Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

Your post history this morning is replying to every topic on the forums just to get a rise out of posters. You can add me to that list.

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I liked it. Maybe you are just done with mmos


I would say that it’s easier to have all the feedback in one thread, than in a bunch of others. Just a thought.

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I haven’t made it to Mechagon yet… but… to be honest so far it’s just meh. Some of the quests are just horrible (Jumping Jellies, I’m looking at you).

The mob density is also borked. It’s pretty though, if very confusing to navigate.



played for about an hour… was not suoer blown away, just more of the same “chores”.

also mob scaling… i get it… but as a 420 ilvl mage, i really should be killing mobs so much faster… whats the point of gear progression, if it does not make the daily mundane tasks go significantly faster??


I played for maybe 5-7 hrs today. Hunted around for pearls and did some exploring. I think Najatar feels/looks quite evocative. To the Art team again, hats off guys.

The gripe I have is the matter of time gating. Never cared for that. Make the pearls harder to come by so it isn’t just a ‘I’m done for the day’.


Warmode On at any time other than while leveling is a pointless annoying experience.


The art team did an amazing job in Nazjatar. Everything is so beautiful that I spent like 4 hours yesterday exploring while doing the quests. I had an absolutely fantastic time. (As an aside, I was expecting to make a beeline for Mechagon to start working on the wheel mount. But Nazjatar’s beauty was distracting enough that I postponed the wheel mount lol)

That said, I’m concerned about the longevity. It was mostly looking at all the beautiful touches that kept me going through the zone. When I reach the point where I’ve seen it all before, I’m not sure how engaged I’ll be.

I spent all my time in Nazjatar so far, outside of unlocking Mechagon. As others have said, it’s really too early for overall impressions. But I did have a blast running around yesterday.


Awesome so far but goodness I hate getting pulled out of the bejeweled daily because I get pulled into combat. I sit there setting up a 5 in a row chain and then the naga respawns and rips me out.


The Candy Crush mini game is simply one of the worst experiences I have ever had in World Of Warcraft. I don’t think I can accurately put into words my disdain for it. Especially having done one to find the reward is bag unique and having to do it again. Claw my eyes out.

The iLVL nerf was a surprise.

The preview videos I watched certainly had me expecting better things, I cannot recall one of them mentioning Candy Crush.

I re-subbed for this patch … so i still got 3 weeks to evaluate.


Nah man, I love WoW at its essence and had the most fun with Legion. This expansion just has sucked since a month after drop, barring a couple good weeks after each raid drop.


I was just talking to a buddy of mine about this; I think it should be confusing to navigate. Nazjatar was at the bottom of the ocean until… a few minutes ago. There’s not going to be well-defined roads and markers and the like at the bottom of the ocean where most creatures will just swim where they need to go.


Nazjatar was a bit shorter than I expected? Some of the quests were pretty annoying (Getting one of each collectable without any hints as to where specific collectables were wasn’t great), but I liked the Gilgoblins who were a lot more friendly than I anticipated.

I also got a spooky whisper, not sure if that’s due to the Gift or not, but I’m always a fan of those.

Sadly couldn’t do much killing in Warmode: Alliance outnumbered my server drastically, and the PvP event ended in our slaughter pretty much all day. Went back to Newhome to see it overwhelmed with Alliance. So, eh, the zone looks and sounds great, it’s just I was kinda hoping for more. Maybe more will come when the patch is a bit older.

I haven’t done Mechagon yet, going to get started on that when I get home, though. I’ll have a more well-formed opinion then.


Counter point: They don’t read it anyway, so does it really matter?



I did most of the intro stuff for both Nazjatar and Mechagon. Ran through the first set of WQs I had in Naz. Didn’t see any WQs in Mecha though?

I disabled Warmode because I prefer to do primary story content uninterrupted.

  1. I love Mechagon. Make more zones like that one!

  2. Not a big fan of Nazjatar. It’s beautiful aesthetically, but gameplay-wise it’s very challenging, so far as the terrain goes. I’m not a big fan of the twisting and turning pathing required to get around; not to mention the sudden falls to my death when a little crack or crevice I missed shows up and I fall through. I had a similar dislike for Broken Isles (and Argus to an extent) for the same reasons. They look amazing, but they make ground travel awful.

  3. I like having a follower i can “rank up” a bit, although only having geyser-plugging quests for him was kinda dull. I hope there’s more variety in that today.

  4. I like the punch-card trinket socketing trinket.

My only real complaint right now is that A.) I can’t queue up for Heroic Stormgarde and B.) there’s too many items to carry around for Mechagon.

I’m also kinda overwhelmed with the crafting stuff in Mechagon. There’s a lot of weird stuff I’m picking up around the zone, like crafting recipes for that robot/machine thing, that I haven’t paid any attention to. I turn them in and make whatever the quest-givers want, but outside of that its seems kinda useless.

I do like the Upgradable Token gear. Benthic I think it’s called. Helps me fill out the pre-400 ilvl gear I still lug around. (Q - where are the 400+ weapons at?)

I like the WEIRD stuff.

Like feeding the carnivorous plant, which then tries to eat you.

Or tossing chum at a pool of eels.

Weird stuff is my favorite WoW stuff.

Overall, I like it. Nice to have new stuff to run around in and new toys to play with.



Questing, dailies, WQ’s, new area, this is the kind of thing I generally enjoy. And under pretty much any other circumstance I would be having a lot of fun. But as it stands now all of this is just another pile of crap I gotta get done before I can fly.


I tried it and I hate it. It’s heartbreaking for me to say because I waited for this patch for a longtime but it highlights everything I hate about wow now CRZ,sharding, and azerite.

I don’t even care about flying


I like nazjatar a lot, mechagon less so. It’s annoying, on Horde side at least, how out of the way the port to mechagon is.

Needs more wq in both zones, a lot more.

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How many of you aren’t progressing much as you are too busy killing the other faction in Warmode?

Ya know, I have to wonder if you just posted this without reading a single topic on the forum. The first page has multiple threads about how broken and unfun Warmode is in the new content…


LOL it’s more like maybe WoW is just done being an MMO