Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

The essence system is great for dungeons, islands, raids, and pvp… doing the same rep grind on 4+ characters is awful, especially for people that just want to PvP with some friends and not really “main” a class.

I have a mage/rogue friend I just want to PvP on my priest with, I don’t really want to do 2 weeks of dailies on him just so I can compete.

Rep grind essences should be account bound, imo.


I’m proud of you guys for killing me when I didn’t move out of a circle when fighting an elite. Seriously. Often the world/quest mobs will have mechanics that don’t do anything, for instance, the bat Loa quest in Nazmir does a lot of fancy raid warnings that don’t hurt.

Is this a result of scaling where you can’t go to an easier “green” quest or mob if the current one is too hard? Everything has to be scaled to easy or else some people can’t do it?

I would have liked to see season 3 with the patch so there would be new rewards for dungeons or pvp because most of the repeatable content is on hold.

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So far that was my favorite thing too.


Tbh i’ve done all of the content already on both islands, already capped on islands, have all of the essences you can get week 1. Idk why you guys just didn’t get us mechagon. I just get to spend time farming rares for the next 2 weeks because there’s actually 0 to do in the game :slight_smile:

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I feel like no matter how much you innovate with the content at this point the playerbase will not be happy with it because they’re already burned out on the expansion. If this patch were released in legion it would be extremely well received.

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An alt boost salesman? Let’s say you don’t boost, it takes what, 2 days to get a max level?

You missed the point.

Alts are useless if no class is fun and no content is compelling. It’s not an alt thing. It’s a game thing.

Faction imbalance with WM on just wrecks the entire experience. Blizzard needs to pay attention to faction balance when populating shards.

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I’m having an OK time. Being kept busy. I’ve not been able to play much, as I’ve been working this week and not feeling all that well. The art as usual is really amazing. I am really liking Kelfin and their story. Nazjatar seems fun too, for sure. The war campaign however I’m working on now and just… it really does seem like MoP 2.0. We’re going to yet again have another crazy/dead warchief, and it’d be nice for the Horde to not be divided for once or have the Alliance actually do something questionable.

Took me roughly 5-10 minutes to do Jumping Jellies, I’m not really upset about that quest like many others, though I can understand the frustration. I haven’t really done much in Mechagon due to time issues.

Summary: It’s fun, I guess. I don’t hate it. Doesn’t have the usual magic that I feel with new patches, though. 8.1 didn’t feel all that great either, though. This feels a bit more fun than 8.1, I guess. Gameplay-wise, nothing much has changed there, feels like. I’m just… not really as excited as I used to be with the game. Legion I was having so much fun. A blast. I enjoyed almost every moment… I was motivated.

The story in this expansion, like the main one, it just keeps letting me down. I’m a big story and lore person, and to just be slapped with the same bad story with a different coat of paint is meh. At least Legion’s was BC but amped up. If we’re going to do that, at least give us a death expansion with a bit of depth like Lich King.

Edit: Yep. I sincerely hate the war campaign. This is absolute nonsense. Saw the cinematic, absolutely hated it. Once again, Garrosh 2.0. They even said it themselves, we were in the same location, yada yada. We side with Jaina, the murderer of innocent blood elves during the Purge of Dalaran. Doesn’t bat an eye when we have to kill that Magister, either. Just…wow. Wow.

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Class changes when?

PvP vendors when?

I can’t believe that you guys are still going with, “we’re afraid that players will pick the wrong gear.”

WoW players min-max at all aspects of the game, you really don’t think we can choose a piece of gear correctly?


Content is fun and the Azerite is an improvement, but seeing as nothing else was fixed I’m predicting the same old problems of:

-Atrocious gearing from PVP
-BiS items from PVE required for PVP
-Over rewarding for low end players (why can benthic gear even be heroic quality? lol)

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I’m enjoying it, but I wish there were more pvp world quests like we had in Legion.

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It gives me something to do. Glad for another pvp event

I feel 8.2 is more of the same, repackaged and served to us as if it is something new. Did you guys play the game? Did you enjoy it? It’s boring, and it feels like Argus again. It just wasn’t interesting at all.

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  1. The environments visually look good for the most part.
  2. The punch card items are a neat idea I like it.
  3. Mob density is off in Nazjatar.
  4. The cut scene in Nazjatar was great.
  5. Mechagon appeals to me more of the two zones, but I don’t know why.
  6. Dalies in Mechagon could have been something a bit more interesting.
  7. PVP in Nazjatar is extremely unbalanced. I saw a horde score today that was 0/2000 I’m not kidding. Alliance have basically quit.
  8. Looking forward to the mega dungeon.

What I don’t like about this expac though is how my class plays and that hasn’t changed at all.


I enjoyed both zones, the quests and even the gating since I played for 8 hours yesterday and 6 hours today, def need breaks.

I however disliked the absurdity of mobs scattered everywhere. My favorite thing is wpvp while questing but as a Marksmanship Hunter I cannot kite ANYTHING. It’s almost infuriating. I cannot do what my spec is designed to do in any area of Nasjatar. I cannot kite 10 mobs because I’ll aggro more and they hit hard. Even feign death feels useless more often than not because of my bodyguard.

As I said I love wpvp but I can’t kite enemy players because I’m getting perma snared by mobs or get killed because of mobs hit so hard which I don’t mind that they hit hard but the combination of all these mobs and enemy players is mind boggling.

I hope all these mobs wasn’t placed to enable the use of the mount equipment and the one item that lowers aggro radius plus flying to justify it. It’s tedius and these items have no use in combat and the feeling I get whenever this happens isn’t “oh I need to get these things” It’s more like my spec is useless.

You think I can stand still and pull from a far if an ally is beating on me? You think my scatter shot or freezing trap vs 3-4 mobs or going to work when the enemy player is also getting beat by mobs? You think its worth while using disengage when more than likely you end up pulling more mobs? Even when fully aware of everything around you the decision becomes I’ll go this way because there are less mobs in that direction.

Misdirecting to your pet is also much less impactful as my pet is getting reamed in the butt. Killed much faster than usual which in itself isnt a problem but having a patrol aggro for the umpteenth time is like, bruh.

Maybe other specs have it easy and that’s cool and all but damn yo.

Feels even worse being MM now than it did before the patch. I did not think that was possible.

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It actually felt worse than what we currently have.

I’m the kind of guy that does world quests everyday and for the first time in 15 years, I’m thinking it’s time to hang those boots up.

Both zones felt bland, the world quests felt annoying, pathing was frustrating, story was meh…

What have you been doing for 6 months…


Nazjatar is riddled with issues. I am having issues where I get disconnected at random spots and have to reconnect and slowly move my character away from that spot to play the game again between disconnects.

Agreed, this makes the equipment hardly feel like I am customizing each mount. I just slap water walking on so my water bug works as intended again and while it is nice all of my mounts will water walk… what happens if I want to use a different kind of equipment? Water walking goes bye and I be stuck paying more gold to get it back.

I like the atmosphere and the art team once again seems to be carrying more then their fair share. I would have liked to maybe see giant fish swimming around in the water walls around Nazjatar. Some places though it is hard to tell where a quest giver is and I will restate like some others have said the mobs can get irritating. So yeah navigating is a head ache. I have not been to Mechagon either.

This too, now I am not ‘epic raid best in slot leet geared’ but I figured I could stand up to mobs in BFA zones on my own so I can handle this ok at least. Nope! It was like getting hit by a wrecking ball just doing the introductory quests.

Very much this, wish I could upvote you more Lugg. I cannot wait to fly at this point but I know with the time-gating that is not happening anytime soon… plus we got even more rep to grind.


It’s a hit or miss Bornakk like it’s okay, but at this point the game really needs to look different next expansion. Professions, Talent Trees, Pvp Balance, Class balance, Character Customization, Transmogrification being able to wear event attires and all armor. Practically a new overhaul to compete with GW2 and ESO system.

I’d like to have back gag order and shattering throw so I don’t have to be forced to team up with another class just to wait on them to do it. Better to have other classes to counter one another than just primarily a few.

The patch is 6.5/10 for me until more is added and that even includes character customization / transmogrification fun.


Mechagon 11/10, should absolutely be a template for future content.

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