter the zone. It was a nice touch and made the environment look more alive.

Story wise, I have no idea what Azshara is doing. I feel like Trial of the Crusader where this is a weirdly elaborate ploy that’s funnier than it’s intending to be. Does anyone remember the old joke about Kul’Thuzzad, Anub’arak and Arthas all discussing how to set up a trap for the heroes and the need to put a pool of water below the arena so they don’t fall to their deaths for some reason? haha
Thanks for adding the bodyguard, though I still miss my buddies from Legion.

Mechagon feels like Timeless Island. I assume that was the intention? I wasn’t really a fan of Timeless Island. I like the look of the zone and the story is fun. Again, just really wanting to grind to revered, but the zone itself is far less frustrating to navigate. Are there supposed to be dailies there? I didn’t seem to unlock any.


I enjoyed it because it was something new.

I disliked it because it was more of the same.

It’s embarrassing that the art team carries the gameplay team every. Single. Patch.
Honestly, the Mage Tower alone was probably the single most enjoyable, challenging, and engaging thing this game has ever implemented, and nothing like it is anywhere to be found this expansion.
Not even that, but you could’ve tied similar reward to Mythic+ that you’ve been so eager to make an eSport, but no, not even Mythic+ has any worthwhile cosmetic/character rewards other than plain gear.

This patch could’ve been something greater (especially on release) with some genuinely rewarding content and goals to strive for, but this mistake is seemingly made every single time.
You want to increase your time played metric?
Give us goals, not chores.


I remember hearing someone say “this is the biggest content patch we’ve done outside of an expansion.”

Im scratching my head… where is the content?


More time gated content, that’s what I though of it. Keep killing your game, it’s fun to watch


I see. I guess I better get to work on Paragon boxes if I ever want to see level 70 then.

gated sadly


art team carrying the story team is all i have to say about this patch