Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

I like the aesthetics and atmosphere of Nazjatar. I don’t know how to get to Mechagon. For now though the entire thing is on the backburner for me.

I need to get through the War Campaign on this character (I did it on my Warlock to unlock Mag’har so I could make this guy so I could make it my main so I could do everything else). I also need to finish grinding Zandalar Empire rep to exalted and complete the Final Seal for a 2 hit combo on the BFA Pathfinder 1 achievement and working toward unlocking Zandalari Trolls.

Once I finish the desert storyline, get Zandalar Forever, and after doing my Zandalar Empire dailies everyday I’ll probably venture out to Nazjatar more. I liked the cutscenes though and absolutely super duper LOVED the cinematic called “the pact” where you see Queen Azshara make the deal to become Naga with N’Zoth. That was incredible. I really like the Highborne ghost city too.

Overall it feels like underwater bioluminescent Suramar in a way. I wish it was more city and a little less ocean type decoration but I enjoy the zone overall.


i liked logging on to 27 alts to find the new PvP talent nag tab… Not.


I think it’s pretty good really, but it’s too early to say.

I’m not sure what some people expect. 2 new zones with definite rewards. I feel like some of the quests are too grindy for the reward though (75 rep, 20 spare parts).

Overall I like it so far but we’ll see how I feel in a couple weeks. I would have liked to see a new mage tower type thing. Brawler’s Guild isn’t enough.


I spent hours in Naj last night trying to clear the map of quests and get the most rep I could. I am glad I could stealth most of it since it was densely packed with mobs.

In Mechagon I was able to clear up through the contribution to a project quest before I had to log.


I find Mechagon and Nazjatar to be okay for what they are, the art team is S (Above A+) tier as usual. The content itself is underwhelming and the gating is still annoying and arbitrary.

Doesn’t really address BFA’s core problems at all.


THe old be careful what you ask


Nazj seems fine. Quests and bodyguard feel like a step up compared to WQ’s so far in BFA. Looking forward to Mecha as I hear that’s more fun.

Biggest problem is the puzzles quests. A quest started up last night that had us line up 5 yellow runes. Seriously Blizzard? I didn’t want to play Bejeweled in WoW. It takes far too long to complete this kind of quest. Obliterate it.


I like both zones. Rustbolt is favorited. :slight_smile:

Some people upset about a 7 year old mount…
Some people upset about a 370 not being a mythic weapon…

The “bejeweled” wqs are buggy imo. Or i just suck at them.

Nice CONTENT PATCH even though some think its a new expansion.


There is a Goblin in Nazjatar that starts your Mechagon quest.


I resubbed to play the new zones.

It is alright. I guess yall got me for a month.


*** Edit ***
Additional context:

I am enjoying the new fishing nodes, no idea if it leads to anything else fishing wise.
Crafting in general seems to be a bit more… more.
Not a fan of that punch card trinket… or the things I have to plug into it. (cough primary stat cough cough)

I gave my weapon woes a throw on a second reply below this one.

Hope that helps.

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Very nice looking

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Horrible experience. I would rate it a 1/10 and I really mean that. I get that WM is optional and there’s always the option to turn it off; HOWEVER, it’s simply not fun when Horde (clearly) have a much higher percentage of people in Nazjatar with WM on. Yes there are PVP solutions to PVP problems, but it’s not even realistic. How do you explain 40man multiboxers or ever WQ I go to (even non-elite ones) there are 10-15 horde and maybe a few alliance? I don’t know what kind of technology is being used or how sharding is determined but it seems that it’s constantly out numbered.

Horde want Alliance in WM, true

The problem is that there are too many horde so Alliance turns off WM.

Nobody wins in this situation and it only makes objectives more difficult.


I’m honestly not sure why you made this thread. There’s plenty of feedback all over this forum, and I’m sure you’re aware that most of it is negative. Do you actually intend to respond to player concerns?


Relative to previous major content patches, this is underwhelming.

Kindly consider that before acting like the backlash is unwarranted.


I am extremely resentful that you locked flying behind this Nazjatar zone. I very much dislike the area. I don’t like wasting hours on quests like I had to yesterday between low drop rates and low respawn rates.

I agree. It feels like he can’t be bothered or is fishing for other answers.


What little I got to play I have enjoyed. I like BFA as an expansion and think it may be getting a raw deal from people. People like what they like though. Speaking of that… I do not play platform jumpers. WoW is not a platform jumper. Please stahp with jump quests.


Only played for a couple of hours last night but I enjoyed it. I really liked the zone design of Nazjatar, I love that it has so many different levels you have to traverse.


It’s decent.

Started in Nazjatar, the opening quest line was cool, you actually felt a sense of danger. And then it just all stops after you set up camp. The story doesn’t continue, and you’re stuck grinding dailies and WQ’s that feel a bit disjointed. Essentially, it was a great flow that lasted maybe 30 minutes and then it just kind of stops.

Honestly, after spending a few hours in Nazjatar and tired of grinding, I went to do the assault in Vol’dun. More players there, the world PvP was much more in action, and I had a ton of fun and felt much more engaged. I find it bad that I’d rather do that than explore the new zones…

My last gripe is that sharding felt completely off in the new zones. Tons of horde/alliance imbalance, and also the fact that even my party members would phase in and out from me.

I’m going to try Mechagon tonight and see how that goes.


Meanwhile every Mechagon shard I’ve been in is 90% Alliance with the Alliance regularly camping people INSIDE the main town. Subjective experience is subjective. It’s not entirely the faction balance, it’s how shards balance themselves.


Well clearly that’s a problem too, but let’s be honest anyone playing horde can list a group in group finder and immediately get 40 people to join.